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Sermons on hunger and thirst:

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  • Awakening: Stirring Up Our Hunger For God With Fasting

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 24, 2014
    based on 2 ratings

    If we want to see an awakening take place in the church today, one of the best things we can do is to stir up our hunger for God by fasting.

    AWAKENING: STIRRING UP OUR HUNGER FOR GOD WITH FASTING OPENING TEXT: “Therefore He says, Awake, you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” (Eph. 5:14, NKJV). • We need an awakening! I want a church that’s hungry for God. • I want a revival more

  • All Who Are Thirsty, Come

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Dec 8, 2021

    Scripture is filled with the truth that we are to find the satisfaction of our spiritual thirst in God.

    All Who Are Thirsty, Come Isaiah 55:1-13 Introduction “To hunger and thirst for God is at the very root of our being. It’s the way God made us. When there is no hunger for the presence of God, it is an indicator that something is wrong spiritually.” - Dave Butts Scripture is filled with the more

  • Living Water Series

    Contributed by Richard White on Jan 30, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Many go through life spiritually dehydrated. Rituals, creeds and the like do not fill us. Only Jesus can give us this fulfillment when we learn to worship in Spirit and in Truth.

    Living Water John 4:4-26 Recently one of the major denominations met in Columbus to debate, of all things, whether or not Jesus Christ is the one true Savior of the world. Is he the universal Savior or might there be several? What about the other world religions and their claims? Some people more

  • The Oasis

    Contributed by David Nolte on Jan 5, 2021

    When we thirst in the desert, God provides an oasis.

    The old song made famous by the Sons Of The Pioneers, describes a man and his mule trekking through the desert. The sun is hot, the journey is long, the canteen is empty and the outlook is grim. He laments: “All day I’ve faced a barren waste Without the taste of water, cool water. Old Dan and I more

  • Hunger Sickness - Hunger Games - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Aug 4, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Hunger. . . We avoid it. We refuse to endure it. Now lack of hunger has bled into our spiritual walk. It is time to become hungry again!

    The Hunger Games – Pt. 2 Hunger Sickness Intro: Last week I laid down a gauntlet so to speak. I challenged your hunger level. I declared to you that unlike the folks discussed when Jesus fed the hungry crowds that our issue isn’t a supply issue it is a demand issue. We have not because we ask not. more

  • "bread Beyond Bread"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Jul 21, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about making the decision to believe.

    “Bread Beyond Bread” John 6:24-35 I have read that in 19th Century China, and perhaps all over Asia, there was a name given for people who came to church for one reason and one reason only—because they were hungry for material food. They converted to Christianity, were baptized, joined the more

  • Hunger For Supernatural Breakthrough

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Mar 22, 2009
    based on 25 ratings

    Do you feel like you are stuck? Are you in need of a breakthrough in your life? We need to stir up our HUNGER for God.

    THE KINGDOM #3: HUNGER FOR SUPERNATURAL BREAKTHROUGH (March 2009 – Beausejour Church – Pastor Chris Jordan) THE BIG IDEA: Do you feel like you are stuck? Are you in need of a breakthrough in your life? If we want to experience a supernatural breakthrough in our lives, we need to stir up our more

  • Important Things That We Must Do Today

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jan 7, 2007
    based on 18 ratings


    IMPORTANT THINGS THAT WE MUST DO TODAY ****************************************** OUTLINE 1.THANK 2.TELL 3.THINK 4.TURN 5.THIRST 6.TOIL 7.TRUST THE MESSAGE IMPORTANT THINGS THAT WE MUST DO TODAY ****************************************** 1.THANK We must have a heart of gratitude for more

  • Quenching Thirsty Souls Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Jun 18, 2018

    Message 9 in our journey through Exodus. This message explores the incident of water from the rock.

    Chico Alliance Church Pastor David Welch "Quenching Thirsty Souls” Exodus 17:1-7 REVIEW What God attempted to teach Israel about pursuing His promise through the wilderness of a fallen world, we need to learn. The experiences that Israel faced on their walk through the more

  • Understanding Christ's Thirst SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    "I thirst" is a statement from the cross that was only recorded by John in his gospel. I believe there were at least three reasons why God inspired John to record that statement. This sermon explores those three reasons.

    Last week, we explored the fourth statement from the cross, where Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" This cry revealed the spiritual agony Jesus experienced as He took on the sins of the world. Today, we will focus on the fifth statement, recorded only by John in his more

  • Come Thirsty

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Mar 31, 2022

    Have you ever ate food that did not satisfy your hunger or drank a drink that did not satisfy your thirst (John 6:35)? Just as that can happen in our physical bodies it can also happen in our spiritual hunger.

    COME THIRSTY Text: John 7:37 -39 It has been said that there are four kinds of thirst. “… Physiologists . . . use Greek-based words to describe stages of human thirst. For example, the Sahara Desert is dipsogenic, meaning thirst provoking … eudipsia, "ordinary more

  • How God Prepared The World For His Son Personally And Spiritually Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Nov 22, 2018

    Shows how God put the hope of a universal Savior and the disgust with idolatry and cruelty into the hearts of Gentiles to get the world ready for Jesus

    HOW GOD PREPARED THE WORLD FOR JESUS PERSONALLY “And the Lord opened up her heart to respond to the things spoken by Paul.” Acts 16:14 Lydia was a Jewish business woman and she became the first recorded convert in Europe. In that town God saved a demented slave girl and a Roman jailor. They more

  • #4-Jesus Came So We Can Know God Series

    Contributed by Jerry Blaxton on Mar 22, 2010

    Fourth in a series leading up to Easter about why Jesus came.

    Sermon Notes Series: Why Did Jesus Come? Sermon: #4-So We Could Know God Scripture: Philippians 3:4b-14 God’s desire all along for man has been that man would know and love God and have intimate F_______________ with Him. I. We cannot know God or become the people God wants us to be through the more

  • The Spirit As Streams Of Living Water Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Jan 27, 2025

    Another amazing role of the Holy Spirit is to be a stream of living water that flows from within those who put their faith in Christ. We must be thirsty and drink before we will experience the refreshment.

    A. The story is told about a man who got himself lost in the desert and began to search for water to quench his thirst. 1. After countless hours searching, he came upon a well with a big opening at the top. a. He peered down into the well, but couldn't see a thing down there. b. He looked more

  • The Gospel In The Seven Sayings Of The Cross—pt. 6 (Spiritual Thirst) Series

    Contributed by Bobby Mcdaniel on Oct 19, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Christ thirsted for more than water on the cross. He also thirsted for our salvation. We must thirst for him the way he thirsts for us for us to be truly satisfied.

    1. Introduction a. This morning as we continue our series The Gospel in the Seven Sayings of the Cross we focus on Christ’s fourth statement made from the cross. b. In the statement we will evaluate today, Christ demonstrates His knowledge of scripture. He also demonstrates His humanity and more

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