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  • Evangelism Is A High Calling But It Is Not For Us All.

    Contributed by Gordon Mcculloch on Nov 3, 2014

    Summary: We are all called to preach the gospel, and be a witness for Christ; yet many find this difficult, I especially, so how do we proceed in this high calling. Read on!!!

    This sermon was delivered to St Oswald’s in Maybole, Ayrshire, Scotland on the 2nd November 2014 (a Scottish Episcopal Church in the Dioceses of Glasgow and Dumfries). Summary: We are all called to preach the gospel, and be a witness for Christ; yet many find this difficult, I especially, so more

  • Hinds' Feet For High Places

    Contributed by Larry Grant on Jun 18, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Samuel records David’s last song written as King. He struggled as a husband, father, warrior, and king, and yet in the history of a people, God calls only him, “A man after My own heart.” David, now at the end of a legacy, leaves for us a song of praise.

    2 Samuel 22:29-37 (KJV) "Hinds' Feet for High Places" June 18, 2023 This song of David is a word for word quote of Psalm 18. The Prophet Samuel records this as David’s last song written as King. He is a father that has just faced a rebellion where Adonijah one of his older sons tries more

  • Jesus Our Great High Priest

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on May 22, 2018

    Our Great High Priest – Hebrews chapter 4 verse 14 to chapter 5 verse 10 – Sermon by Gordon Curley PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Question one: Who is this Great High Priest? Question Two: What does this Great High Priest have to offer? Question Three: Why does he qualify as our Great High Priest? SERMON BODY: Ill: • John H. Starkey was a violent British criminal. • He murdered his own wife, then was more

  • A High Priest Of Good Things To Come.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jul 18, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    "But Christ..." (Hebrews 9:11).

    A HIGH PRIEST OF GOOD THINGS TO COME. Hebrews 9:11-15. This short passage is the high point of the writer’s comparison between the old covenant and the new. In an argument from the lesser to the greater, the chapter commences with a demonstration of the limitations of the access to God allowed more

  • Jesus High Priest (Hebrews 2)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on May 19, 2024

    Do we pay close attention to what Jesus taught so that we don't drift? Let's discuss this in Hebrews 2.

    Must we pay much closer attention to what we have heard about Jesus, so that we do not drift? How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? Did Jesus taste death for everyone? Is Jesus ashamed to call us brothers and sisters? Did Jesus partake of flesh and blood so that through death He more

  • Christian - Hold Your Head High

    Contributed by John Huyser on Sep 3, 2024

    In the face of Elon Musk and other public celebrities mocking Christianity and where shedding faith is celebrated, Psalm 45 offers Christians the reason to hold our heads high.

    While every wedding a pastor officiates at is special, there are those from my days in Jarvis, Ontario that immediately spring to mind. To begin with, Jarvis, Ontario students proudly wear the moniker of Hicks. Compared to the other city high school students, the Jarvis Hicks come from Southern more

  • Keep Your Salt Levels High Series

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Sep 28, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    Why Wikipedia beats printed encylcopedias. How doing the hardest thing (what's that?) can help lift our spirits when we are low. And how that fits not just with Jesus's saying about saltiness but with the rest of today's bible readings. A sermon from September 2015

    Have a taste of this [hand out teaspoon of salt to someone in the front row] “If salt loses it’s saltiness with what will you season it?” I have two things that I would like to draw out of today’s texts about ways in which we can lose our saltiness - one personal and one public. One personal - more

  • Has The Way Of The Most High Changed? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 8, 2023

    God loves us. He wants to shed His grace–His very divine life–on every human being.

    Saturday of the Second Week in Lent 2023 Every four weeks, those of us who pray the Church’s official morning prayer encounter Psalm 77, which is a lament by a temple Levite. Things are not going well for Israel, in this man’s view, and after reviewing all the awful things that have been more

  • High Tide & Low Tide

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 10, 2023

    Life has its seas and turbulence, it’s ups & downs. There are times when everything is going right and other times when it seems everything is going wrong. The good news? God has set limits on the tides of life!

    HIGH TIDE & LOW TIDE Job 38:8-11 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. It sounds like a made-up story, but it’s true. Some years ago a church in Carter County, Tennessee had an attorney draw up a deed for their property. He wrote the deed naming The Lord God Almighty as the owner. 2. That was fine more

  • The High Priestly Prayer (Part Two) Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Jan 24, 2025

    As we continue looking at Jesus' High Priestly Prayer, we see Him shift focus to the disciples (and by extension - us). How wonderful it is that we have an advocate with the Father.

    The High Priestly Prayer (part two - John Part 55) Text: John 17:6-20 Well, this morning we’re going to continue looking at the High Priestly Prayer of Jesus in John chapter 17. Last Sunday we saw Jesus pray for Himself. Specifically that The Father would glorify the Son, so that the Son could more

  • I Was Made To Be Up There

    Contributed by Pastor Dempsey Daniels on Dec 31, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Made For The High Places

    “Made For The High Places’ Philippians 3:12-14 Introduction : A Danish philosopher gave a powerful lesson in a story concerning wild geese. He tells us that the geese came and went with the seasons as their ancestors had done for centuries. One day some of the geese, on their annual trip, landed more

  • Holy Desperation

    Contributed by Joe Burke on Jan 16, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Power from on high!

    Holy Desperation! "When you call me, when you go to pray to me, I will listen to you. When you look for me, you will find me. Yes, when you seek me with all your heart, you will find me with you, says the LORD, and I will change your lot. Jeremiah 29:12-14 At the present time in Afghanistan we more

  • Serve To Lead

    Contributed by Eyriche Cortez on Jan 3, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Serving is a high calling.

    One of the books I read recently was Jim Collins’ bestselling management book, “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap, and Others Don’t.” The phenomenal bestseller came out seven years ago and yet it still sells over 300,000 copies a year. It showcased 11 companies that transformed from more

  • Our Great High Priest Jesus Christ

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 20, 2013

    To show that our Great High Priest can able to understand, and sympathize with us, and His Perfection is our Perfection in the eyes of the FATHER GOD.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you still sin? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that our Great High Priest can able to understand, and sympathize with us, and His Perfection is our Perfection in the eyes of the FATHER GOD. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 4:15 (Amplified Bible) 4:15 For we do not more

  • Attributes Of God - Most High God To My Portion

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 21, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    Praises for the attributes of God as the Most High God to my Portion

    385. Most High God- I praise you Lord that you are the God who is over all. David wrote, “They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer.” (Psa. 78:35) 386. Mother – I praise you for having the qualities of a loving, nurturing Mother. “Can a mother forget the baby more

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