Sermon Series
  • 1. Christian Confidence

    Contributed on Jun 15, 2022

    John explicitly tells us why he wrote his gospel and why he wrote this letter of 1 John. In fact John the beloved disciple of Jesus says he wrote the Gospel of John so that believers in Christ might have confidence in their eternal life found in Jesus.

    Confidence in Christ 1 John 5:11-13 John is the apostle we know as the “beloved disciple” who was close to Jesus for his three years of public ministry. He was right there with Jesus up to His death on the cross, his burial and resurrection. When John was told the tomb was empty he raced as fast more

  • 2. Contrast Of Testimonies

    Contributed on Apr 3, 2024

    Can you picture a contrast of testimonies in your mind? A situation where there was a believer with a good testimony and one with a bad testimony. John contrasts two church leaders and mentions their testimonies that are complete opposites.

    Don’t you like the old western cowboy movies when you knew who the good guy was and who was the bad guy. You can pick them out easily in those old movies because the good guy wears the white hat, and the bad guy wears the black hat. This letter makes it obvious who the good guy is and who is the more

  • 3. Walk In Love

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2024

    John loves the church in truth. They all know the truth. It is all because of the truth that lives in us. Grace of God is with us in truth. Everything is based on the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    The book of 2 John, a short letter, is written by John the beloved disciple. He was the closest person to Jesus during his earthly ministry. John was key in the growth of the early church. He was in and out of prison for sixty years following the death of Jesus. When John wrote this letter he was, more