Sermon Series
  • 1. In The Family

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2007

    Being in the family holds some exciting possibilities.

    •This past weekend our teenagers has a “Disciple Now” weekend and studied a curriculum entitled, “Logos”. •The word is “logahs” not “logos”. The simple definition given for this word is “the word”, yet it is more. The internet dictionary says, “the divine word of God; the 2nd person in the more

  • 2. Walking Tall

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    The call of Christ is for the true believer to "Walk Tall" for the sake of the gospel.

    It is located in Tennessee, on the Mississippi-Tennesee state line, and it is name "McNary County". Many, if not all, will recognize this county by reputation and story if not by name. In the early 1960’s the area around the state line had become an area of ill-repute. The story is told that more

  • 3. Don't Be Deceived

    Contributed on Mar 22, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Of all the things scripture expresses concern about, it is "deception" among God’s crown creation.

    Matthew, Mark and Luke record an interesting verbal interchange between Jesus and His disciples. It concerns the “end of days.” They asked Him, “tell us about the sign of the end.” Jesus’ initial response was almost ominous, “watch that no one deceive you”… Have you ever been deceived? How did more

  • 4. Looking At The Evidence

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Just as surely as Gil Grissum of CSI (Las Vegas) says, "follow the evidence", so does God’s word in determining who is of the Father and who isn’t.

    * Let’s begin this morning with 1 John 3:10 “This is how God’s children — and the Devil’s children — are made evident.” I don’t know about YOU, but for me, when the Bible says so clearly that “this is the way” for us to know who’s going to heaven and who’s not, who belongs to God and who belongs more

  • 5. Be All You Can Be

    Contributed on Apr 15, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    God desires for us to become all the can. John gives us 5 needs, thoughts, or issues to "deal with" IF we are to Be all we can be.

    * In 1981, the US Army unveiled one of the most popular jingles they ever used. What was the jingle? Most of us remember it; “be all that you can be in the Army.” The target was young men and the “pride factor” which they possess. * It does not stretch the imagination at all to realize that God more

  • 6. What The World Needs Now

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    IN the aftermath of the VA Tech massacre, we need to respond by allowing the world a "Glimpse of the Love of God" through us, the church.

    “WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS NOW” 1 John 4:7-12 The 1960’s were tumultuous at best. A lot of the cultural seeds planted in the 60’s are being harvested today. This past week we have been shocked into disbelief at the gunning down of 30+ college students who, without warning, through no fault of their more

  • 7. Replacing My Religion

    Contributed on Apr 24, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    Religion which is man-made brings insecurity, but a Relationship with Jesus brings confidence.

    > When I was a young man, I would frequently hear, “I’m gonna lose my religion!” Normally, this was said at a time of stress and frustration. > Gallup took a poll on “Religion” in January of 2007, the results of which seems to me to be a little contradictory in nature. When asked “do you more

  • 8. Who Wants To Be A Winner

    Contributed on May 4, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    Being a winner does not have to be a worldly issue. God expects His children to conquer, win, triumph in this world. What are the attributes needed to accomplish this.

    “Who Wants To Be A Winner” 1 John 5:1-5 > Regis Philbin seems to have a golden touch these days. Almost everything he touches seems to have public acceptance and is successful. Regis was the initial host of the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” I have a different question for us this more

  • 9. Certainty And Security

    Contributed on May 20, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Ben Franklin is quoted as saying, "the one thing certain in life is death and taxes" but the truth is this: Only in Christ Jesus can we have both certainty and security.

    Certainty and Security 1 John 5:6-11 * This past week was shocking. First, Monday morning begins with two people arbitrarily gunned down in an attempted bank robbery, one of the robbers shot, and one “reportedly” got away (later it was said that the suspect acted alone), the next day, more

  • 10. Press On

    Contributed on May 27, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    No matter what comes your way, there are some thought which will help you Press On.

    Press On 1 John 5:11-21 (For the accompanying powerpoint - > In late 1989 Bill, our student minister in Pensacola, resigned to continue his education and head to the mission field. As he left, he asked me to lead the Christmas more