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  • The Holy Spirit Poured Out

    Contributed by Gary Stebbins on May 27, 2008

    The purpose of this sermon is to examine who the Holy Spirit is and how He works in the lives of believers. Thoughts taken from an article by Jack Hayford, "Symbols of the Holy Spirit."

    The Holy Spirit Poured Out Introduction We have been experiencing somewhat of a drought in that it has not rained significantly for some time. Evidenced by the fires in PB that destroyed 42 homes. Be thankful- the drought has not been as serious as many the world has experienced through history. In more

  • The Holy Spirit Poured Out Series

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on May 5, 2022

    Blowing wind, tongues of fire, and people suddenly becoming bilingual.

    God Is … The Holy Spirit Poured Out May 8, 2022 Acts 2:1-4 NIV When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire more

  • Poured Out Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Feb 3, 2017

    The "already/not yet" nature of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Who’s ready for some pop culture trivia this morning? In the 18-49 age group, what has been the highest rated TV series for the past two seasons? The Walking Dead. In case you’re not familiar with it, The Walking Dead is about some people trying to survive a zombie apocalypse. Who knows more

  • God Pours Out His Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Jun 16, 2011

    Pentecost - The Lord God Almighty pours out his Holy Spirit. This is God's gracious gift for all flesh. This is also God's glorious gift for salvation.

    GOD POURS OUT HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Outline) June 12, 2011 - Pentecost - JOEL 2:28-32 INTRO: On the day of Pentecost the Lord poured out his Holy Spirit in a very special way. The Holy Spirit has always been involved with mankind since the very beginning of time. Without the Holy Spirit more

  • The Holy Spirit Comes

    Contributed by James Allen on Jun 14, 2023

    God pours out His Spirit on His Disciples.

    Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave instructions to His disciples. (Act 1:4) On one occasion, while he was eating with them, he gave them this command: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. (Act 1:5) For John baptized more

  • God Pours Out His Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Apr 11, 2011

    PENTECOST (A) - Our gracious God freely pours out his Holy Spirit. This is our gracious God's glorious Gift and practical Gift.

    GOD POURS OUT HIS HOLY SPIRIT (Outline) May 23, 2010 - Pentecost - JOEL 2:28,29 INTRO: God’s gift of the Holy Spirit provides faith in the hearts and for the lives of every believer. Those who lived during Jesus’ earthly ministry did not always understand the truth that more

  • What Does The Holy Spirit Do?

    Contributed by Dennis Fox on Jul 16, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Ever wonder exactly what the Holy Spirit does? He has way more tasks than we have ever imagine!

    Who is the Holy Spirit? I think back to my days in Sunday School learning about the Trinity. For me, it was easier to understand the Father and Christ, his Son. They were easy to imagine. Afterall, how many pictures from the Renaissance depicted them. Just look at the Sistine Chapple. But more

  • Generously Poured Out

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Sep 13, 2013

    To prove that the HOLY SPIRIT was poured out on us lavishly and richly super-abundant

    I. EXORDIUM: Is the HOLY SPIRIT generously poured out on us? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that the HOLY SPIRIT was poured out on us lavishly and richly super-abundant IV. TEXT: Titus 3:6 (Amplified Bible) 3:6 Which He poured out [so] richly upon us through more

  • A Mother In Israel

    Contributed by Larry Grant on May 14, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    You see, it isn’t by our numbers, wealth or strength that gets the job down; it is the power of the Holy Spirit alone, “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.”

    Judges 5:6-9 A MOTHER IN ISRAEL May 14, 2023 The book of Judges is a gritty, dirty history book. It is filled with sin, violence, and the judgment of God. In the text before us today, we are introduced to two women who were used by God in great ways, for his glory. Those women are Deborah and more

  • Renewed By The Holy Spirit Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Oct 1, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians need to interact with the world to reach the world with the gospel. They need to be good citizens of a generally hostile system without compromising their faith.

    TITUS 3: 1-7 RENEWED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT [Romans 13:1-7] Christians have been changed and are different than we once were, yet we still need to be reminded of who we are and what has been done to us and how it was done. Christians are to be in the world but not of the world. Christians need more

  • Come Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on May 17, 2024

    It was on this day, in the Book of Acts, that the Holy Spirit was poured out on 120 Followers of Christ who were gathered in an Upper Room at Jerusalem. It was on this day that the Church was born in a “Blaze of Glory.”

    OPENING ILLUSTRATION: Play the video on “Holy Spirit.” The word “Pentecost” designates the 50th day after Passover, which was a Feast Day. Also known as the Feast of Weeks or Feast of Harvest. It was a time when Israel celebrated Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God. It was on this day, more

  • "Pentecost: A Pouring Out” Series

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jun 17, 2014

    The pouring out of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost was promised and portrayed in the Old Testament.

    "Pentecost: A Pouring Out” Acts 2:14-21 OUTLINE: I. Old Testament Pouring Out 1. Water (1 Sam. 7:6)- turn to God in repentance. 2. Dust or Dirt- (2 Sam 20:15, Isa. 37:33, Jer. 6:6, Ezek 4:2) 3. God’s Wrath: (Isa 42:25)- Points to the bowls in Revelation. 4. Oil- consecrated more

  • I Will Pour Out My Spirit Series

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Mar 10, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    To establish that Joel’s prophecy that Jehovah “would pour out of His Spirit upon all flesh” was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost upon all nations and for all generations. To clarify that there was only one "out pouring" of the Holy Spirit.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Announced Out Pouring 2. The Actual Out Pouring 3. The Alleged Out Pouring Remarks. 1. In this lesson today we will be discussing the theme: “I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh.” It will be clear at the conclusion that this prophesy was fulfilled on the Day more

  • I Will Pour Out My Spirit

    Contributed by Ron Freeman, Evangelist on Jan 10, 2016
    based on 31 ratings

    To establish that Joel’s prophecy that Jehovah “would pour out of his Spirit upon all flesh” was fulfilled on the Day of Pentecost upon all nations and for all generations. To clarify that there was only one "out pouring" of the Holy Spirit.

    INTRODUCTION Outline. 1. The Announced Out Pouring 2. The Actual Out Pouring 3. The Alleged Out Pouring Remarks. 1. In this lesson today we will be discussing the theme: “I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh.” It will be clear at the conclusion that this prophesy was more

  • God Pours Out His Spirit

    Contributed by Hans Krause on Oct 19, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    On Pentecost, God reversed the process of division and confusion around the tower of Babel, as he poured out his Spirit. The Spirit gave the disciples words of praise and proclamation to speak in languages that all could understand. How does that Spirit work today in our lives and churches?

    [Sermon preached on Pentecost (Whit Sunday) / 3rd year, ELCF Lectionary] Last Tuesday in our Bible study group, we studied the story about the first Christian Pentecost from Acts 2. It was a refreshing experience to hear someone read some verses in Chinese. Most of us could not understand them, more

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