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  • Jesus Speaks Of Marriage, And Blesses The Young Children.

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 16, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    From One Flesh (Mark 2:8) to a Child-like Faith (Mark 2:15).

    JESUS SPEAKS OF MARRIAGE, AND BLESSES THE YOUNG CHILDREN. Mark 2:2-16. (I). A NAUGHTY QUESTION. Mark 10:2-12. The Pharisees’ question about divorce was worse than mischievous in that it, like many of their questions addressed to Jesus, was asked with the intention of “tempting” Jesus into more

  • Caleb - 85 Years Young Lesson 2 Series

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Jan 3, 2024

    Learn when you are young so you will still know how to serve God when you get old.

    “The Lord has kept me alive and well as he promised for all these forty-five years … Today I am eighty-five years old. I am as strong now as I was when Moses sent me on that journey, and I can still travel and fight as well as I could then. So give me the hill country that the Lord promised me … I more

  • The Rich Young Ruler And The Dark Side Of Love Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Mar 2, 2023

    There's a bright side of love, but there's also a dark side to it. This rich young ruler fell victim to the dark side of love after he spoke to Jesus.

    (Full disclosures: 1, this message is based on a sermon preached at First Baptist Church, Chamois, MO, on 2-26-2023. This is not an exact transcription. (2, Sermon Central has accepted another message on this text, called “Go thy way-Jesus and the rich young ruler” but this is a different more

  • Three Young Men, Trust, Epidemics And The Saints Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Mar 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    It is truly time to emulate Our Lord and the great saints, who trusted in God and helped others who were in need or in peril.

    Tuesday of the 3rd Week in Lent 2020 St. Patrick and Three Young Men and Trust When you pick up a King James Bible and read this story from the Book of Daniel, of the trust three young prophet-exiles had in their God, and their deliverance from the fiery furnace, you read this passage: “Therefore more

  • Serving God In The Days Of Your Youth

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Oct 10, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    It is possible for any young man or woman who chooses to serve God faithfully and victoriously in our generation to do so, despite the pressures on the youth to live outside the way of God and His righteousness.

    Serving God In The Days of Your Youth Study Text: Ecclesiastes 12:1, 13 - 14 Introduction: - God has made provisions for the youth to serve Him faithfully in their youthful years, provided they will be ready to make use of His provisions. - The youthful years is characterized with the more

  • The Vanguard And The Rear Guard

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Oct 31, 2011

    A sermon on how God guides and guards His people.

    Message Notes: October 30, 2011 PM On the outskirts of town, there was a big old pecan tree by the cemetery fence. One day two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. "One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me," said one boy. more

  • The Lostness Of The Righteous Ruler Series

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 13, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Lostness of the Righteous Ruler

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: The Lostness of the Righteous Ruler Luke 18:18-30 March 7, 2010 Going to CA; Kevin reading The rich ruler asked Jesus, ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life.’ This man is a religious leader, probably a ruler of a synagogue, and a Pharisee more

  • Be An Example: Practical Lessons For Parents And Young Leaders 1 Tim 4:12 Series

    Contributed by Ken Henson on Jul 22, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    set an example for the believers in word, in life, in love, in faith and in purity

    Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in word, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12 Paul, an elder minister of the Gospel, exhorts Timothy, his young protégé. His advice is intensely practical, and applies to any of more

  • How Thirsty Will Your Children Be?

    Contributed by J Richison on Aug 10, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    If your children follow your experience will they be spiritually Adept or spiritually dehydrated

    How Thirsty Will Your Children Be? Jeremiah 14:1-6 Judges 2:10 Amos 8:11 Ecclesiastes 1:4 A sad story that the weeping prophet declares concerning a thirsty child. Looking at the more

  • "An Invitation To Love"

    Contributed by Ken Sauer on Nov 21, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about living in the Kingdom of God.

    “An Invitation to Love” Mark 10:17-27 A few summers ago, David Timothy bought an old van with 265,000 miles on it, with the help of his wife and a friend. They named it the SoupMobile and started taking food to the homeless of Dallas, Texas. Timothy had wanted to open a soup kitchen for a long more

  • Realistic Expectations Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Feb 6, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The RYR approached Jesus with some expectations. Jesus also had expectations of him. The application for us is that we have expectations from God (some realistic and some unrealistic) and He has expectations of us which he will not alter.

    1. Obsession There was a preacher who was an avid golfer. Every chance he got, he could be found on the golf course swinging away. It was his obsession. One Sunday was a picture-perfect day for golf. The preacher was in a quandary as to what to do. The urge to play golf overcame him. He called his more

  • Beth Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 19, 2024


    Psalm 119:9-16 ? Beth 1. The Young Man's Way - There's A Calling from God's Word - 9 Wherewithal shall a young man A Cleansing in God's Word - cleanse his way? A Cleaving to God's Word - by taking heed thereto A Claiming of God's Word - according to more

  • The Fall Of Man

    Contributed by Ron Auch Jr on Feb 9, 2020

    It refutes atheism, because the universe was created by God. It refutes pantheism. It refutes polytheism, for one God created all things not many gods. It refutes humanism, because God, not man, is the ultimate reality. It refutes evolutionism, because God created all things.

    Ron Auch Jr Prayer House AG Feb 9th 2020 Fundamental truth # 4 The FALL OF MAN What would be the trigger word for truth #4? : Door For this scene we will focus on the door going into your bedroom. This door has a hook centered on it near the top of the door. Now, you are coming down the hallway more

  • The Favor Of God Will Produce Blessings!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Jul 26, 2007
    based on 86 ratings

    The Favor of God will Produce Blessings! We through life endeavor to get the favor of people. Whether we are in sales, trying to get the favor of an account or a young man interested in a young lady, a child with his father, a student with his teacher, w

    The Favor of God will Produce Blessings! We through life endeavor to get the favor of people. Whether we are in sales, trying to get the favor of an account or a young man interested in a young lady, a child with his father, a student with his teacher, worker with his boss, etc. However, we should more

  • The Christ Centered Life

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Apr 25, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus calls the Rich Young Ruler to live out a radial life. We are called to live a life centered on Jesus

    The Christ Centered Life Mark 10:17-23 January 22, 2014 Morning Service The Nicolas Copernicus challenged the world wide understanding of science. It was a revolution that turned the world upside down. Copernicus challenged the idea that the earth was at the center of the universe. The more

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