
Summary: God is light. He makes his disciples to be his servants and gives them the mission of being light to the nations. His servants have to listen to people and to God. Be channel of blessings to disburse the free gift of salvation.

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Theme: God’s servants are the Light

Text: Isaiah 42:1-9


Greetings: You are the servants of God. You are the Light to the world.

The Lord is good and his love endures forever. We began this year with the first order and command of God, ‘Let there be Light’. We have meditated about the Gospel Light, God is light, and Let your light shine. Today, I would like to share with you that we are God’s servants and we are the light to the World.

At the outset, let me explain who is a servant of God. Then I will do the expository of today’s passage divided into three subdivisions, such as Isaiah 42:1-4, 5-7, and 8-9. The servants of God are expected to establish justice on earth, bring new life to the world, and establish the glorious state of God.  

Servants of God

The Hebrew word ‘tamak’ refers to the English word ‘Servant.’  Tamak means to grasp; to hold; or to support. Yahweh holds his servant in an affectionate embrace, supports him, and gives him what he needs to succeed in his Godly endeavors. Servants act on behalf and not on their own. The servant is not limited to human means to accomplish the mission to which Yahweh has called him. Yahweh has invested him with Yahweh’s ruah. Ruah is a creative and energizing spirit (Psalm 104:30). The servant is a God-inspired, God-directed, and God-empowered person. God delights in such his servant.


1. Servants of God to establish Justice (Isaiah 42:1-4)

Observe the Text:

God has chosen us to be his sons and daughters. He has chosen us to be proudly known as his children. He is delighted in us and has put his spirit upon us. Servants are suffering servants but joyfully accepted tribulations and problems. Their strength is in Christ. Jesus is another symbol of justice. He never bruises the reeds. He never smolders the wick. He will bring forth justice to the needy. He will establish justice on earth. The coming of Christ and the entry of the gospel of Christ will bring hope to the nations and islands.



The servants of God are God’s gift to the world. The servants are God’s covenant and light to the nations (Isaiah 42:6). This servant is chosen by God and a source of delight for God. God will place God’s spirit upon this servant. So, that this servant is able to bring forth justice to the nations. Servants of God are God’s earthly representatives, God’s chosen ones, as workers of justice in the world. Through reading Isaiah 49:3, we understand that the servant is none other than Israel.


Christians have typically seen accepted the servant in Jesus. Because of his life, ministry, death, and resurrection, it was well-established and preached for generations. Jews have understandably gravitated or settled toward the communal interpretation and viewed the nation Israel as a servant to the world, a light to other people. So, it is no more an individual but the community. As churches, not just as individuals, we are God’s servants to the world (refer: Tyler Mayfield, Working Preacher).


Most of the time, we define justice in a narrow, wrapped up in our own feelings, thoughts, perspectives, and opinions. Our approach to justice is to benefit us in some way or the other and is self-serving. We want justice based on what we think is good. However, our ever-changing definitions of a good lead to corrupt or incomplete justice. Human justice itself is unjust.


To bring justice means bringing people into the right relationship with Yahweh and with each other, and these right relationships produce righteous lives. The right behavior is a natural outgrown of the right relationship with God, who is the ultimate righteous one.  Justice means just behavior which requires witnesses to be honest and impartial (Exodus 23:1-3, 6-8), and special consideration for widows, orphans, and other vulnerable people (Deuteronomy 24:17), doing justice is a basic duty of any faith community (Micah 6:8).


The “bruised reed” and the “dimly burning wick” are metaphors for people who are vulnerable. Yahweh repeats it again and again so that we cannot miss its importance. Justice is the servant’s mission—and we can assume that it is the mission of every servant of God—every disciple of Jesus. (Refer: RICHARD NIELL DONOVAN, sermon writer).


2. Servants of God bring New Life (Isaiah 42:5-7

Observe the Text:

God created the heavens and the earth. he brought living things, plants, and planets. His mighty arms and acts had done greater things for the universe. On daily basis, God gives breath to the people and provides to all those who walk on the earth. We exist, and we breathe all because of the acts of God. The Lord God holds our right hands and leads. He made a covenant with all of us. He makes us a light to the Gentiles. God’s servants bring life to the gentiles, and to fellow believers. The servants of God are expected to bring life-changing experiences to the hearers, congregations, and listeners. New life comes through miracles and wonders. The new life comes through release and freedom.

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