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  • The Greatest Love Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 6, 2005
    based on 66 ratings

    John 3:16 is so simple and easily understood that sometimes we fail to understand how majestic and powerful it’s underlying message can be.

    OPEN: I once read the story of a man had been driving on an out-of-the-way 2 lane highway running thru the rural countryside. He noticed an old tumbledown shack standing in the middle of an open field. He had to smile to himself as he read the crudely printed message on one whole side of the more

  • Live To Love

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Mar 23, 2014
    based on 3 ratings

    The best expression of our discipleship is our love for one another. Our love for one another is founded upon His love for us.

    Read John 13:31-35 It is the night before Jesus is crucified. The twelve apostles are eating with Jesus that most important of all meals – the last supper. • Jesus had just indicated who would betray Him. Verse 30 ended with Judas leaving, to do what he needed to do (in the words of more

  • First Love

    Contributed by Dewayne Bolton on Sep 7, 2012

    To encourage believers to keep their first love alive and viberant

    REVELATION 2:1-5 FIRST LOVE INTRO: A. John had been banished to the Island of Patmos and while there he was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit while worshiping God. a. Being overshadowed by the Holy Spirit he was shown things which must shortly take place. b. I do not have time to elaborate on those more

  • Love And Light Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Jul 9, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    If you want to be holy and whole, just like our Heavenly Father, then walk in love and walk in the light of Christ.

    Six-year-old little Jenny complained to her mother of a tummy ache. “That’s because your tummy is empty,” her mother replied. “You’d feel better if there were something in it.” That evening, their pastor stopped for a visit and later commented that his head had more

  • Father's Love

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on May 20, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you know the FATHER'S LOVE for you? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To convince ourselves of FATHER's Love for us. IV. TEXT: John 5:22 (Amplified Bible) Even the Father judges no one, for He has giv

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you know the FATHER'S LOVE for you? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To convince ourselves of FATHER's Love for us. IV. TEXT: John 5:22 (Amplified Bible) Even the Father judges no one, for He has given all judgment (the last judgment and the whole business more

  • The Christmas Love

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Dec 13, 2011

    God comes TO you and He comes FOR you. Let this two simple truths encourage you to trust in His faithfulness and goodness. He has never and will never leave you. He is always for you, and not against you.

    John began his Gospel quite differently from the rest of the Gospel writers. • The rest started with the historical accounts of the events that took place. • Matthew and Luke talked about circumstances leading to Jesus’ birth. • Mark started off with Jesus entering into ministry, and how John more

  • Love Covers It

    Contributed by Jeff Pearce on Feb 26, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Quick lesson on paint night with the youth on how love covers sin.

    Love Covers it 1 Peter 4:8 Intro: Peter says above all 1: Things a) Thinking b) Feelings c) Preconceived notions or ideas d) What you’ve heard or think you know Point: above all these things, sometimes, no, at all times we have to turn our brains down a bit and let our hearts and the more

  • The Characteristics Of Love Series

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Mar 25, 2011

    This message is part of a sermon series on the book of Ruth. I also have bulletin inserts that I used in the message. Email me if you are interested in using these.

    The Characteristics of Love Ruth 3:1-18 -So far in the book of Ruth we have learned a lot about Ruth and Naomi, we have looked at Ruth's commitment to Naomi we have looked at how God had a plan for Ruth's life to take her from poverty to riches, to take her from the land of Moab to being in the more

  • Rethinking Love

    Contributed by Dave Workman on Apr 26, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus love is raging, it’s extravagant, it’s illogical, it’s over-the-top, it’s revolutionary, it pushes the boundaries of how we define love.

    A while back there was a news story on the BBC about a teenage girl in England who had her boyfriend’s nickname tattooed in Chinese on her stomach, symbolic of her “undying love” for him. A tattoo on your stomach?—that’s got to hurt. A little later—and who would more

  • Called To Love

    Contributed by Anthony Soyao on Oct 1, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Paul’s exhortation in regards to the Priority of Love, the Personification of Love and the Permanence of Love

    Called to Love 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 1. The Priority of Love (Verse 1 – 3) A. It is important than the gift of tongues (Verse 1) B. It is important than the gift of prophesy, knowledge and faith (Verse 2) C. It is important than everything that we have (Verse 3) 2. The Personification of Love more

  • The Love Deal

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Feb 18, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    Our society confuses LOVE and LUST. Unlike lust, God’s kind of love is directed toward others, not inward toward ourselves. This kind of love goes against our natural inclinations. It is natural to love them that love us, but it is supernatural to love th

    Opening illustration: Newspaper columnist and minister George Crane tells of a wife who came into his office full of hatred toward her husband. "I do not only want to get rid of him, I want to get even. Before I divorce him, I want to hurt him as much as he has me." Dr. Crane suggested an more

  • Love On Display

    Contributed by Martin Holland on Feb 8, 2013

    When it comes to loving the model for every believer is Jesus Himself.

    Love on Display John 13:1, 31-35 When it comes to loving the model for every believer is the Lord Himself. We can truly never love without the gift of the Holy Spirit and complete yielding unto Him in this grace. Ephesians 2:4 But God who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved more

  • The Greatest Of These Is Love Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Love is the first of the nine Fruits of the Spirit.

    INTRODUCTION Over the summer we’re going to be spending time examining all nine fruit of the Spirit. My main goal for this series is the same as God’s goal—for each of us to display these nine character qualities every day of our lives. But you don’t have to try to be more

  • The Love Check

    Contributed by Damion Lowe on Jan 22, 2011

    We cannot question God's love for us, it is obvious but do we love him above all things?

    “The Love Check” Text: John 21:1-19 Intro: Illustration: The story of Narcissus in Greek mythology. You see the great mystery of life is not whether God loves man; the evidence is too overwhelming for a sensible person to deny it? But the great mystery is can man ever love God above more

  • Love Filled

    Contributed by Kemuel Travis on Feb 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    To show that the Holy Spirit makes God’s love real and full to us.

    INTRODUCTION -Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day -Just a simple reminder to all of the husbands out there -Q: Can you remember your first love? -It is important to love -We were made to love -Others and God, Himself -It is important to know that we are loved -To be filled with love -This is why we more

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