Coveting? Series
Contributed by Paul Clemente on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Are we sharing what God has given us, to whom and what are we sharing?
This morning, we will celebrate our relationship with God through Communion. God tells us to remember God’s love by taking bread and drink to personally affirm in our lives that Jesus Christ, who is God, became man to die for our sins. If we are Believers of Jesus Christ we must obey Him and remember Christ who died on a cross, rose from the dead, and will return soon to earth to judge all. And so, the message will be brief so that we can truly enjoy Communion with God and one another.
We noted last week that David came to his senses and sought the Lord again when his family and the families of all his men were taken captive by the Amalekites. David humbled himself before God after suffering pain due to his sinfulness. The message for us last week is that we should not wait when we’re desperate and hurting but humble ourselves to God all the time.
David asked the Lord if he should pursue the Amalekites and God said yes and that he will be victorious.
Open your Bibles now to 1 Samuel 30…. read along with me starting with v17…..
We note in v17-20: After seeking God again and obeying the Lord, David’s men honored him again!
But what do we note in v21-22??
Humble yourelf in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.
Within the group of men who honored David were evil men and troublemakers who did not like those who stayed behind and did not fight. Although things were now well in David’s camp, there were evil men who coveted the plunder.
But what was David’s reply to these covetous men?
v23: Do not covet for just yourself what God gave!
And what’s significant about v24-25? It was so important to share with the entire “family” of Israel, whether you went to battle or stayed with the supplies, that David made it a law!
And so, we read in v26-31: David practiced what he preached!
What Biblical Principles can we apply for our lives today?
1. Even when all is going well, we must not be surprised of evil and troublemakers showing up in our midst. How did David handle those troublemakers? David brought up God and so must we when troublemakers come. It is nice to bring up God and say “WWJD?” But again, what good is that question when we don’t do anything about it! The question we need to ask ourselves and then respond is “What Would Jesus Want Me To Do? – WWJWMTD?”
2. We must not covet for ourselves what God has given us! What has God given us??
3. God gives! We share! But let us note to whom David shared what God had given!
David gave to his family and to his own people!
There are so many causes and needs in the world and in America God has given us much! But just because your uncle’s neighbor’s 2nd wife’s grandchild in the would like to have a cellphone, you shouldn’t automatically send money or a “balikbayan” box!
We are to share what God has given us but God also calls us to be good stewards of what we have!
think of it this way: As an individual, what should be our number 1 priority in life??
What’s the 2nd priority in our lives??
Our relationship with God should always be the #1 Priority in our lives! Secondly, our family, starting with our spouse, should be the next priority in our lives! Our church family should be the next priority!
And so, as we share what we have, we should prioritize in line with our relational priorities.
Take a moment to quietly pray to God and give God thanks for what He has given you; take an inventory what you have from God.
Ask God if you are coveting something that you are to share and to whom.