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Sermons on friends of the cross:

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  • Enemies Reconciled & Saints Persevere! Series

    Contributed by Rickey Bennett on Aug 16, 2009

    God permanently transforms his enemies into friends through the cross of Christ.

    INTRODUCTION Please turn in your Bibles to Colossians 1:21-23. Despite its great complexity, this passage gives us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the course of God’s salvation. It is something of a road map, tracing the spiritual journey of God’s redeemed people from its beginning to its more

  • A Friend

    Contributed by Lindeal Greer on Dec 16, 2000
    based on 54 ratings

    Jesus taking our place on the cross for our sins.

    A Friend Suppose you are in prison, you have committed murder or rape or something worthy of death. The judge gave you the death penalty. While you are waiting the execution, they come and let you out and put your friend in your place. He says to you, “I have come to take your place.” We’d say more

  • At The Cross - The Cross & Friendship Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Apr 19, 2002
    based on 365 ratings

    The Cross created a situation where the Son of God would call us His friends. How can that be?

    OPENING: * I wonder why it’s such a compliment to tell a woman she looks like a breath of spring, but not to tell her she looks like the end of hard winter. Isn’t it the same thing? * I wonder why it pleases her to say time stands still when you look into her face, but not to say her face would more

  • The Reconciliation Of The Cross Series

    Contributed by Mark Schaeufele on Mar 23, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The cross makes us right with God again.

    The Reconciliation Of The Cross Text: Col. 1:19-23 Introduction 1. Illustration: The Civil War was carnage. Then Jefferson Davis of the Confederacy died. And Ulysses S. Grant of the Union died. Their widows, Varina Davis and Julia Grant, settled near each other. They became the closest of more

  • Getting Real With Your Friends Series

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Sep 2, 2007

    Jesus understands us as we are, but loves us into what we may become. With Peter, he loved the Type A person; with James, the passive-aggressive; with John, the immature -- all into effectiveness. Montgomery Hills Baptist Church

    History is full of stories of betrayal. Those who look like friends sometimes turn on you. Some of us have friends who would sell us for even less than Judas’ thirty pieces of silver if they could! Personally, I wish I could get at least ten cents on the dollar for everything I have loaned to more

  • Friend Or Foe

    Contributed by Jeffery Richards on Sep 1, 2001
    based on 24 ratings

    A decision must be made; will we be a friend of the cross or a foe or enemy of the cross? This sermon looks at the characteristics of both.

    FRIEND OR FOE PHIL 3:17-21 During a Billy Graham crusade in Australia, a Melbourne daily paper received this letter: "I have heard Dr. Billy Graham on the air, viewed him on television, and seen reports and letters concerning his mission. I am heartily sick of the type of religion that insists my more

  • Tragedy, Tears And The Cross

    Contributed by Roosevelt Wright on Sep 17, 2001
    based on 139 ratings

    The terrorists attacks on the symbols of American power have not diminished the the power of the cross.

    SCRIPTURE: “God is our refuge and our strength, a very present help in a time of trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Psalm 46:1-2;The Lord of hosts is with us the God of Jacob is our refuge.” Psalm more

  • The Cross Brings Friends And Family Together Series

    Contributed by Mike Lewis on Dec 27, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This morning, we are continuing our series on the Cross of Christ. What the cross means to us today as we examine how Christ’s death reaches into our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. Today’s lesson is aptly titled “The Cross Brings Friends and Family Together.”

    WELCOME & INTRODUCTION - Welcome to Friends and Family Day - Guests visiting - Our series: The Cross of Christ DNA DISCOVERIES: “MORE THAN FRIENDS” Family histories and lineages are becoming more and more popular as people want to learn about and discover who they are, where they came from, more

  • Disciples Around The Cross

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Feb 26, 2018

    Have you heard the term Fair weather Friends? Were the disciples fair weather friends? How about us? Do we have the tendency to be fair weather friends? How does Jesus handle fair weather friends? What is the lesson for us?

    I want to you to think about your best friend this morning. How do you define a friend? One of the online dictionaries define “friend” as follows “a person who you like and enjoy being with a person who helps or supports someone or something” You would also have your own definitions of friendship. more

  • A Postcard To A Friend For A Friend Series

    Contributed by Chuck Sligh on Jan 9, 2013

    Sermon 1 in a series on the short letters of the New Testament. This one is on the letter by Paul to Philemon concerning Onesimus.

    A Postcard to a Friend for a Friend Series: New Testament Postcards January 6, 2013 A very brief PowerPoint presentation for this message is available by emailing me at TEXT: Turn to Philemon INTRODUCTION Illus. – Back in 1820 the average person in England wrote more

  • Friends Sharpen Friends

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Aug 6, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    God has given us friendships as gifts.

    "Friends Sharpen Friends" (Originally preached by Frank Lewis, FBC Nashville, TN) March 16, 2003 Chester’s FBC, Chester, IL Mike Fogerson, Speaker Items needed: Anvil, Blacksmith’s Hammer, Sheep Sheers, Steele, Knife, piece of metal, channel locks, metal file/rasp, table for more

  • Friends Saving Friends

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on Oct 2, 2009

    The greatest miracle of all is the transformation of a lost sinner into a child of God This is a look at how we can do this

    Last week I pointed out the fact that after Jesus had raised from the dead • The first thing that He did when He saw His disciples • Was to command them to go and make more disciples. • Part of our faith • Part of being a Christian is that we obey Christ’s commands. • And the most important more

  • Friends Saving Friends

    Contributed by Darrin Fish on May 6, 2014

    How to reach out to those close to us.

    Last week I pointed out the fact that after Jesus had raised from the dead • The first thing that He did when He saw His disciples • Was to command them to go and make more disciples. • Part of our faith • Part of being a Christian is that we obey Christ’s more

  • Friends Reaching Friends

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Feb 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    From Luke 10 let's talk about presence, peace and hospitality (Material adapted from M. Scott Boren's book, Missional Small Groups, Chapter 8, pg. 131- 162)

    HoHum: Recruits in the army are told, “Always dig your foxholes big enough for two.” More effort to do so, but it could save a life. Making room for more people in our lives is good and missional. WBTU: Missional- Missionaries to other countries have two different approaches. 1) more

  • Friends

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Apr 25, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God wants you to be a good friend. That means we need to discover new friends, help distressed friends, help divided friends, and know your Divine friend.

    Friends Philemon 1-18 Sermon by Rick Crandall - April 11, 2010 *A wise man said, "A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out." (1) -Good friends are a gift from God. And God wants you to be a good friend. 1. That means we need to discover new friends. *All of his life as more

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