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  • Isaac

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 19, 2022

    How does a father feel, sacrificing his son, to war, or to a cross? Abraham faced that test, and passed. What could Isaac have been thinking during his father’s trial of faith? Let's look at Isaac's faith.

    Isaac was the son of promise, yet Abraham was tested. How does a father feel, sacrificing his son, to war, or to a cross? Abraham faced that test, and passed. What could Isaac have been thinking during his father’s trial of faith? “And Isaac said to his father Abraham, ‘My father!’ And he said, more

  • God Of Isaac Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Dec 7, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    We hear their names thrown around, but do we know why it is so important to know our Godfathers? What can we learn from them? We hear their names thrown around, but do we know why it is so important to know our Godfathers? What can we learn from them?

    The Godfathers Pt. 3 - God of Isaac I. Introduction The movie, directed and written by Francis Ford Coppola and released in 1972, is considered to be one of the greatest films of all time. The film paints a chilling portrait of the Corleone family's rise and near fall from power in America more

  • Isaac’s Fruitfulness

    Contributed by Rolando, Jr Pama on Oct 1, 2024

    Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the LORD blessed him.

    1. OBEDIENT TO GOD Genesis 26:1-2 1Now there was a famine in the land—besides the previous famine in Abraham’s time—and Isaac went to Abimelek king of the Philistines in Gerar. 2The LORD appeared to Isaac and said, “Do not go down to Egypt; live in the land where I tell you to live. 1 Samuel more

  • Jacob's Deception Of Isaac Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Dec 1, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Jacob's deception of Isaac in Genesis 27:1-45 teaches us God's sovereign, redemptive will is always done, in spite of any person's opposition to it.

    Scripture Last week we began a series of sermons on "Isaac's Descendants." In our first lesson we saw that Isaac and Rebekah had twin sons, Esau and Jacob. As a young man, Esau despised his birthright and sold it to his twin brother, Jacob. Later, Jacob deceived his father, Isaac, and received the more

  • Isaac Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jun 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Today I want to talk about Isaac, son of Abraham, who was unstoppable

    Unstoppable! Genesis 26:13”The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous..” Rafael Nadal smashed Novak Djokovic when he won his seventh French open title in Paris on Monday. He has won so far four Grand Slam crowns. Phenomenal feat! We also have more

  • God Blesses Isaac (Genesis 26)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jul 4, 2024

    We all face potential family problems. The patriarchs were no exception. Let's look at Isaac's family in Genesis 26.

    The patriarchs had all the normal family problems that most of us experience. It seems there is always trouble in the human sphere, someone we don’t get along with, someone who brings trouble of some kind. Yet, in the midst of troubles there is faith. Is there also faith in us? Let’s look at more

  • From Birthright To Blessing. Isaac's Blessing Over Jacob

    Contributed by William Akehurst on Jul 22, 2024

    GOD chose to show HIS Grace and Mercy through an imperfect family, in order to bless those who will put their trust and faith in HIM.

    2024.07.21. From birthright to blessing. Isaac’s Blessing over Jacob. William Akehurst, HSWC BIG IDEA. GOD chose to show HIS Grace and Mercy through an imperfect family to bless those who will put their trust and faith in HIM. SCRIPTURES: Genesis 27:1-46, Genesis 28:1-5, Romans 8:8, John 8:44, more

  • Isaac: The Child Of The Promise Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 30, 2022

    Isaac is portrayed throughout his life as a man of faith like his father. When we read the account of Mount Moriah we do not specifically read the reaction of Isaac. But we get the idea. If Abraham is trusting God with this, then so would his son Isaac.

    Abraham was a man of faith. God spoke to Abraham on numerous occasions. Five times in Genesis records Abraham building an altar to God. The Altar at Bethel The LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.” So he built an altar there to the LORD, who had appeared to more

  • Heavens Hero Isaac & Jacob Series

    Contributed by Joe Hayes on Nov 25, 2008

    To conform or not to conform you can also listen at

    Heaven’s Heroes, Isaac & Jacob Isaac and Jacob were both looking for the fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham, they were both close to death yet they continued to act in faith, confident that God would bring to pass His sovereign plan. The accounts of Isaac and Jacob in Genesis are both filled more

  • Blessings And The Blessing Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 24, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    You cannot despise your birthright and receive the blessing.

    Blessings and THE Blessing (Genesis 25:34, 26:34, and 27:1-40) 1. The Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower were not the first to celebrate Thanksgiving in the New World. Several groups before them had done similar things. 2. But the Plymouth Rock Thanksgiving is the one we model our celebration more

  • Birthrights And Blessings Series

    Contributed by Douglas Vincent on Mar 17, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Birthrights and Blessings in the relationship with Isaac and Rebekah; and their sons Esau and Jacob.

    Genesis 27 Family Last week we talk about our inheritance from our parents (politically, psychology, behaviorally, and Spiritually). Looking at the relationship between Isaac and his parents. This week we are going to talk about Birthrights and Blessings in the relationship with Isaac and more

  • Isaac's Act Of Faith Was Total Belief That What-Ever God Says Is True. Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jun 13, 2015

     Isaac pronounced a blessing on both sons to do with things to come. --- This was done by faith in God Who had revealed these things to him; Isaac believed fully that God would accomplish all that was here prophesied.

    # 11~Issac Hebrews 11: 20 SS 8-17-14 Gen.25:19 -33 -- Gen.27: Today we'll continue our study of Hebrews 11: - the "hall of the faith" chapter, listen as I read our text verse, it's to do with the faith of Isaac. more

  • The Isaac Harvest

    Contributed by Apostle Bobby Hogan on Sep 21, 2011
    based on 17 ratings

    in the midst of famine and lack, one man believed God and went into overflow and abundance "you can too if you follow his example " Learn the secret of the Isaac Harvest"

    “Then Isaac sowed in that land, and received in the same year an hundredfold: and the Lord blessed him. And the man waxed great, and went forward, and grew until he became very great: For he had possession of flocks, and possession of herds, and a great store of servants: and the Philistines more

  • Isaac's Turmoil Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Apr 9, 2016

    From jealousy to deceitfulness, Isaac's life was in urmoil.

    In 1840 Nathanael Hawthorne wrote a story titled “The Bosom Serpent.” The story is about a man, once happy in marriage, which had been separated from his wife because of jealous suspicions. He would sometimes hold his hand to his bosom and lowly chant, “It gnaws! It gnaws!” more

  • The Birth Of Isaac

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 11, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The coming of Isaac into their home brought both joy and sorrow to Abraham and Sarah. As you look at the persons involved in this important event, you can learn some valuable lessons about basic Christian doctrine and how to live the Christian life.

    May 19, 2014 Preaching Through Genesis By: Tom Lowe The Birth of Isaac. Gen. 21:1-7. Genesis 21:1-7 (KJV) 1 And the LORD visited Sarah as he had said, and the LORD did unto Sarah as he had spoken. 2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had more

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