  • Dr. Jerry N. Watts

    Contributing sermons since Feb 20, 2006
Dr. Jerry N.'s church

New Hope Baptist Church, Foxworth, Mississippi
Lucedale, Mississippi 39452

About Dr. Jerry N.
  • Education: Bachelor’s of Church Music - William Carey College, Master of Theology - International Seminary, Doctor of Biblical Studies - Andersonville Baptist Seminary Additional Studies: Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary Luther Rice Seminary Mississippi College Seminary Extension
  • Experience: Presently, he serves the New Hope Baptist Church in Foxworth, Mississippi, as Senior Pastor. He has served for close to 20 years as a Music Minister, Music and Youth, and as an Assistant Pastor for Music in 4 different states. Most recently, for 5 years he served as a Missions Director in George Greene Baptist Association in Southeast Mississippi. His pastoral experience spans close to 25 years in Mississippi and Alabama.
  • Comment to those looking at my sermons: Please feel free to use, rewrite, upgrade, and strengthen these words...don’t give me ANY credit--because I probably got it from someone else...and if I didn’t---the credit goes to the Father. If you desire the powerpoint that I use, please email me; may also check my personal web site for resources;
  • Sermon or series that made a difference: "To Be or Not To Be"
  • Family: Wife - Deboria, Daughter & Husband- Christy & Chris Son & Wife - Jonathon & Charlotte Granddaughters - Claudia, Chloe, Piper, Aspen Grace, and Miriam Grandson - Dallas, Caffrey, & Asher
  • Best advice given to me about preaching: Dr. Ted Traylor - when putting a message together focus on 3 views of each Biblical point you make; 1) Interpretation - people need to know what God says. 2) Illustration - people remember good (great) stories. 3) Application - and this is where most men MISS the boat.
  • Books that have had an impact: Preparing for Rain Purpose Driven Church Purpose Driven Life When God Builds a Church Kingdom Principle’s for Church Growth The Unchurched Next Door Surprising Insights for the Unchurched The Key to Triumphant Living
  • Hobbies: Flying, Golf, Tennis, Softball, Basketball Fishing, Hunting,
  • If I could Preach one more time, I would say...: "Everybody lives somewhere for all eternity"
  • What I want on my tombstone: He gave his life to the work of the Lord.
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  • Understanding The Story

    Contributed on Oct 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    2020 has been a year of an unusual number of hurricanes, many have hit the USA. When a storm hits, lives are changed. We like to believe we will 'get over it' or 'get on with it', but storms have an impact, whether it is a weather type of storm OR a personal storm.

    Candidly, every time there is an event like this, many want to characterize it in unbiblical ways. After Katrina, I recall the extreme views made public. On the one hand, some were getting on TV speaking of how God could have nothing to do with events like this, at the same time, others came more

  • Who's Your One

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    A challenge to share your faith.

    The May 9, 2019 edition of the Baptist Record has this story on page 8, “Church Rolls Continue Downward Trend, Survey Says.” This means: “In our state (the most “churched” state in the Union), we have over 50% of the population not connected with anyone’s church (anyone’s!!), while, our churches more

  • Which Cross Is Yours

    Contributed on Dec 6, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    To preach this message, I showed the "Three Crosses of Golgotha" and named each cross. The title of the message became the altar call.

    • The greatest picture of love ever displayed was when Jesus died on the cross. It was not because of His guilt, it was not the hammer, the nails, the crown, or the abuse that Jesus died, it was His love; it was the love He had for you and me. But never miss this critical part. • He didn’t just more

  • What's Really In The Way

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    With a huge cross on the platform which the worship team had to 'work around', the question of the day was stated in the title of this message. For us, "Is the cross or the culture in our way?"

    What’s Really In the Way Jerry Watts 1 Corinthians 1:18, Matthew 16:24 (This message was preached with a 10 foot cross place in the center of the platform area. The worship leader and band had to work around it & the choir was behind it) • Several years ago a pastor friend told me more

  • Necessities

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2015

    Refocusing our congregation on the basics, this message point us to some fundamental necessities for the Christian life and living.

    Necessities Jerry Watts Matthew 9:9-13 • In this story of “Matthew’s call” from Jesus to become a follower and disciple, I believe we can lift out many truths. We can lift out things like “The reality of Jesus’ call” or “Responding to the Call of more

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  • Living Without Hope

    Contributed on Mar 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    LIVING WITHOUT HOPE There was one TV spot which we leased and in my opinion crossed all barriers being the most thought-provoking. It pictured a man sitting in a room by himself with the camera coming up from behind him slowly. As the picture slowly panned past the man to show his dejected more

  • Two Days After The 9/11 Attacks On Our Nation, ...

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2009

    * Two days after the 9/11 attacks on our nation, Anne Graham Lotz was being interviewed by Jane Clayson on the CBS early show and was asked, "I’ve heard people say, those who are religious, those who are not, if God is good, how could God let this happen? To that, you say?" Lotz replied, "I say more