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  • How To Handle The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Mar 24, 2020
    based on 3 ratings

    It was a storm on the Sea of Galilee, never beyond Jesus' control. But the storms of life can be equally violent; bringing us to a place of helplessness and hopelessness. I'm here to tell you that the one who calmed the storm then is still the One who calms the storms in your life today!

    Introduction: Have you ever been in a storm? No, I mean a REAL storm! One where the lightening flashes and you feel the electrical charge from miles away? Or where the thunder crashes so loud, it seems every window is about to shatter? Or the rain falls so heavy that you can’t see a foot in front more

  • A Fragile Faith: Handle With Care Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 4, 2021

    Restrict Your Rights for the Sake of the Gospel.

    Many of you love to measure your progress. Tools are available to measure your Body Mass Index where you assess your body fat. You have tools available where you can measure your carbon footprint so to know your impact upon the climate. Athletes will measure the size of their biceps. You can even more

  • Scriptural Ways To Handle Temptation

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Feb 12, 2019

    First Sunday of Lent, Year C

    The sign outside Immanuel Lutheran Church in Burnside, Iowa, “Lent is not the fuzz in your navel.”  “Led by the Spirit into the desert for forty days,…” The desert experience can be the place of mature repentance and conversion.. Basically, the desert represents a stripping away so as to make more

  • The J.o.b. (Handling Money)

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Dec 7, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon that focuses on acting shrewdly... in a good way.

    How Much Can God Trust You? Now, I want to warn you up front that today’s scripture… is a parable Jesus told his followers. This alone doesn’t warrant a warning… but I want you to listen very closely to these words, because this is quite possibly… the strangest parable Jesus ever told. Luke more

  • The Cure

    Contributed by Rolando, Jr Pama on Mar 11, 2023

    So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, they lived.

    1. THE GRUMBLING. But the people grew impatient on the way; 5they spoke against God and against Moses, and said, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? There is no bread! There is no water! And we detest this miserable food!” • Patience is a virtue. • When we become more

  • "Running From A Lion... Into A Bear... Bitten By A Snake"

    Contributed by Bishop William Bryant Wilmore, Jr. on Aug 20, 2003
    based on 401 ratings

    A Warning from God to anyone who is "Playing Church."

    Consider the text God’s warning to anyone who’s ‘playing Church!’ I ought to just finish right there with that one statement, for the text says it all. Amos, here, is dealing with those who like to try to fool people by acting holy. One thing about it brothers and sisters... you can fool man, more

  • "Smarter Than A Fox But Dumber Than A Snake"

    Contributed by Jerry Depoy on Apr 21, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    Read the story of Samson and Delilah and you will be forced to ask yourself this question, "How could anyone so smart, be so stupid?"

    "Smarter than a Fox, but dumber than a Snake!" The Story of Samson and Delilah. Samson was smart, but... When Samson’s first marriage failed, in vengeance he caught three hundred foxes and tied their tails together, set their tails on fire and chased them off to burn up harvesting fields of the more

  • Look Up When The Snakes Are Biting You

    Contributed by Michael Vaughn on Aug 1, 2007
    based on 24 ratings

    As the snakes are biting your ankles this week, and they will, remember to stop looking down at them, and turn your eyes upward to God for the relief and deliverance that He is willing to give, if only we look up to Him when the snakes are biting us.

    I used to manage a restaurant in Blowing Rock, NC. Every time that my boss would come by to visit he would remark, looking down, that the baseboards were dirty. No matter how much I cleaned them, he would always find an area (sometimes behind a 200 pound piece of equipment) that needed more more

  • Nose Flies, Snakes And Other Spiritual Enemies Series

    Contributed by Sheryln Miller on Apr 5, 2017

    A Message on Psalm 23

    In "The Way of the Shepherd", author Don Baker says, If a shepherd sees the "sheep suddenly begin to spread out and move away from each other, he can be reasonably sure that something, possibly a rattler, is in the center of the circle." And so it is in human relationships, when we begin to more

  • "Getting Back The Garden: God, Humans And The Snake"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on May 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon that let's you know you are not a mistake.

    "Getting Back to the Garden: Adam, Eve, and the Serpent" Genesis 2:16-17, 3:1-13, 21-24 Last week I saw a young teenage girl with a tee-shirt which read "We are all mistakes." When I saw that, it made me sad. I wonder how many folks, out in the world, wandering the halls, heading to their more

  • The Lessons From Malta: Dealing With Unexpected Situations

    Contributed by Randy Bataanon on Oct 4, 2017
    based on 5 ratings

    Have you ever been in situations like Malta? Paul is travelling for Rome but a mighty typhoon sends him to Malta. In the cold of the night and unfamiliar people, he learned to trust God in Malta and deal with unexpected situations.

    THE LESSONS FROM MALTA: DEALING WITH UNEXPECTED SITUATIONS ACTS 28:1-10 Have you ever been in situations like Malta? Paul is travelling for Rome but a mighty typhoon sends him to Malta. In the cold of the night and unfamiliar people, he learned to trust God in Malta and deal with unexpected more

  • Jeremiah In Crisis

    Contributed by Wes Gunther on May 6, 2019

    Jeremiah was struggling and God's words to him were that it would get harder before it gets better.

    Jeremiah in Crisis Jeremiah 11:18 – 12:5 Background: Jeremiah ministered about 40 years 1. Began to minister in 13th year of king Josiah (good king) ministry was 18 years under Josiah 2. Under Jehoakim (evil) for 11 years 3. Under Mattaniah – Zedekiah (evil) 11 years 4. Under 2 other more

  • My Month Of No More Barrenness

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 10, 2020

    The Lord answered Isaac’s prayer, and Rebekah became pregnant with twins. “Gen 25:21 NLT. I am pleading with God on behalf of someone this month, there shall no more be barrenness in your life in Jesus name.

    I welcome you to a brand new month of November, our Month of No More Barrenness. “And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.” Gen 25:21 KJV.“Isaac pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she more

  • Caution! God's Favor ... Handle With Care Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Feb 23, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    God’s gifts are ultimately for God’s glory. Use them well.

    This week I’ve begun reading a new book by one of my favorite authors, Malcolm Gladwell, titled Outliers: The Story of Success. The premise of the book is simple: no successful person is a self-made man; everyone who gets to the top had a lot advantages, help, and luck. He devotes two chapters to more

  • One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Mar 25, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    This message celebrates what makes us Christians and the diversity of the faith.

    (Read to Page 9) Truly a classic. If you are familiar with the story, how many people have read this book? If you are familiar with the story then you know that Dr. Seuss isn’t content to entertain us with stories of Whimsical fish. One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish Blue Fish was first more

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