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Sermons on god worthy of praise:

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  • Purposeful Praise: Blessing The Lord Always SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    No one should dictate when we Praise and Bless God. We must cultivate the habit of Blessing the Lord intentionally. This can be referred to as a Premeditated Praise.

    Title: I Will Praise the Lord Scripture: Psalm 34:1-3 (NIV) "I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. I will glory in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together." This psalm, like many others, has its roots more

  • The Goodness Of God

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on May 26, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The goodness of God does not depend on what is happening in your life

    The Goodness of God Psalms 34 Greeting- Good morning everyone, Isn’t God good! I am Happy that you are here with us as we open His Word together on this Memorial Day weekend. We are blessed people when you think of those that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I might be able to sit more

  • What Is Prayer - Praise And Thanksgiving Series

    Contributed by Cameron Bottema on Apr 30, 2012

    A short 3 week mini-series on prayer. Week 1: the basics. Week 2: Prayers of thanksgiving and praise. Week 3: What are intercession, supplication, and prayers of confession.

    This is only an outline. LOTS of great Scriptures and illustrations can be added to this outline. Psalm 22:3 Ephesians 5:20 5 Types of Prayer: 1. Praise 2. Thanksgiving 3. Supplication 4. Intercession 5. Confession As Christians we need to be praise and thanking God for the more

  • Pursuing Peace Through Praise

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Feb 20, 2023

    If you have ever had a situation where you lost your peace due to a situation you were dealing with - this message is for you. This is a personal testimony message.

    Pursuing Peace Through Praise Scripture: Psalms 100; Acts 16:16-24; Psalm 8:2; John 14:27 This morning I wish to share with you a personal message that I’ve titled, “Pursuing Peace Through Praise.” For those of you who attended Bible study this week, some of this will sound familiar to more

  • I Will Yet Praise You Series

    Contributed by David Flowers on Nov 14, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Part one of three-part series Emotions, this message deals with depression.

    “I Will Yet Praise You” Emotions, part 1 Psalm 42 Wildwind Community Church David Flowers November 12, 2006 Have you ever been depressed? The story is told of a businessman whose wife was experiencing depression. She began to mope around and be sad, lifeless—no light in her eyes—no spring in more

  • Praise: Raising Stones Of Remembrance Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Jul 3, 2011

    The preists always led the children of Israel in praise of the living Lord. In chapter 4 they lead in praise to His glory. We are called and challenged to set up memorial stones so that children, and others will ask what does this mean in your life.

    Intro: It was always the priests who led in Praise to the living God of Israel. In chapter 3 the priests were the first to step foot into the turbulent waters of Jordan. What do the waters of the Jordan represent to the followers of Joshua or Jesus? It is apparent as God commands Joshua and more

  • Proclamation, Prayer, Penitence, And Praise Series

    Contributed by Joel Gilbert on Nov 14, 2024

    Our thanks and praise takes many forms, but is most effective when we have a penitent heart.

    Open your Bibles or the Pew Bible to Psalm 66. As we have over the last couple of weeks, I’d love for you to be able to look at that while we are walking through these last several verses. Throughout this Psalm we have seen an example of worship and witness acting as a sort of call and response. more

  • Through Praise Pt 2 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Mar 22, 2019

    Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. It is not guaranteed simply because we are born again believers. We must put ourselves in the places where experiencing joy is a possibility.

    Series: We need to find joy in the journey! Thesis of series: Joy needs to be experienced in the journey of life! But Joy, like any other attitude, can come and go. It is not guaranteed simply because we are born again believers. We must put ourselves in the places where experiencing joy is a more

  • A Day Of Thanksgiving, Praise, And Repentance

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Jan 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    2006 Thanksgiving Service and Communion meditation.

    The President had his hands full. The nation was engaged in a war that was increasingly disliked by the nation. Some in the congress thought the loss of civil liberties had gone too far. Doris Kearns Goodwin would write, ‘Amid the clamorous opposition in Congress, the continued threats of more

  • The Seed Of Faith, The Fruit Of Praise

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Sep 15, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    We’re not responsible for results, and the moment we stop production on the “act of producing the results,” the results will become easier and more better than we could ever expect!

    The seed of faith, the fruit of praise! Illus. from the book Guide posts, “ His mysterious ways: miracles of healing” What I remember most about the summer of 1934, when dad got his tonsils out, that’s how hot it was. The middle of July in Blackwood, Virginia, and we hadn’t seen a drop of rain or more

  • The Power Of Prayer, Faith, And Praise

    Contributed by David Rogers on Jan 26, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    This sermon examines the power of prayer that the faithful can tap into all the time not just in emergencies.

    The Power of Prayer, Faith, and Praise 2 Chronicles 20:4-12 Prayer Introduction Jesus taught that we should “always pray and not give up” · Not because God is hard of hearing · Not because God needs to be pestered into answering our requests · Not because God doesn’t want to answer us NO… Jesus more

  • Reasons To Praise In Your Cave! Series

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Mar 8, 2021

    A study of Psalm 34:7-22 while give you nearly a whole alphabet of reasons as to why you can praise while in you’re cave!

    The superscription placed upon this Psalm, that it was written in a very trying season of David’s life… A time when… When he pretended to be insane before Abimelek, who drove him away, and he left. And we looked in brief as to why he pretended to be insane before Abimelek…the scripture tells us more

  • Praise Anthem: The Triumphal Entry Series

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 47 ratings


    BIG IDEA: WORSHIP USHERS THE KING OF GLORY INTO HIS RIGHTFUL DOMAIN INTRODUCTION: A Psalm of David A Messianic Psalm in that it pictures the Triumphal Entry of Christ to usher in His kingdom of victory and glory; Background probably in the OT conveying of the ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem to more

  • "A Woman Filled With Praise" Series

    Contributed by Allen Hern on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Since praise and worship are so important in a Christian’s life, let’s see what we can learn about praise and worship from the Song of Mary.

    "A WOMAN FILLED WITH PRAISE" Subject: Adoration Theme: An Example of adoration in worship Passage: Lu. 1: 46 - 56 Text: Luke 1: 46* And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, Intro. Dear Mary, how she was overwhelmed by the events which were swirling around her. You have sometimes felt more

  • Praise The Lord Everyone, Everywhere

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 24, 2012

    Praise the Lord Everyone, Everywhere. (Powerpoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: Who Should Worship the Lord (vs 1). How They Should Worship the Lord (vs 2-3). Why They Should Worship the Lord (vs 4-19). What Should Happen Because They Worship the Lord (vs 20-22). SERMON BODY: Ill: • John Wesley was a seventeenth century Anglican cleric and Christian more

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