The First Lie Series
Contributed by Ricky Burke on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This sermon exposes Satan’s three most powerful lies.
Title: The First Lie
Text: Genesis 3:1-5
We are doing a series of studies on the early chapters of Genesis called, "How it all began."
The word "Genesis" means "beginning." That’s a fitting title for the first book of the Bible because it tells us how everything began (except God, of course). It tells us about the first week of history, the first people, the first home, the first marriage, and the first lie.
Who told the first lie? Satan did, in Genesis 3:1-5.
Now there are some things Genesis 3 doesn’t tell us. It doesn’t tell us how much time has passed since the 7th day of creation. We assume that it was a few days, but that is simply an assumption. Furthermore, Genesis 3 doesn’t tell us where the Devil came from. We have to look elsewhere in the Bible for that information. If you get too curious, you can look up Ezekiel 28:11-17 and Isaiah 14:12-15. Those passages tell us that he was a cherubim (a general among angels) but he became filled with pride, wanted to take God’s place, and planned a rebellion.
So Satan goes to Eden and sees the crown of God’s creation: man and woman, Adam and Eve. Keep in mind, Adam and Eve are in a STATE OF INNOCENCE. That is, the thought of sin has never crossed their minds. The very notion of disobeying and doubting God is foreign to them. They haven’t been introduced to the concept of sin and they haven’t been given an opportunity to sin.
Satan knew about THE PROHIBITION God gave Adam. On the sixth day, before He created Eve, the Lord told Adam . . . (Gen. 2:16-17).
God gave this prohibition and it was fine with Adam. He later told Eve what God had said, and it was fine with her. The very thought of breaking that prohibition didn’t cross their minds because they were in a state of innocence.
Satan sees this as an opportunity to strike at God and start a rebellion. So He assumes the form of a snake and introduces Adam and Eve to the concept of sin. And HOW DID HE INTRODUCE THEM TO THE CONCEPT OF SIN? He lied.
Jesus describes the devil as "THE FATHER OF ALL LIES." Satan told the first lie, and it has been one of his favorite tools ever since. He uses lies to entice people to sin. That’s what He did with Adam and Eve.
He told three lies. I want to expose these lies tonight because he still uses them today. Here are his three most powerful lies.
I. Satan Lies about the BIBLE.
He says, "The Bible isn’t reliable."
Look at what he told Eve.
A. He casted Doubt on God’s Word ("Did God really say . . ."). He does the same thing today. Our universities, colleges, and even seminaries are plagued by so-called Higher criticism which is trying to shred the Bible and cast doubt on everything it says.
B. He Distorted God’s Word (". . .you must not eat from any tree in the garden?") God didn’t say that. God said, "You are free to eat from any tree inthe garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" (Gen. 2:16-17).
Satan took what God said and twisted it into something it didn’t mean. And he does the same thing today. He distorts God’s Word and twists it into saying something it doesn’t mean (ILL: People who twist the word to teach a salvation by works, to teach that Jesus Christ is not God, to teach that the Holy Spirit is not a person, etc.).
C. He Denied God’s Word ("You will not surely die"). This is an emphatic denial in the Hebrew. Satan is saying, in effect, "There is no way in this world that you will die." He was denying the Word of God, and Satan still does the exact same thing today (ILL: people who teach that Jesus isn’t the only way to Heaven, that there is no Hell, etc.)
Satan told Eve, and he tells billions of people today, "The Bible isn’t reliable." Dear people, IS WHAT HE SAYS TRUE? Of course not!
The Bible is the most reliable and trustworthy book ever written and you can believe whatever it says!
Isaiah 40:8 says, "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
2 Timothy 3:16 adds, "All Scripture is God-breathed . . ." That is, God spoke every word from Genesis to Revelation! And dear people, God doesn’t lie and He doesn’t make mistakes!
Satan lies about the Bible and . . .
II. Satan Lies about GOD.
He says, in effect, "God doesn’t have your best interests in mind."