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  • Angels: Images Of God's Providence Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    How the angelic appearances around Jesus’ birth demonstrates God’s providence

    (adapted from a series from Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY) TEXT: SELECTED TITLE: “ANGELS: IMAGES OF GOD’S PROVIDENCE” OPEN: A. As human beings, we tend to associate certain images with certain concepts 1. For almost 2000 years, one of the main ways the church more

  • The Star: Image Of God's Guidance Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jan 21, 2008

    How the star demonstrates God’s guidance for our lives

    (adapted from a series from Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY) SERIES: “IMAGES OF CHRISTMAS” TEXT: MATTHEW 2:1-12 TITLE: “THE STAR: IMAGE OF GOD’S GUIDANCE” OPEN: A. You may or may not now that I belong to a sermon study group --We’re a group of preachers who more

  • The Manger: Image Of God's Grace Series

    Contributed by Michael Luke on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How the manger demonstrates God’s grace

    (adapted from a series from Southeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY) SERIES: “IMAGES OF CHRISTMAS” TEXT: LUKE 2:1-7 TITLE: “THE MANGER: IMAGE OF GOD’S GRACE” OPEN: A. Most of us have heard the story of the first Christmas more times that we can remember. 1. I’d like more

  • Sermon # 6 - Image Of God Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on Jun 5, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Human beings are created in the image of God and the question is, ‘How are we representing the Lord as His children?’ Only those who understand their true identity in Christ will be able to reflect Him the way they should.

    We read in Matthew 22:20, He asked them, “Whose is this image and inscription?” (WEB) Jesus asked many questions to people in several situations, and we are meditating on a few of them. The question that we are considering is from the above mentioned verse where Jesus asked “Whose is this image more

  • We Are Made In The Image Of God PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Nov 1, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores God's intimate knowledge of us, His presence in our lives, and the value and wonder of life as His cherished creation.

    Good morning, family. What a joy it is to gather here, in this place, in God's presence. We're here to share, to learn, and to grow. To be filled with His word, His love, and His truth. Today, we open our hearts to Psalm 139. A beautiful passage, full of hope and wonder. It reads, "O Lord, you have more

  • Empty Images Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on May 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Part 2 looks at the different relevant ways we cast images of God.

    Exodus 20:4-6 Empty Images April 26, 2009 SLIDE 4 "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children more

  • Glory To God

    Contributed by Barnabas Park on Jan 25, 2017

    God created us in the image of God for His glory, but they failed in glorifying God. Jesus came to save us so that we may live for His glory.

    “Glory to God” (Luke 2:8-14) And in the same region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with great fear. 10 And the angel said to them, “Fear more

  • In Whose Image?

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Oct 14, 2014
    based on 43 ratings

    Some .have taken Jesus' words as a starting point to building a theology of two kingdoms. A theology of how earthly governments and God are supposed .to relate. Beloved this passage is not about two kingdoms. It is about two images. Updated June 2018

    A Little Boy desperately wanted $100.00 buy some toys ...and prayed to God ......for a whole week, ...but nothing happened. So, ... he decided write a letter to God...requesting ...the $100.00. When the Post Office got the letter addressed to God ......they forwarded it on ... to the more

  • God In Man's Image Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 24, 2021

    Even before man knew of God the Son, the Father was described in terms of human characteristics. The reason for this is obvious, for there is no alternative if man is going to have any intelligent concept of the nature of God.

    A young boy afraid of the dark called for his mother to come upstairs to his bedroom to be with him. She came and sought to comfort him by telling him God was there with him, and so he didn't have to be afraid. He was all right for a while, but then he called her again. When she came up he more

  • Facing The Broken Image Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Apr 14, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    How the image of God is marred by the Fall

    FACING THE BROKEN IMAGE Genesis 3.1-11 What do you see when you look in the mirror? One of the most remarkable things about people is how little insight they have to themselves. We are often able to see flaws in other people that we are blind to in ourselves. We are often able to have insight more

  • Image Is Everything! Series

    Contributed by Johnny A. Palmer Jr. on Dec 7, 2011

    We cannot begin to appreciate just how precious it is to be a human being created in the image of God.

    Intro: 1. Sailhamer, "The creation of humanity is set apart from the previous acts of creation...whereas throughout the previous account the making of each creature is described as "according to its own kind," the account of humankind’s creation specifies that the man and the woman were made more

  • God's Image

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on Jan 30, 2001
    based on 106 ratings

    Judging other

    Genesis 1:27 We are the image of God, how we have distorted His image. The world put’s so much importance on the outside, the way people more

  • Ten Commandments: No False Images Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Jan 8, 2019

    False (mostly mental) images of God distort him, and harm us. Recognize how false images might come to us, and replace them with a true image of God from the Bible, especially Christ.

    NO FALSE IMAGES—Exodus 20:4-6, 32:1-6 (I began with a children’s sermon: “Can you draw God? Why not? God is more than we can describe!”) Read Exodus 20:1-6. (Note to preacher: NIV 1984 has the unfortunate translation “idol” not “image,” which sounds more like a different god. NIV 2011 more more

  • In Whose Image Are You

    Contributed by David Rogers on Jun 2, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon that discuss why we were created in the Image of God.

    In Whose Image Are You Genesis 1:26-28 Prayer Introduction The assertion [that human brings were made in the image of God] confirms the genuineness of each man’s freedom. Experience tells us that we are free, in the sense that we make real choices between alternatives and could have chosen more

  • God In Man's Image

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 10, 2021

    Most people need a concept of God that can be embodied in some kind of a mental image. This is why the Bible is filled with what is called anthropomorphism. That is a big word that simply means the picturing of God in the form of a man, and with characteristics of a man.

    A young boy afraid of the dark called for his mother to come upstairs to his bedroom to be with him. She came and sought to comfort him by telling him God was there with him, and so he didn't have to be afraid. He was all right for a while, but then he called her again. When she came up more

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