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  • The Bow In The Sky

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Jan 24, 2020

    As we discover the many promises that the Lord has given to us we must stop and take note of a very special promise that the Lord made with Noah and is still active today.

    Discovering the Promises Of God “The Bow In The Sky” Genesis 9:8-17 1-26-2020AM As we discover the many promises that the Lord has given to us we must stop and take note of a very special promise that the Lord made with Noah and is still active today. It is important to know why God made such a more

  • Titanic Thankfulness

    Contributed by Joseph Stapleton on Nov 8, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    This Thanksgiving we need to see that God has given us provision, protection and power and be thankful in Titanic proportion.

    (All my sermons use illustrations found at and all scripture is NIV unless otherwise noted.) TITANIC THANKFULNESS Thanksgiving is a day set aside each year for us to give thanks, of course most of us know that scripture tells us we should be thankful always and at all times. more

  • He Will Soon Be Here Series

    Contributed by Pastor Randall Timblin on Mar 22, 2020

    Many disbelieve that He is not only NOT coming, but that He is but a myth. Look closely at the proofs He has given us.

    Matthew 24:25-31 INTRODUCTION We have discussed the PROOFS that God has presented to mankind often times as a warning of thngs to come, but not always. Remember that God gave us a sign that He called the Rainbow and it was not a warning but instead it was a promise...something that would provide more

  • Overcoming The Spirit Of Fear

    Contributed by Rev. Duraimony Dickson on Jan 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    God has given us a sound mind! We are instructed to be strong and courageous! God has given us the power so we can overcome every obstacle in our way; He has given us love.

    OVERCOMING THE SPIRIT OF FEAR "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9. As we all have learned in Sunday School, the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years! more

  • A Real Economic Stimulus Package Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Mar 25, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    11th in a series from Ecclesiastes. Real contentment comes from enjoying what God has already given to us.

    Over the past six months or so as the economy has retreated into recession, we have seen one economic stimulus package after another. And although we all hope that the economy will recover, regardless of how we feel about the methods being used, the fact is that no one really knows for sure if any more

  • Help Me God, I'm Confused Series

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Oct 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Really..., I'm supposed to: pray for the King and all those in authority? That is what it says. That is God's inspired Word. That is not given as a suggestion, it is a command.

    8-26-13 (Revised 10-9-2022) Help Me God, I'm Confused I Timothy 2:1-4 “It ain’t over till its over.” You know who said that? Yogi Berra. That line makes sense. But most of the things he said, make you scratch your head. Yogi was known as the master of confusion and double speak having more

  • Advent: God's Message Service To The World

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Nov 29, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A very short sermon given at our Advent Carols service attended by lots of visitors. God’s message service to the world is through creation, through the Bible, and through people, but primarily in the person and message of Jesus. PowerPoint also available

    (Send me a message via Sermon Central if you would like to see the PowerPoint presentation that went with this short sermon. It contains the 3 photos referred to in the talk, and helps it to be visual and awe-inspiring!) If you are going to send a message to somebody, how do you get the message to more

  • Overcoming Fear Thru The Power Of God Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Jan 12, 2015

    Fear is NOT the path of life for the believer and we must not fall prey to the enemy's attacks in seeking to overwhelm us with fear and anxiety in our lives! We have been given spiritual tools by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit...the 1st is Power

    SERMON BRIEF Date Written: January 10, 2015 Date Preached: January 11, 2015 Church: OPBC (AM) Sunday FOUNDATIONAL ELEMENTS Title: Our Power in Christ Text: 2 Timothy 1:7-9; 2 Cor 4:1-18 ETS: Paul told Timothy had great power through Christ. ESS: Our service to God is fueled by a power we more

  • What I Can Not Handle, I Hand Over

    Contributed by Modupe Adefala on Nov 11, 2003
    based on 39 ratings

    Just as God wants us to know and possess the things that He has freely given He also wants to help us with things that are not immediately within our reach but that we need in life ¡V The finger and elbow arrangement.

    What I can not handle, I hand-over! Anchor Scriptures: 2 Kings 4:8-37 Just as God wants us to know and possess the things that He has freely given He also wants to help us with things that are not immediately within our reach but that we need in life ¡V The finger and elbow more

  • From Vison To Victory: Putting The Pieces Together

    Contributed by Duane Smith on Oct 27, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    This message was given for our "Vision Casting Day." It was meant to encourage us to move forward with God in establishing His vision for His church. The formula "Vision + Faith + Action = Victory was gleaned from Jerry Dunn in a message by that name.

    FROM VISION TO VICTORY - Putting The Pieces Together! Numbers 13-14 and Joshua 6 INTRODUCTION: A. Praise the Lord! 1. The psalmist stated O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. [2] Let the redeemed of the Lord say so…Psa 107:1-2 2. We have gathered more

  • The Throne Room Of Heaven Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on May 12, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    John is given a picture of a God who is transcendent, unapproachable in his holiness, surrounded by the greatest of angelic beings who can think of nothing they’d rather do than fall down at his feet and sing his praises.

    I applied for ordination in 1988 - in another diocese from this. When I went for the interview to see if I was acceptable, one of the questions I was asked was “What is God like for you?” It’s a good question, isn’t it? What is your image of God? Now I have an idea that the more

  • Expectations For Godly Living-Part 5

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 21, 2023

    5 of 6. Titus was exhorted by the apostle Paul, to expose God’s people to the expectations for godly living.All God’s people are answerable to His expectations for godly living. What are some expectations for godly living by God’s people?

    EXPECTATIONS For GODLY LIVING-V—Titus 2:1-15 Attention: In order for God’s people to properly elevate & honor God thru Jesus Christ, there are ‘Expectations’ that will be met! Need: There is an ultimate ‘fulfillment & satisfaction’ that CAN come to your life! BUT that ‘fulfillment & more

  • What Would God Say About.. Abortion Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Jan 29, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    1st in 5 lessons prepared and delivered at InSight - Discovery Christian Church’s Believer’s Service. This message, given during Sanctity of Human Life week, is a Biblical perspective on abortion.

    "What Would God Say About... Abortion?" Insight Service - Discovery Christian Church - January 27, 2005 DEUTERONOMY 18: 9 - 13 INTRODUCTION: (Please turn to text) Several years ago, there was a motion picture entitled, "Who’s Life Is It, Anyway?" It was a film starring Richard Dryfuss, and more

  • God’s Calling For Believers

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jan 16, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    Today's sermon is about knowing God's calling upon our lives through His revealed will, which includes to love Him, be missionary, worship Him, to be holy, to grow in our faith, and to serve God by serving others.

    God’s Calling for Believers After last week’s Sunday night message and again this morning, I think it’s important to lay out how we’re to go about fulfilling the third dimension, the dimension of commission. And how we do this is to know and walk in God’s will and calling. For our lives Further, more

  • Lord Teach Us To Pray Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Aug 6, 2002
    based on 224 ratings

    The Lord’s Prayer was not given to be just be recited as a ritual. It is actually given to us as the Lord’s blueprint for prayer that is acceptable to God.

    A Study of the Book of Luke Sermon # 28 “Lord Teach Us to Pray” Luke 11:1-4 Almost all of our prayers begin by rushing into a series of request in which we pour out to God our problems, our needs, our irritations. This only tends more

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