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  • When God Raises You Up

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Jun 2, 2018

    Many times we can be discouraged by being passed over, disrespected, taken for granted or outright ignored. This sermon talks about The Foundation of Promotion, The Mechanics of Promotion & No Longer Passed Over but Sought Out.

    Introduction Man is Carnal | God is Spiritual Man Strives for Democracy | God Designed the Church as a Theocracy (As Christians we live according to the government of God Acts 5:29-40 I. The Foundation of Promotion A. Prayer & Fasting 1. The Focus on the Families definition of prayer is as more

  • God Wants You To Know Something Series

    Contributed by Dr. Larry Petton on Jul 7, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    Jesus prayed for us to surrender to the Father's will: "Thy will be done!" Do you believe that God has a personal plan for your life? If you have any doubts, Dr. Larry Petton will show you from the Lord's Prayer how to discover His will.

    GOD WANTS YOU TO KNOW SOMETHING Dr. Larry Petton Text: Luke 11:1-10 Series: TALK TO YOUR FATHER (90 Days in The Lord’s Prayer) Did you hear about the old golfer who was standing in front of the first tee, more

  • When God Leaves You Speechless

    Contributed by Jerry Owen on Dec 3, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Zacharias came to worship God one day hoping that God would "show up". Surprisingly, that is exactly what God did! How should you respond when God shows up and meets your needs?

    WHEN GOD LEAVES YOU SPEECHLESS LUKE 1:15-25; 57-80 Introduction: There is a wise saying I heard a few years back that speaks great truth. “Life is not about how many breaths you take, but about the moments that take your breath away.” Some breathtaking moments for me..... 1. The day I watched my more

  • Using The Gifts God Gave You Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Apr 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    serving, gifts, obedience, and surrender

    USING THE GIFTS GOD GAVE YOU Matt 25: 14-30 (702) May 23, 2010 INTRODUCTION Being a disciple of Jesus involves taking a risk…"to deny yourself and take up your cross and start following Jesus is risky business. Discipleship involves surrender… giving up my time, my more

  • Hold On To What God Told You

    Contributed by Dr. Jwt Spies on May 22, 2020

    When the Lord Speaks a Word into your life, you can trust that he will deliver.

    Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. In other words, He went into a ship with his disciples, and they moved from where they were out into the deep. If we more

  • Be Careful With What God Gives You

    Contributed by Joe Mack Cherry on Oct 2, 2022

    We are responsible for using things God gives us to His glory. It is possible to lose them.

    “Be Careful With What God Gives You” By Joe Mack Cherry I. Intro A. God doesn’t always call the qualified; He qualifies the called. 1. Have you ever thought you were qualified for a job and found out you weren’t? a. Me: the first time I got on a minibike. Up the side of our house, I more

  • God Loves You So Much

    Contributed by Wilson Oshorakpor on Nov 9, 2022

    The love of God for man is unconditional and extravagant. It envelopes the heart of every human being including you. God loves you beyond your imagination.

    TEXT: JOHN 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." This wonderful and popular scripture points out some salient points which concerns every living soul. 1. "For God so more

  • Why Should God Bless You?

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Feb 12, 2022

    Why do you seek God’s blessings? Do you acknowledge that your chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever? Ask God to bless you in such a way that you can bring great glory to Him.

    Why should God bless you God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us, that Your way may be known on earth, Your salvation among all nations. Let the peoples praise You, O God; Let all the peoples praise You. Oh, let the nations be glad and sing for joy! For You more

  • "god Loves You!"

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Aug 29, 2022

    Based on John 3:16 - Evangelistic sermon for the hearers to realize how much God loves each person.

    “GOD LOVES YOU!” John 3:16 FBCF – 8/28/22 Jon Daniels INTRO – Brian Regan, comedian – “Me Monster” – people who dominate conversations to talk about themselves & all their accomplishments This is a sermon about me, & it’s a sermon about you. We’ve got a lot in common. It IS interesting more

  • (When God Shows You Favor)

    Contributed by Derrick White Sr on May 11, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Joseph's brothers hated him because their father favored him. In fact, Joseph's father loved him so much that he had a coat of many colors custom tailored made just for him. The brothers were so angry and jealous

    Genesis 39:1-6 (KJV) 1 And Joseph was brought down to Egypt; and Potiphar, an officer of Pharaoh, captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites, which had brought him down thither. 2 And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house more

  • How Has God Loved You? Series

    Contributed by Paul Carlson on Apr 16, 2015

    Since Christ loves you; you ought to reverence Him.

    Introduction: "The love which brought the Son of God's love from heaven to earth, from earth to the cross, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to glory - that love which was weary, hungry, tempted, scorned, scourged, buffeted, spat upon, crucified, pierced - which fasted, prayed, taught, more

  • Which God Do You Serve?

    Contributed by Jeff Taylor on Jan 3, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Who is your God? All people believe in something. But in whom do you believe? Who is your God? You believe in socialism. That's your God. Some of you believe in communism. That's your God. That's not the God of the Bible. You can know about God and certainly not have Jesus Christ.

    The God of the Bible is a God of all hope. He's a God of mercy. He's a God of love. He's a God of amazing grace. He's a God of wrath. Who is your God? All people believe in something. But in whom do you believe? Who is your God? You believe in socialism. That's your God. Some of more

  • I Thank My God For You

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jan 24, 2023

    I thank God for each of you

    Annual Meeting 1/15/2023 I Thank my God for You Philippians 1:3-11 Good Morning and welcome to service. We are glad you are here. This morning will be just a little bit different from the normal as we will have our annual meeting and give results from the voting that took place this morning more

  • Be The Man That God Calls You To Be. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Mar 4, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Our primary calling is to be in a personal relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that God has called us into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ.

    I want to write to you about the importance of being a responsible man, as God intends for us to be, for our families. As men, we are called to be the spiritual leaders of our households, and this requires us to step up and take responsibility for our loved ones. The Bible teaches that being a man more

  • When God Remembers You For Help Series

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 16, 2025

    This sermon explores what it means when God remembers you for help and how to position yourself for such divine remembrance.

    Title: WHEN GOD REMEMBERS YOU FOR HELP By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text : Genesis 8:1 Supporting Texts: Psalm 121:1-2, Isaiah 41:10, Exodus 3:7-8, Jeremiah 29:11 INTRODUCTION : In Genesis 8:1, we read, "And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him more

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