Preaching Through Acts
Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 3, 2012 (message contributor)
1. Witnessing By The Holy Spirit
Contributed on Jul 3, 2012
verse 1:8 is the key verse in the book of Acts. It’s what Acts is all about. It’s the story of the early church. Notice that it tells us that we are going to have power, and that the power will be from the Holy Spirit, and that we are to be witnesses.
Witnessing by the Holy Spirit Acts 1:6-8 (KJV) 6 When they therefore were come together, they asked of him, saying, Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? 7 And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put ...read more
2. The Lord’s Provision
Contributed on Jul 8, 2012
Our knowledge comes from experience and it is very limited, but Jesus’ knowledge is unlimited, and He could see into the future. He knew that in the future, when His disciples began to preach the gospel, that they would encounter hardships and persecutio
The Lord’s Provision Acts 1:1-11 Introduction Jesus understood the needs of His disciples before they knew they had a problem. I can relate to that, because I think that I may know my wife so well that I anticipate her problems; and at ...read more
3. Paul’s Sermon Before Felix
Contributed on Jul 20, 2012
Those whose hearts are devoted to the gospel, display its power when they are subjected to trouble, persecution, and sorrow. The power of the gospel that entered into the heart of the apostle Paul must have been extremely strong, because it could never b
Paul’s Sermon Before Felix "And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee."—Acts 24:25. Those whose hearts are devoted to the gospel, display its power ...read more
4. Two Lessons We Must Learn
Contributed on Jul 30, 2012
Some in the Church were complaining. The text makes it appear that their complaining was like the “buzzing of bees.” The topic was the welfare of the widows in the congregation. In that day the only help that widows received came from the Church.
Two Lessons We Must Learn Acts 6:1-15, 7:54-60 Introduction Our study of the book of Acts makes it clear that the Church has displayed its ability to handle the opposition of an unfriendly world. For example, last week we read that ...read more
5. The People Called Christians
Contributed on Aug 3, 2012
“Christian” is one of the most abused words in our language. It is often used to signify people who are non-Jewish, non-Muslim, or nonheathen. It doesn’t necessarily mean, “Those who profess to believe in Christ.” All you have to do to have this hit ho
The People Called Christians Acts 11:19-26 Introduction “Christian” is one of the most abused words in our language. It is often used to signify people who are non-Jewish, non-Muslim, or nonheathen. It doesn’t necessarily ...read more
6. No Reason To Run Out
Contributed on Aug 13, 2012
Have you ever heard about Christians running out of Gas? It happens. Nothing is more embarrassing or dangerous than believers running out of the fuel of the Holy Spirit. The believers in the book of Acts learned quickly the lesson of needing a refuelin
No Reason to Run Out Acts 4:23-31 Introduction Have you ever run out of Gas? I guess that I have been lucky, because I have only run out of gas once in my life. I can still remember what happened, because it was ...read more
7. The Living Christ In The Church
Contributed on Apr 29, 2013
Let’s consider three lessons from Acts 3. 1. The lesson of crippled people and what can be done to help. 2. The lesson of divine authority and how we can have access to it. 3. The lesson of a living message and its relevance for our times.
4-11-03 The Living Christ in the Church Text: Peter said, “I have neither silver nor gold, but what I ...read more