
Understanding Noah's Time: A Guide for Today

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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A comparative study of Noah's era and the final generation, highlighting the lessons and implications for modern times.


Today, let's open our Bibles to the book of Matthew as we continue our study on the beginning of what is to come. Jesus clearly outlined numerous signs and events that would take place before His return. These signs would act like birth pangs, increasing in frequency and strength. And that is exactly what we are seeing today. We are witnessing the beginning of what is to come.

Every sign that Jesus gave is happening in this generation on an increasing scale, and they will continue to escalate until they reach their fulfillment during the tribulation hour before Christ's return. Jesus said when you see these signs, lift up your head because your redemption is near.

Our generation has experienced more fulfillment of Bible prophecy than any previous generation. No generation has ever witnessed such a convergence of signs throughout history.

The Final Generation and the Days of Noah

One significant sign that indicates we are living in the final generation is the similarity to the days of Noah. Jesus said His return would be like the days of Noah.

What does this mean? How are the days of Noah a sign to our generation? Let's explore this further.

In Genesis 6, we can find at least seven similarities between our generation and Noah's generation.

The first similarity is the population explosion. Our world has experienced an unprecedented increase in population. This growth brings its own set of challenges, such as wars, famines, and food shortages.

The second similarity is the increase of sin and wickedness. Just as in Noah's day, our generation has seen a great increase in sin and evil. The ungodly outnumber the godly, allowing wickedness to flourish.

The third similarity is the preoccupation with worldly matters. People in Noah's day were focused on eating, drinking, and marrying, oblivious to the signs and warnings of God's judgment. Similarly, our generation is often consumed by temporary pleasures, neglecting the eternal.

The fourth similarity is the mocking of the truth. In Noah's day, people mocked Noah's warnings of judgment. Likewise, our generation scoffs at the truth and denies the evidence of God's warnings.

The fifth similarity is the increase of wickedness and violence. In Noah's day, every inclination of man's heart was evil. Our generation also witnesses a rise in wickedness and violence.

The sixth similarity is the lack of spiritual preparation. Just as in Noah's day, people are unprepared for the coming judgment. They live for the moment, disregarding God's warnings.

The seventh similarity is time running out. In Noah's day, there came a final day when God closed the door of the ark, and the opportunity for repentance ended. Similarly, there will be a final day for our generation when the door of salvation closes, and judgment falls.

All these signs point to the fact that we are living in the final generation. The world is racing towards the tribulation and judgment, unaware of what is coming. But there is still time for repentance and preparation.

Living in Readiness for Christ's Return

Jesus warned us to be watchful and prepared for His coming. He compared His return to a thief in the night, catching those unprepared off guard. We must live our lives in readiness for His return.

The signs are clear, and they serve as a warning from God. He is calling us to repentance and preparation. We must believe in Jesus Christ and live our lives accordingly.

Just as Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of His first coming, we can be sure that He will fulfill all the prophecies of His second coming. Time is running out, and today is the day to believe and live for Christ.

Let us be watchful and ready, for Jesus is coming soon.


The signs are clear, and they serve as a warning from God. He is calling us to repentance and preparation. We must believe in Jesus Christ and live our lives accordingly.

Just as Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies of His first coming, we can be sure that He will fulfill all the prophecies of His second coming. Time is running out, and today is the day to believe and live for Christ.

Let us be watchful and ready, for Jesus is coming soon.

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