Sermon Series
  • 1. Our Living Hope

    Contributed on May 1, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    In the introduction to the letter to Titus Paul states his reason for living. Paul lived for the faith of believers and to give them the knowledge of eternal truth. The purpose of our life also needs to be defined if we desire to be focused

    TITUS 1: 1-4 OUR LIVING HOPE How would you like to be personally discipled by Paul the Apostle? Obviously Paul can't physically disciple us, but he did disciple others. Titus is one of Paul's disciples and Paul wrote a book to him to help disciple him. As we study this letter to Titus, more

  • 2. The Qualifications & Responsibilities Of Pastors

    Contributed on May 8, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Paul reminds Titus of his mission on Crete. He was to solidify a witness for Jesus Christ by appointing leaders. All church leaders are to meet the standards set forth here & guide others to greater maturity in their relationship with Christ.

    TITUS 1: 5-9 THE QUALIFICATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF PASTORS Paul here reminds Titus of his mission or what he would have him accomplish while in Crete. It was no small job for Paul wanted Titus to carry out the arrangements which would organize the churches there. He starts off with more

  • 3. Dealing With Rebellious Teachers

    Contributed on May 15, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Apparently they were many Cretins who contradicted the sound teaching of the faithful Word so here Paul gives God's wisdom for dealing with those who refuse to submit to the sound teaching of the Word of God.

    TITUS 1: 10-16 DEALING WITH REBELLIOUS TEACHERS Paul has just told Titus to hold, against all attacks, the faithful Word and to use its teaching to grow others in sound doctrine and in refuting those who contradict (v. 9). Apparently they were many Cretins who contradicted the sound teaching more

  • 4. Saved By Grace

    Contributed on Sep 11, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    In our passage we find the actions that one takes when he is striving to give himself to Christ as God requires in His Word. By the grace that is the believer¡¦s through his salvation, every man can purify & adorn himself as God requires.

    TITUS 2: 11-15 SAVED BY GRACE [1 Timothy 2:4-8] Last week we learned that we adorn the Gospel by our behavior and actions (2:10). But why should the Christian pursue this respectable and dignified life? The grace of God is the reason why every member of the God's forever family can and more

  • 5. Renewed By The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on Oct 1, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Christians need to interact with the world to reach the world with the gospel. They need to be good citizens of a generally hostile system without compromising their faith.

    TITUS 3: 1-7 RENEWED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT [Romans 13:1-7] Christians have been changed and are different than we once were, yet we still need to be reminded of who we are and what has been done to us and how it was done. Christians are to be in the world but not of the world. Christians more

  • 6. Engage In Good Deeds

    Contributed on Oct 2, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    Being engaged in good deeds we will avoid foolish controversies & divisiveness and live a fruitful life. The only evidence the unsaved world has that we belong to God is our godly lives & the deeds God does through us.

    TITUS 3: 8-15 ENGAGE IN GOOD DEEDS The result of the kindness, love, mercy and grace of God is hope. We draw on the riches of God in this life while looking for the blessed hope of Jesus’ return (v. 7). Those that have received these riches and hope in Jesus will live godly lives more