
Summary: When the Lord Speaks a Word into your life, you can trust that he will deliver.

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Now it came to pass on a certain day, that he went into a ship with his disciples: and he said unto them, Let us go over unto the other side of the lake. And they launched forth. In other words, He went into a ship with his disciples, and they moved from where they were out into the deep.

If we were to really look at this, the ship represents our lives, our destination, and the course of our lives. As one songwriter put it, “The soul of a man is like a ship that sails on the sea of time”.

However, we’ve got to know that whenever Jesus enters the ship he changes the courses of things; whenever Jesus entered the ship immediately he gives it a purpose, a direction and a destination.

And I just want to know this morning: Is there anybody here that remembers when Jesus got into your ship? Is there anybody here that remembers when he changed your course? It is important to know because when Jesus enters your ship, if you allow him to be your captain, and I promise you that he will change your course.

Because before Jesus we were lost, we were drifting, we were bound, and we were on your way to a devils hell. But one day as we found our way to an old fashion altar, and the captain Jesus came on board. And then he washed us in his blood, delivered us, put his spirit and his anointing in us and, he then gave us a purpose and a new destination. Does anybody remember when Jesus got on board? It should be a day that you should always remember and the reason I asked, is because, as soon as Jesus enters the ship he gave them a Word: he gave them a prophetic Word, he gave them a Word that was predictive, and that Word carried the spirit of destiny in it. And that Word said that you are going somewhere. Where are we going Jesus, he said over to the other side.

Has anyone received a Word that you’re going somewhere?

Has anyone received a Word that has pointed you toward something greater than what you have?

Has anyone received a Word that has stirred your faith, a Word that woke you up in the middle of the night. just to carry you through the day?

Tell your neighbor: I’ve got a word

Look at this; they received a Word of destiny that assured them of his presence with them.

Somebody said: I heard a Word, but I couldn’t find God in it

I’m going to tell you something:

When God gives you a Word it carries his presence (I didn’t say it will always make you happy, and I didn’t say it will always make you feel good) but I said it will always carry his presence.

Moses said: in Exodus, 33:15 that if your presence don’t go with us, then do not take us up from this place. Where ever we go we meed the presences of the Lord.

And I think that I need to tell you all this morning that His presence and his Word goes together: and I know that people are sharing many thing with you these days, but I don’t care how religious it sounds or how appealing it is to your flesh or your desires, (the first thing you need to ask yourself is) does it carry his presence?

Because the Word of God that carries his presence has the same power to carry you. And if it has power carry you, then it has the same power to keep you. And if it keeps you, then it will direct you.

They got a Word of purpose that assured them of their destination.

May I tell you that that Word made them invincible, because when God gives a Word that you are going over to the other side it comes with an assurance.

Tell your neighbor: Hold on to your word.

Listen: I didn’t say that the Word guarantees you that you will have an easy life, and you will never have to go through any storms.

I said: The Word will carry through the storms; the Word will hold you up, and while you in the storm the Word will make you Unsinkable.

I wouldn’t be here today if it the Lord told me had not given me a Word of assurance.

*The enemy would have killed me, but I had what God told me.

*Situations would have sunk me, but I had what the Lord told me.

*Family turmoil and strife would have capsized my vessel.

*Attacks on my integrity and my character would have drowned me in a sea of despair.

*Depression and fear and anxiety would have swallowed me up, but I had what the Lord told me.

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