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  • ¡cuidado!

    Contributed by Adrián Olivas on Apr 22, 2002
    based on 97 ratings

    Las Escrituras nos dicen que "probemos los espíritus" y que no hagamos caso si alguien viene con otro evangelio, ni aún un ángel.

    ¡Cuidado! Génesis 3:1-6 Esta es una advertencia divina que aún es válida para nosotros. 1. Cuidado con la disensión Génesis 3:1; Romanos 16:17; Proverbios 6:17-19; Hechos 20:29, 30 2. Cuidado con basarse en la lógica humana Génesis 3:4; 2ª Corintios 11:3; Colosenses 2:8; Mateo 4:3 3. Cuidado more

  • The Spirit Of Deception

    Contributed by Chad Prather on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 89 ratings

    The Old Testament nation of the Hivites represent the spirit of deception and present a major obstacle to our destiny as the people of God.

    The Spirit of Deception (Hivites) Josh 3:10; Genesis 3:1-5 Hivite: To live a lie openly shown; a serpent. Deception: To mislead by giving a distorted impression or false sense of reality. To trick; to cheat; to beguile. The ancient Greeks used the word to describe the pleasure that comes more

  • You Don't Say?

    Contributed by Jim Kane on Oct 3, 2002
    based on 31 ratings

    God has given us a choice to follow him or not.

    Which Bible story do you wish you could have been recorded on tape as it actually happened? Would it be the creation story? Would it be Jonah and the whale? Or what about the crucifixion and/or resurrection of Christ? Unfortunately we do not have video records of Bible events and may be for good more

  • Donde Estas?

    Contributed by Joshua Pinto on Oct 22, 2002
    based on 76 ratings

    El ser humano continúa pecando y rebelándose de la voluntad de Dios, por lo consiguiente continuamos sufriendo las consecuencias del pecado en el edén. Así, como Adán y Eva fueron cargados de vergüenza y temor, también los pecadores hoy en día están carga

    ¿DONDE ESTAS? Génesis 3:1-13 Nueva Versión Internacional “1 La serpiente era más astuta que todos los animales del campo que Dios el Señor había hecho, así que le preguntó a la mujer: ¿Es verdad que Dios les dijo que no comieran de ningún árbol del jardín? 2 Podemos comer del fruto de todos los more

  • Decisions And Obeying God

    Contributed by Neal Gray on Jan 22, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    A CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Pastor’s message on Adam and Eve. They had only one real decision to ever make: Obey God or not. Today, we make decisions all of the time. God’s people need to be reminded that there are evil influences in their decision-making.

    "Decisions and Obeying God" Author: Dr. Neal Gray Passage: Genesis 3:1-13, KJV Purpose: Adam and Eve had only one real decision to ever make: Obey God or not. Today, we make decisions all of the time. God’s people need to be reminded that there are evil influences in their more

  • A Tale Of Two Sins Series

    Contributed by Kyle Meador on Feb 1, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    Adam and Eve face temptation and fall pray to two present and powerful sins. Notice each and also notice how this affects their relationship with God.

    From the Very Start A Look at the Ancient Text of Genesis that speaks with Amazing Present-day Relevance A Tale of Two Sins This is one of those stories which everyone seems to know a little about. Yet it amazes me how skewed of a picture we sometimes have. Let’s walk through this story and see more

  • What The World Needs Now Series

    Contributed by Matthew Rogers on Feb 20, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    God restores the community we destroy.

    The Greatest Place on Earth – Part 2 January 20, 2002 Big Idea: God restores the community we destroy. INTRODUCTION Lee Strobel wrote: People today will admit any problem - drugs, divorce, alcoholism - "but there’s one admission that people are loath to make, whether they’re a star on more

  • The Fall And Original Sin

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Mar 1, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    How did the world get in such a mess? Where does the evil found in our society find its roots? The answer is not mental insanity, but original sin.

    The Fall and Original Sin (Genesis 3:1-7) 1. Lots of tragic news: child killed by molester; mother murdered her children.. 2. O’Reilly guest---all murderers are insane… 3. Now sometimes people are insane, but so many people refuse to accept another explanation for mankind’s woes: original sin. 4. more

  • Doubting God's Goodness Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Nov 20, 2002
    based on 19 ratings

    How does the first sin of humanity relate to and affect us today? 2nd in the series "Life Changing Bible Stories from God’s Word."

    DOUBTING GOD¡¦S GOODNESS Gen 3:1-19 In 1874, James Eads completed the first steel bridge in America. It spanned the Mississippi River at St. Louis, Missouri. No one believed that it would support its own weight. Eads ordered 14 locomotives to stop on the bridge at the same time. The people then more

  • Trusting In God's Word

    Contributed by Greg Linton on May 15, 2003
    based on 140 ratings

    Is my Bible completely trustworthy? There are some that say the Bible may contain some errors. But can we say this?

    Trusting in God’s Word When you go to the doctor, there are a few fundamental things that a doctor looks for to check your overall health. Temperature, pulse, respiratory rate, blood pressure. These are called vital signs. And the church also has a few vital signs by which we can judge our overall more

  • Atonement Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Jason Lancaster on May 16, 2003
    based on 18 ratings

    Atonement seen in early part of Genesis: Adam and Eve.

    agfaegvad more

  • A Shameful Walk Series

    Contributed by Matthew Wright on May 20, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    Adam and Eve.

    Title: A Shameful Walk Text: Genesis 3 Subject: Disobedience; Temptation Series: The Walk Series; #1 Introduction: Before cars, before roller skates, before bicycles, before boats, and even before people rode animals, people walked places. Thousands of years later, walking is still very more

  • Where Are You?

    Contributed by Thomas Dibble on May 29, 2003
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus is calling for each one of us to give ourselves completely to him and to live for him wholeheartedly. He is calling for you to live for him all of your days.

    A lot of people today do not understand God and who he is. They have a wrong idea or concept of God. They say, “Is there really a God? I can’t see him so how do I know if he is really there?” Let me tell you a little something about God this morning. The Bible tells us in: John 4:24 24 God more

  • The Coming Redeemer

    Contributed by Paul George on Jun 6, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    Man’s rebellion did not surprise God or catch Him unprepared for the rebellion

    Before or shortly after God created man Satan rebelled against God. This rebellion spread from heaven to the earth. Through a serpent Satan convinced Adam and Eve God was not being truthful when He forbid them to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and more

  • When You Can't Go Back To Eden

    Contributed by Peter Parry on Jun 20, 2003
    based on 36 ratings

    When you can’t go back to Eden head instead for Zion.

    When You Can’t Go Back to Eden (Genesis 3; Micah 4:1-4) Thirty years ago (Jan. 1972) there was an unusual news story about a Japanese soldier found in the jungles of Guam who had been in hiding for the past 28 years. His name was Shoichi Yokoi, he was 56 years old, a sergeant in the more

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