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  • The Cycle Of Sin (Judges 8)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Mar 9, 2025

    Is there a cycle of sin and repentance? Do we go through cycles? Let's look at Judges 8.

    Do we see Israel’s repeated cycle of sin, suffering, sorrow and salvation in Gideon's story? Do we see it in us? Do we still need to repent long after baptism? Let’s look at Judges 8. How did Gideon appease the complaint made by the men of Ephraim? The men of Ephraim said to him, “Why have more

  • Looking At The Evidence Series

    Contributed by Dr. Jerry N. Watts on Apr 1, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Just as surely as Gil Grissum of CSI (Las Vegas) says, "follow the evidence", so does God’s word in determining who is of the Father and who isn’t.

    * Let’s begin this morning with 1 John 3:10 “This is how God’s children — and the Devil’s children — are made evident.” I don’t know about YOU, but for me, when the Bible says so clearly that “this is the way” for us to know who’s going to heaven and who’s not, who belongs to God and who belongs more

  • Standing On The Promises

    Contributed by Doug Lyon on Dec 11, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The acceptance and assurance of salvation

    1 John 5:9-13 Standing on the Promises Introduction In 1994, the Texas Rangers baseball team called up a young infielder by the name of Benji Gil. The Rangers needed a shortstop and they promoted Gil from their AA team directly to the major league—something rarely done. But Gil had a hard more

  • A New Vision For Giving

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Aug 6, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    let’s see a better and clearer picture (vision) of the results of genuine Biblical Christian giving. Main Scripture is 2 Corinthians 9:7-15. Outline taken from Gil Rugh in Giving: A Result of Grace, Chapter 3

    Sermon for 8/5/2007 2 Corinthians 9:7-15 A New Vision for Giving Introduction: A. Visualization is so important these days. Basketball (shot like James) , baseball (hit like Bonds), football (pass like Manning). B. Visualize success in our lives. If we are successful what will it look more

  • Find The Right People To Serve Series

    Contributed by Rick Burdette on Feb 21, 2017

    Teamwork, Empowering Others, Growth

    The 3 C’s of a Healthy Church - Find the Right People to Serve Acts 6:1-7 (p. 762) February 26, 2017 Introduction: Jon Weece in the book “Jesus Prom” says: “When we stop moving, we start dying. Too many churches are filled with too many more

  • Vasos De Barro: Abraham

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 17, 2019

    Nuestra confianza no ha de estar puesta en nosotros, sino sólo en el Dios del pacto.

    Intro. Cada vez que salimos de casa y nadie se quedará por un tiempo considerable, tenemos el hábito de resguardar en lugares que consideramos seguros aquellas cosas a las que consideramos de valor. En mi caso, normalmente, resguardo mi computadora porque es muy valiosa para mí por more

  • Lighten Up

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    An examination of how fear limits our fulfillment in life. Clip from movie, "Parenthood", used as illustration.

    Lighten Up John 10:10 9-19-04 EPIC Only I want to begin this morning by posing a question for your consideration. Before I ask the question think of something that you would really like to do—something you would find very challenging, something you know would be personally enriching—but you’ve more

  • Ceremonia Para Bodas

    Contributed by Adrián Olivas on Aug 14, 2003
    based on 250 ratings

    Esta ceremonia la escribimos mi esposa y yo para una pareja de nuestra congregación.

    Ceremonia para Susie y Gil Preludio (30 minutos antes de la hora anunciada en la invitación) Lectura congregacional: Salmo 128 Invocación Procesión 1. Madre y padre del novio 2. Madre de la novia 3. Abuelos del novio 4. Abuelos de la novia 5. Ministro seguido por el novio y el padrino de more

  • American Idols Series

    Contributed by John Oscar on Jun 1, 2017

    Teaching on Idolatry in Modern America

    American Idols 10 Commandment Series CCCAG May 28th, 2017 Scripture-Exodus 20:4-6 The Miracle on 54th Street As you know Tammie and I came from Kenosha Wisconsin, and lived through an interesting time in our city in 1991. There was a revival group that had started among the local Catholic’s that more

  • Vasos De Barro: Gedeón Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 17, 2019

    Nuestro verdadero, suficiente y definitivo libertador es nuestro gran Rey Jesucristo.

    Cada vez que salimos de casa y nadie se quedará por un tiempo considerable, tenemos el hábito de resguardar en lugares que consideramos seguros aquellas cosas a las que consideramos de valor. En mi caso, normalmente, resguardo mi computadora porque es muy valiosa para mí por la more

  • Vasos De Barro: Moisés Series

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 17, 2019

    Nuestras carencias, limitaciones e inhabilidades son suplidas por medio de la obra y persona del Señor Jesucristo.

    Cada vez que salimos de casa y nadie se quedará por un tiempo considerable, tenemos el hábito de resguardar en lugares que consideramos seguros aquellas cosas a las que consideramos de valor. En mi caso, normalmente, resguardo mi computadora porque es muy valiosa para mí por la more

  • Expectations: Are You Swimming Or Sinking?

    Contributed by Eric Ferguson on Aug 13, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    Sometimes our EXPECTATION of something is due to our frantic pace, we don’t notice sin creeping into the back seat of our lives, putting us at great risk. Thank God that he’s always on the lookout for us, and that at times he uses setbacks to rescue us f

    Expectations: Are You Swimming or Sinking? Jonah1:1 – 4:7 OPENER: Get a roll of toilet paper (individual is better) that is pre-wrapped. Carefully undo the wrapping and tape a $10 bill inside the roll and close the packaging. Tell teens that inside the paper bag is: Something that is very useful more

  • Batallas Internas: Debilidad

    Contributed by Wilbur Madera Rivas on Jan 22, 2020

    En tus debilidades, Su gracia es suficiente

    Intro: Un día llegué a mi casa y mi esposa, Delia, me dijo que estábamos invitados a una cena esa noche por el cumpleaños de alguien de la iglesia. Llegamos a la reunión y estuvimos platicando, conversando acerca del paso del tiempo, etc. Llegó la hora de la cena y more

  • Olympians Reach For The Goal Series

    Contributed by Monty Newton on Aug 23, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Spiritual Olympians with a "go for the goal" mindset keep their eyes on Jesus.

    Title: Olympians Reach for the Goal Text: Hebrews 12:2-4 The Big Idea: Spiritual Olympians, with a “go for the goal” mindset, keep their eyes on Christ. Series: Spiritual Olympians: Going for the Goal, is based on Hebrews 12:1-13 and designed to coincide with the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, more

  • God’s Spirit~ Alive And Well!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Jun 6, 2016

    Paul draws several contrasts between existence ruled by the flesh and the new life of the Spirit. To walk in the Spirit is to be "in step" with the Spirit. Life in the Spirit means to follow His lead and remain in His control. It is life governed by the S

    God’s Spirit~ Alive and Well! Romans 8:1-11NASB The late baseball legend Gil Hodges told this story. Once, when he was managing the Washington Senators, he discovered four of his players had broken curfew the previous night. Immediately, he called a team meeting and said, "I know who you more

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