
Summary: Many times we can be discouraged by being passed over, disrespected, taken for granted or outright ignored. This sermon talks about The Foundation of Promotion, The Mechanics of Promotion & No Longer Passed Over but Sought Out.


Man is Carnal | God is Spiritual

Man Strives for Democracy | God Designed the Church as a Theocracy (As Christians we live according to the government of God

Acts 5:29-40

I. The Foundation of Promotion

A. Prayer & Fasting

1. The Focus on the Families definition of prayer is as follows: -

Prayer is a relationship, wherein we humbly communicate, worship, and sincerely seek God's face, knowing that He hears us, loves us and will respond, though not always in a manner we may expect or desire. Prayer can encompass confession, praise, adoration, supplication, intercession and more.

2. Fasting Definition

To abstain from all or some kinds of food or drink, especially as a religious observance.

3. Matthew 26:41 - Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation:the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

4. Mark 9:25-29 - …This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting.

B. Obedience & Faithfulness

1. Blessings come through obedience - Deuteronomy 28:1-14

2. How to remain faithful - James 1:12-22

V.13 - Don’t blame God

V.16 - Stay away from error (false doctrines & destructive mindsets)

V.17 - Recognize that good and perfect gifts come from God

V.19 - Be swift to hear and slow to speak

A fool utters his whole mind… - Proverbs 29:11 A fool uttereth all his mind: but a wise man keepeth it in till afterwards.

V.19,20 - Slow to wrath

V.21 - Live holy

V.22 - Be a doer of the Word (You have to do something… listening is not enough!)

C. Faith

1. Luke 17:6

2. There are different degrees of faith

a) Little Faith

b) Great Faith

D. The Word

1. The Word will work if you work the Word

II. The Mechanics of Promotion

A. Supernatural Alignment (Kingdom Connections)

1. God put Aaron with Moses

2. God put Jonathan with David

3. God put Paul with Barnabas - Acts 13:2; 5

B. Uncommon Favor (Unfettered Access)

1. If God is for us than who can be against us! - Romas 8:31

C. Supernatural Exposure (God will market you)

1. Manipulation has a shelf life. Leave it behind and let God raise you up!

2. Acts 8:5-8

III. No longer, “Passed Over but Sought Out!”

A. No one escapes paying the price

1. You have to learn how to work your faith and be faithful at the same time)

B. Preparation Precedes Promotion

1. 1 Corinthians 14:8

C. Let go of what needs to be let go of… (It’s holding you back)

1. Luke 9:62

D. All Glory goes to God

1. Revelations 5:12-13


When God raises you up no man or devil in hell has the power to pull you down.

We need to guard against becoming our own worst enemy.

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