Sermon Series
  • 1. A Job Description For God’s Messenger

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Some truths about some of the challenging aspects of trying to be a messenger for God.

    A Job Description for God’s Messengers: - I’m going to keep this broad and include all of us who are called to share the good news of Christ. There would also be an avenue for preaching this sermon as the call of a preacher but I think the truths here are good for us in general. 1. We speak what more

  • 2. The Gift Of Thick Skin

    Contributed on Mar 13, 2024

    This peculiar passage gives us a poignant picture of the need for tenacity and determination in the face of opposition to the message of God.

    THAT'S A SURPRISE: Sometimes God needs His people to be hardheaded. - Ezekiel 3:8-9. - This passage continues the ideas we discussed in the last sermon about God’s messengers. It had a warning from God that the Israelites claimed to be God’s people but they weren’t listening to what God had more

  • 3. When What God Asks Seems To Be Too Much

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2024

    This passage challenges the self-centered "gospel of self-fulfillment" that is too often proclaimed today. What does it mean that God wants us to focus on the "gospel of kingdom fulfillment"?

    A HARSH STORY: God gives Ezekiel a task that overwhelms him. - Ezekiel 3:14-15. - 2 Corinthians 1:8-11; 2 Corinthians 4:7-10, 16-18. - This is a tough story and it’s going to lead us in this sermon to some difficult points. - We’ve been talking for the first two sermons in this series about the more

  • 4. The Responsibility Of The Watchman

    Contributed on Apr 12, 2024

    A challenging passage on the essential responsibility of the spiritual watchman. How does this idea apply to today?

    IN ANCIENT DAYS: There would be a watchman on the city wall to warn of impending danger. - Ezekiel 3:17. - 2 Samuel 18:24-27; 2 Kings 9:17-20. - In ancient times there was literally a watchman on the city wall, scanning the horizon for danger. When an army appeared, the quick alarm spread by the more

  • 5. The Antidote To The ‘kindly Grandfather’ God

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This passage is a stark contrast to the "kindly grandfather" image of God that many had. What are the specific ways that shows up here?

    JUDGMENT-FREE ZONE: Many people like to think of God as a kindly grandfather. - Ezekiel 5:1. - There is a popular conception of God as a kindly (and slightly senile) grandfather in the sky. He’s not going to rebuke you for anything you’re doing. He’s going to ask if everyone had a good time. And more

  • 6. When Money Isn’t Valuable

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2024

    This verse depicts a scene where formerly-valued gold and silver becomes worthless. What can we learn about money from this scenario?

    EZEKIEL'S PROPHECY: There will time when money won’t be valuable. - Ezekiel 7:19. - Earlier in the chapter (vv. 1-6), multiple references to the End. Other references in this passage to economic instability (vv. 12-13 on property). - Disaster and catastrophe will come upon this people. This more

  • 7. When The Glory Of God Departs

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2024

    The departure of the glory of God from the Temple was a milestone event. Was God forsaking His promises to Israel?

    - It’s worth noting as I get started this evening that this is a wild chapter with a lot of interesting and unusual details. Those parts of the chapter are worth a Bible study unto themselves to unpack those meanings. This sermon, though, is not that Bible study. - Instead, we will be focusing more

  • 8. God’s Response When The Prophets Start Lying

    Contributed on Aug 27, 2024

    This chapter is rich in details of what false prophets look like, what the practical consequences of false prophecy are, and how God will respond to false prophets.

    - [This is more of a Wednesday evening study. Lots of points.] WHAT MANY PRESUME: If the religious leaders are saying it, it must be from God. WHAT DOES THEIR FALSE PROPHECY LOOK LIKE? 1. It’s out of their imagination. - Ezekiel 13:2, 17-18. 2. They follow their own spirit. - Ezekiel more

  • 9. Two Steps To Trouble

    Contributed on Sep 4, 2024

    An interesting "two step" phrase is repeated three times in this passage. It gives us insight into how what we believe in our heart creates hurdles in real life.

    TWO STEPS TO TROUBLE: 1. AN IDOL IS A SUBSTITUTE FOR GOD THAT WE PUT ON OUR HEART'S THRONE. - Ezekiel 14:3, 4, 7. - The triple repeat is interesting and significant. - An idol is the start of the problem. It’s a substitute God. - Let’s look at three examples. We’ll start with this step more

  • 10. When Do We Take Pleasure In The Death Of The Wicked?

    Contributed on Oct 21, 2024

    A look at the ways we have allowed the culture war to make us hate those God called us to love as well as put secondary things first.

    - [Maybe put this made-up passage up on the screen or in the sermon outline.] - Imagine that there is a Romans 17. (I’m not going heretical here - this is just a thought experiment with a point.) Imagine that at the end of Paul’s letter he shared some additional advice. - Let’s say that Romans 17 more

  • 11. When We Ignore The "signs"

    Contributed on Oct 24, 2024

    This verse points out that the Sabbath was intended to be a sign but that Israel wasn't actually obeying it. What are some ways we do similar things today?

    GIVE ME A SIGN: God says here that the Sabbath was intended as a sign. - Ezekiel 20:10-12. - These verses tell us that God brought Israel out of Egypt. He gave them the Mosaic Law as a path toward life and peace. And one of the signs He gave them was the Sabbath. - What exactly does it mean that more

  • 12. Why Is There So Little Fear Of God’s Judgment Today?

    Contributed on Nov 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    This passage gives us an example of people not ready for God's impending judgment. Why today are so many equally unready?

    NOT CONCERNED: Why is there so little fear of God’s judgment today? - Ezekiel 21:7. - It’s without question that today there is little fear of God’s judgment. There’s little belief in Final Judgment but only a vague hope of a heavenly reunion. The idea that we are somehow accountable for the sin more

  • 13. When Christians Try To Predict The Future

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2024

    The ancient phrase "examine the liver" tells of a Babylonian way to try to predict the future. We can shake our head at that, but there's a way we do the same thing today.

    “EXAMINE THE LIVER”: This was an ancient Babylonian process to try to discern the future. - Ezekiel 21:21. - I’m quite confident that I’ve never heard a sermon on this obscure phrase in this obscure corner of the Bible, but I think it’s interesting and sets up an important point about prophecy more

  • 14. When There Is No One To Stand In The Gap

    Contributed on Nov 18, 2024

    God makes a stunning statement here: there is no one left to stand in the gap on behalf of Israel. What does this passage tell us about the specific shortcomings of the people of God and the prophets of God in that day? And can this text encourage us today to stand strong amid a dark hour?

    OFF-TRACK: The American church is far from what we should be. - I think this is largely beyond dispute, so I won’t belabor the point. - Let me simply share one proof that I think is instructive. - When you look at the early chapters of Acts, there are many people who are coming to know Jesus. The more

  • 15. Is God Unjust To Ask Such A Sacrifice Of Ezekiel And His Wife?

    Contributed on Nov 20, 2024

    The tragic death of Ezekiel's wife is caused by God as a sign for Israel. Is God unjust to ask such a sacrifice?

    WHAT DO WE DO WITH THIS? Is God unjust to ask such a sacrifice of Ezekiel and his wife? - Ezekiel 24:15-27. - This is just a tough passage, but it’s one that points us to an important truth that often gets overlooked in the American church. Let’s start by unpacking this passage and then we’ll more

  • 16. A Biography Of Satan

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2025

    This passage is one of the major Biblical passages in giving us information about Satan. What do we learn about him here?

    - This is considered one of the major Biblical passages in giving us details about Satan. Of course, it is written to the king of Tyre but the details (which we’ll unpack in the sermon) give ample reason to think this passage has two meanings. - The first is a straightforward prophecy about the more

  • 17. A Little Too Eager For The End

    Contributed on Jan 14, 2025

    Sometimes we look at the evil in the world and cry out, "Lord, come quickly!" What are some things we need to consider, though, before issuing that cry?

    EAGER FOR THE END: One important Biblical prayer is “Lord, come quickly!” - Revelation 22:20. - The KJV has this verse as “come quickly.” What is the meaning there? We live in a world of heartache and turmoil. In many times down through the centuries the church has been under severe persecution. more

  • 18. When We Decide Evangelism Isn’t For Us To Do

    Contributed on Jan 22, 2025

    This is a passage about a watchman. The analogy fits with our responsibility today to share the Good News. Unfortunately, that's a responsibility we often neglect.

    OPTIONAL? Many Christians do not see evangelism as a responsibility. - Ezekiel 33:1-11; Matthew 28:16-20. - [Unpack the responsibility to share but not the “blood on our hands” part.] - Unpack the passage and the responsibility that is put on the watchman. Explain the watchman analogy in that more

  • 19. When We Think God Has Failed Us

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2025

    Israel loves what Ezekiel has to say, but they don't obey His teaching. What does God have to say about that?

    WHY DID GOD FAIL US? Israel was shocked that God had let them down. - Ezekiel 33:21-24. - This passage as a whole is God giving an explanation to Israel of what’s going on because they are nowhere near an accurate understanding of the situation. - Verse 21 opens the passage with the reality of more

  • 20. What Can I Expect From Christ As My Shepherd?

    Contributed on Feb 19, 2025

    The abject failure of the shepherds of Israel point to a Good Shepherd who will actually care for Israel.

    SCATTERED: God has concern for the weak sheep. - Ezekiel 34:4-6. - Matthew 9:36. - Let’s start with the accusation that God is bringing against the shepherds of Ezekiel’s day. - Just so we’re all on the same page: we obviously are not talking about literal shepherds. Rather, we are talking about more

  • 21. When God Is Not Doing It For Us

    Contributed on Feb 20, 2025

    God tells Israel that He is not doing this for their sakes but for the sake of His name. What can we learn from that?

    THE PROBLEM: God’s name is being profaned among the nations because of God’s people. - Ezekiel 36:22 (“My holy name, which you have profaned among nations”), 23 (“My great name, which has been profaned among the nations”). - The Hebrew word for “profane” here can also mean “defile, pollute, more

  • 22. When Things Look Hopeless

    Contributed on Feb 26, 2025

    We frequently look in other directions to try to see spiritual transformation for our churches. Our only hope is a move of the Spirit, who can bring the dead to life.

    DRY BONES: There are moments that seem hopeless. - Ezekiel 37:1-3a. - The immediate context here is the life of Israel. Things had become hopeless for them. - Their disobedience had led them to a place of despair and defeat. As they looked at their ability to stand up to their enemies, the army more