
Summary: Who is your God? All people believe in something. But in whom do you believe? Who is your God? You believe in socialism. That's your God. Some of you believe in communism. That's your God. That's not the God of the Bible. You can know about God and certainly not have Jesus Christ.

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The God of the Bible is a God of all hope. He's a God of mercy. He's a God of love. He's a God of amazing grace. He's a God of wrath. Who is your God? All people believe in something. But in whom do you believe? Who is your God? You believe in socialism. That's your God. Some of you believe in communism. That's your God. That's not the God of the Bible. You can know about God and certainly not have Jesus Christ. The question is, "Do you really know the God of the Bible or just do you know about the God of the Bible"?

There are university professors who study the Bible, to argue, to debate, and to humiliate students who expressed faith in God. The point: they knew the Bible, but they did not know God. They knew about God but did not know him. What if the majority of church members in America and across the world believed they are saved, but in fact, by Bible standards, they are lost: not my standards, but by the standards of God? What if you believe you're saved, and at the judgment seat of God, you hear these words, "Depart from me, worker of iniquity: I never knew you"? Angels with flaming swords will escort you into the chambers of hell. According to the Bible, that IS going to happen in the future.

Jesus said in Matthew 7:22, "Many will come to me in that day (the Day of Judgment), and they'll say, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name'"? Listen to this. "And did we not cast out demons in your name? Have we not done many wonderful works in your name"? And then Jesus says, "I will profess to them, 'depart from me, worker of iniquity: I NEVER knew you'". Not a few are going to say that, but Jesus said MANY are going to say that. Jesus said again, "Broad is the way that leads to destruction, and narrow is the way that leads to heaven. And FEW there be that find that". So, the question is, "Do you really know the God of the Bible"? Today, I'm going to paint the portrait of God as presented in the scripture, and then talk about knowing God Himself, personally, versus just knowing about God, and then the evidence of knowing God. Read with me, if you will, John 17:3. "And this is eternal life that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent".

Father, in the authority of your name, let us discover today the God of the Bible, and let us live according to his dictates and not our own. In Jesus' name, we pray and ask this. And all of God's children said, amen.

Consider the portrait of God in the Bible. In the Genesis of time, God is the Creator of heaven and earth. And he said, "Let there be light," and the darkness vanished. He sprinkled the stars against the velvet of the night, and he calls those stars by name. Listen. Science is now saying there are billions of galaxies with hundreds of millions of stars. And God calls every star by name. Think of the grandeur of the Lord. Then he breathed into a handful of dirt and man became a living soul. He took a rib from that man's side and created woman, and said to the both of them, "Turn off the television," "Be fruitful and multiply".

Do you know that God? Some of you know him better than others. For centuries, God Almighty did not allow his name to be known. Then God revealed himself as the Most High God. The God that we serve is higher than the highest. He is greater than the greatest. He is wiser than the wisest. He is all-powerful. He is all-knowing. He is ever present. And he's the God that we serve! Then God revealed himself as God Almighty. That means you will never have a battle that you can't win, and you will never have an enemy that you cannot defeat. Moses defeated Pharaoh. Elijah defeated Jezebel. America can defeat socialism. America can defeat the moral corruption in this country. Then God revealed himself as Jehovah Jireh, meaning God will provide all of your needs according to his riches in glory. Jehovah Jireh also can be translated as "God sees". Therefore, it is the Lord that gives you the power to get wealth. Do not be pushed around by your problems. Be led by your dreams. Nothing is impossible if you trust in God. It is the Lord that gives you the power to get wealth.

God's children have traditionally been wealthy. Why not you? Why not you? Then God is revealed as the Lord our healer. Israel left Egypt, and not one in that crowd of over a million people was sick or feeble for the next 40 years. That's healing power! Think about it. Next in the scripture, comes the name that he is the mighty conqueror. He is the conqueror of death, hell and the grave. Demons tremble at the mention of Jesus' name. Next in scripture, God is presented as the God of peace. Jesus says, "Peace I give unto you. And my peace I give to you, not as the world gives. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid". Next, God is presented in the Bible as Jehovah Shammah, the God who is always there. When the Bible says, "I will never leave you, nor forsake you," even to the ends of the earth, it means exactly that. God is next presented as the God of love. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son". "The love of God, how rich, how pure, how measureless, how strong. It shall forever more endure," the saint's and angel's song. And finally, he is the God of wrath.

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