
Summary: This is the 3rd Sermon in the Series, "In The Beginning".

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Series: In The Beginning… [#3]


Genesis 1:26-31


The Bible tells us that we were created in God's image. This means that we are special and valuable, and that we have a unique relationship with God. It's not just about how we look, but about who we are on the inside. When we understand this, it changes how we see ourselves and our place in the World. It reminds us that we are responsible to care for the Earth and to treat others with kindness and respect.

Genesis 1:26-27


1. In God’s image.

This simple idea from Genesis tells us a lot about ourselves. It means we have incredible value and a special purpose because we are like God. We are made to show off His amazing qualities like love, wisdom, and creativity. We are not just ordinary beings; we have intrinsic worth because we are made to connect with God, to know Him intimately, and to be in fellowship with Him. God's declaration reminds us that we are called to share His love, justice, and kindness in the World. Even when we mess up, we can still show who God is.

Being made in God's image has a huge impact on how we live. It helps us see how valuable we are, no matter what happens in our lives. We should never put ourselves down. We should love ourselves because God loves us. Also, we should show God's love to others. We can help people speak up for those who are treated unfairly or simply be there for someone who is struggling. When we act like God, we understand that we are showing our lives. This special idea from God has real-life power to change us and the World around us.

Genesis 1:28


2. For a relationship.

The Bible says God made us in His image, and a big part of that is being made for relationship. Think about God Himself- He is not just 1 Person; but Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, all in perfect love and connection. We are made to be like Him. We are built to want to know God and to connect with other people. This is part of who we are, and it shows us how important it is to be in community and to care for each other. In a World where people often feel alone, knowing we were created for relationship gives us hope. It reminds us that we are not meant to go through life on our own; we are part of something bigger.

So, what does this mean for us? It means we should make relationships a top priority. We grow closer to God through prayer, reading the Bible, and worship. We also need to invest in our relationships with family, friends, and the people around us. This means reaching out to others, even when it’s hard. As we live this way, we will find more joy and a greater sense of belonging- The kind of life God wants for us. When we live this way, our relationships will show the love of God to a World that really needs it.

Genesis 1:28-30


3. To work and rest.

The Bible says we were created to work and rest. This is not just a command to work hard, but it also says that God works hard to create and care for us; and then takes a break. This shows us that it's ok to work hard and do our part, but we also need time to rest and relax. God rested on the 7th day, showing us that this balance is important for living a healthy and happy life.

When we understand that we are meant to work and rest, we can avoid getting caught up in either too much work or too little. We know that our worth and value come from both our hard work and our ability to rest and worship. We are called to use our time and resources wisely, doing meaningful work that helps others. At the same time, we need to make time for rest, reflection, and connection with God and those around us. By finding this balance, we honor God and live a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Genesis 1:31


4. With a purpose.

When God finished creating the World in 6 days, He said it was "very good." This means that everything, including us, was made for a reason. As people created in God's image, we reflect His love and character. Our purpose is to show God's glory and love to the World. Being made in His image gives us worth and a special role in the World, and it's our job to live out that purpose and honor God.

So, how do we live out our purpose as people made in God's image? 1st, we need to remember who we are and that our value comes from God, not from what we do. As we live out our purpose, we will have different roles and responsibilities, like helping others, serving our community, and sharing God's love. We will face choices every day: to live for ourselves or for God. We need to trust God's plan and purpose, even when it's hard. When we submit to God's will, we will discover our true potential and find joy and fulfillment. This will help us make a positive impact on the World and reflect God's love and character in all we do.

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