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Sermons on Gevurot 24:25:

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  • When God's People Are Stuck With Ungodly Government Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Nov 10, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    1. Keep embracing the truth (Acts 24:22-25). 2. Keep helping people escape the tragedy (Acts 24:25-27). 3. Keep expanding your trust in God (Acts 24:27-25:12).

    When God's People Are Stuck with Ungodly Government The Book of Acts - Part 83 Acts 24:22-25:12 (Read Acts 24:22-27) Sermon by Rick Crandall Grayson Baptist Church - May 17, 2015 BACKGROUND: *Back in Acts 21, the Apostle Paul arrived in Jerusalem to worship the Lord and deliver a generous love more

  • What Are You Waiting For? Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 11, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    When Felix heard Paul preach the Gospel in a private audience, he was deeply affected...but he procrastinated, sealing his eternal doom. This sermon asks us, "What are you waiting for" about several key decisions God wants us to make in our lives.

    What Are You Waiting For? Series: Acts Chuck Sligh February 11, 2018 TEXT: Acts 24:24-25 - "And after certain days, when Felix came with his wife Drusilla, which was a Jewess, he sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. 25 And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance more

  • What To Do When Falsely Accused Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Feb 18, 2018

    How should a believer respond when falsely accused? Paul's response to false accusations gives us a template for how to respond to such situations in our lives.

    What to Do When Falsely Accused Series: Acts Chuck Sligh February 18, 2018 NOTE: A PowerPoint presentation is available for this sermon by request at TEXT: Turn to Acts 24 INTRODUCTION Have you ever been falsely accused? If so, I bet it was one of the hardest experiences more

  • The Unfinished Sermon

    Contributed by Rick Pendleton on Dec 31, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    WHEN THE GOING GETS TOUGH ... the Felix' of this world PROCRASTINATE!

    The Unfinished Sermon Acts 24:24—27 Intro. I really feel for Paul as a preacher. His sermon was really on a roll. Want to hit the pulpit and shout "Amen" Then, all the sudden, Felix pulls the plug. "That's enough for now, if I have time later I'll hear more. Don't call me, I'll call more

  • The Gambler

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 14, 2016

    The Powerball Lottery reminds us of 2 types of people; one group who gamble their souls that they can ignore God, and the other who gamble that God is real and will do what He said. Which are you?

    THE GAMBLER INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. J.E. Bedenbaugh said, “My grandmother, a staunch Southern Baptist, had marched me off to Sunday school and church regularly. 2. So when I switched to the Episcopal church after marriage, she challenged me: "What’s wrong with the Baptist Church, more

  • Go Thy Way: He Waited For A Convenient Season Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Mar 31, 2020

    In this last message for this "Go thy way" series, Felix a Roman governor, talked with Paul about the Christian faith several times. He listened but told Paul "go thy way and I'll talk to you about this when I have the time". Sadly, he never found the time.

    Background: Paul has been arrested in Jerusalem, then taken to the Roman barracks (castle, KJV: Acts 21:34, 37, e.g.). Later Paul was sent to the seat of Roman government in Caesarea. He had been tried and accused of charges, serious at the time, but was declared neither guilty nor innocent. Paul more

  • Encouraging Dads To Tell Their Story Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 8, 2021

    You see, the gospel is not just something you hold onto but the gospel has its hold on you. The power of the Gospel on a person is most evident when you see its hold on a person.

    Happy Father’s Day! Dads, there are too few good fathers around. Dads, I want to speak to encourage you to deepen your commitment to living a life of integrity in Christ. To know Jesus is to have a story of how you came to know Jesus. This story is often referred to as your “testimony.” In fact, more

  • The Gospel Demands Courage Series

    Contributed by Scott Maze on Jun 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We’re going to looking inside a first-century Roman courtroom. And as I love a good legal drama as much as anyone, I’m eager to tell the story

    You’ve Got the Time is taking 28 minutes a day to listen to the New Testament on mp3. You’ll cover the entire New Testament in just forty days. 28 minutes a day for forty days – it’s just that simple. I’m preaching on selected Scriptures throughout the forty days as you listen. As with last week’s more

  • Delusions That Defy Common Sense

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 16, 2021

    The world system and all who live by it apart are deluded by both the devil and their own depraved minds. They believe they have everything figured out and can live without the intervention of God Almighty. Scripture proves otherwise.

    The apostle Paul told the church at Corinth that there is a time to put away childish things and assume the maturity and responsibility expected of an adult or mature young person (1 Corinthians 13:11). The time comes for everyone to grow up and realize that the world and all you know does not more

  • Dodging Decisions Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jun 21, 2021

    What is often passed off as indecisiveness or propriety or procrastination is a dishonest attempt to keep from honoring what is right and fair. We can see Felix’s motives as an example. We can also see how God can use such red tape.

    Dodging Decisions (Acts 24:1-27) 1. So today we honor our graduates, and we honor our fathers. 2. I will honor our graduates with a joke: Why did Mary want to work at a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet even though she'd received her B.A. degree? Because it had been on her bucket list for a long more

  • Borrowing From Tomorrow

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The Scriptures tell us, "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring." (Proverbs 27:1). Too many people in these last days forget that they may not have tomorrow. The time to be prepared to meet God is now.

    All of us at one time have put things off until the last minute, such as the writing of a research paper for school or studying for exams. We put off important decisions at our place of work, or filing tax returns, buying your family Christmas presents on or near Christmas Eve, or asking that more

  • The Perils Of Procrastination Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 7, 2022
    based on 3 ratings

    To decide to delay is to decide to deny.

    When I was around 10 years old, my grandma gave me a bunch of unused stamps and told me to hang on to them because they’d be worth a lot of money in the future. For the past 50 years I’ve known I had them in a file but never got around to checking on their value. Thinking this would make for a more

  • Acts Of The Apostles 35 Of 39

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 14, 2022

    In Acts twenty-four we find the apostle Paul is being held in custody as a common criminal, waiting for his accusers to arrive, and is to appear before Antonius Felix, the governor of Judaea.

    Felix was a politician in every sense of the word. He had risen from being a subservient person, to the position of Governor of Judaea. He got his start through the influence of his brother at the imperial court of Claudius. He married three Princesses, which also elevated his career. The first more

  • Paul Imprisoned Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 27, 2017

    Felix immediately perceived that there was no case against Paul. The only count in the indictment with any truth to it was the one naming Paul “a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes.” The procurator knew that the Christian movement had not been....

    June 22, 2016 Acts of the Apostles By: Tom Lowe Lesson: IV.F.3: Paul Imprisoned (24:22-27) Acts 24:22-27 more

  • Paul And The Procrastinating Governor Series

    Contributed by James Lee on Dec 9, 2016

    How many of us actually have a problem with procrastination? Adapted from a series by pastor Jerry Shirley.

    Paul and the Procrastinating Governor Acts 24:24-26 If there was a club for procrastinator’s I would most likely be elected president. But honestly, how many of us actually have a problem with procrastination? We’ve got that project we started several months ago that is still waiting more

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