
Guided Steps: Learning from Moses

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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Drawing lessons from Moses' life, we explore how to progress under God's direction.


The life of Moses provides clear examples of how to move forward under God's guidance. On August 24, 2003, during morning worship, we focused on Exodus 33:12-23. The sermon was titled "Where Do We Go From Here?" and explored the importance of hearing from God, waiting on Him, and experiencing His presence.

Seeking God's Direction

Having a clear direction is crucial in our Christian walk. The Bible serves as our guide, providing commandments and principles to follow. For instance, we are commanded to preach the gospel and love one another. However, there are times when we need specific guidance from God regarding our next steps.

Moses serves as a prime example of someone who sought God's direction. In verse 12, Moses acknowledges that God has instructed him to lead the people. When God gives us a specific task, He also provides us with the necessary details. We must be patient and wait for His guidance, step by step. Trying to implement our own plans without seeking God's will can lead to failure.

Having Support

Moses also understood the importance of having support. Despite his speech impediment, he asked God to reveal who would assist him in his mission. God never intends for us to face challenges alone. Just as Moses had Aaron, Joshua, and Caleb, God provides us with people who can help us fulfill His purposes.

Relying on the Holy Spirit

Furthermore, Moses recognized that the work could only be accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit. In verse 13, he asks God to show him His way so that he may know Him and find favor in His sight. Moses understood that relying on his own strength would not lead to success. It is the power of the Holy Spirit working through us that enables us to carry out God's work.

Waiting on God

Before taking action, we must learn to wait on God. Moses exemplified this by stating in verse 15 that if God's presence did not go with them, they should not proceed. Waiting on God ensures that we align ourselves with His timing and plans. It prevents us from rushing ahead or lagging behind. When we seek God's face and wait for His confirmation, we cannot be defeated.

Desiring God's Presence

During this waiting period, we must cultivate a desire for God. Moses longed to experience God's glory and asked to see it. Similarly, we should have a deep desire to know God intimately. As we draw closer to Jesus, we will see God's character revealed in Him. The Holy Spirit dwelling within us transforms us into the image of Christ.

Protection and Provision

In the presence of God, we find protection and provision. Moses stood on the Rock, symbolizing Jesus, and experienced God's covering. While challenges and hardships may still arise, we have a Savior who sees us through. God's presence gives us authority over the enemy and provides for our needs.


In conclusion, as a church, we are at a crossroads. We have been seeking God's direction and waiting for His guidance. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that what we have been doing aligns with God's will. Our focus should be on loving and worshiping Him, preaching His word, and seeking His face. We can rest assured that God is faithful and has our church covered by His hand. Let us continue to be transformed from glory to glory as we seek Him wholeheartedly.

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1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ___________ adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet odio sem, sed porttitor neque elementum at. Vestibulum sodales quam dui, quis faucibus lorem gravida vel. Nam ac ______ mi. Sed vehicula interdum tortor eu sodales. Integer in nunc non libero bibendum sodales quis vitae enim. Sed congue et erat ut maximus. Proin sit amet erat a massa dignissim _________ quis at lorem.

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