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  • Rejecting Reluctance Series

    Contributed by John Dobbs on Oct 1, 2021

    What a great truth that is, but it is countered with another truth: Many people are reluctant to give their life to Christ.  Our text today tells us about the reluctance of Moses - a great leader who had to overcome some struggles to answer the call of God!

    REJECTING RELUCTANCE  Exodus 3:1-15; 4:10-17 Introduction This is How We Overcome - stories from the Old Testament that demonstrate how people of faith overcame the barriers in their lives and gained victory through faith! 1 John 5:4 “...For everyone born of God overcomes the more

  • Who Am I? Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Oct 16, 2021
    based on 5 ratings

    Moses didn't want to do what God asked. He didn't think he was worthy or capable... and he was right. So what made the difference in his life?

    Years ago there was a comedian named Milton Berle who wrote this poem: “I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once more

  • When God And Moses Meet (Exodus 3:1-22) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Nov 26, 2021

    What God does in the world, He mostly does through you.

    Our story today is a special one-- it's of when God, and Moses, meet. But this is not just a meeting. It's also a calling. Now, some of you may know parts of this story. I'd encourage you this morning to pretend you don't. Assume that you are missing something, that there is more

  • No Excuse For Excuses

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Nov 26, 2021

    Douglas Bernstein, a psychology professor at the University of Illinois recently asked faculty members for the ‘most unusual, bizarre, and amazing student excuses’ they had ever heard.

    He got dozens of responses from his fellow professors: * Grandparent death: an old favorite, but one professor’s class established some sort of record when 14 of 250 students reported their grandmother’s death just before final exams. * Car Problems: "I had an accident, the police impounded more

  • The Burning Bush Call Of Moses Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 3, 2022

    Moses put his neck on the line once. And he felt like a failure. Is he willing to be that vulnerable again? Is he willing to trust God with his life? That is the challenge of Moses. That is the challenge for everyone who follows the call of God.

    The call of God is as unique for every individual as is every person. For Gideon it was the fleece and that differs widely from Ezekiel and his lofty falling facedown vision of the throne of God. Isaiah with the burning coal placed on his lips differs from Paul on the Damascus Road and his more

  • Moses Meets God Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 11, 2021

    God taught Moses that He demands reverence, promises His presence and reveals His essence to those who seek Him and obey Him.

    J. B. Phillips in his book Your God Is Too Small tells of how he asked a group of young people to give a snap answer to the question, "Do you think God understands radar?" They all said no, and then they roared with laughter as they considered how foolish their answer was. It showed more

  • Meaningful And Meaningless Worship Series

    Contributed by Chuck Gohn on Jun 30, 2022

    This sermon focuses on Solomon's somewhat cynical view of Temple worshipers along with his corrective: to "stand in awe of God" and how it applies to our modern day church services.

    I would like to open today’s sermon with a question. Why do we even bother to go to church? I imagine if I was to ask everybody, I would probably get different answers. I think some go out of tradition. Some go because they are feeling pressure from a spouse. Others might be feeling a sense more

  • How To Be Useable For The Lord

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Jul 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    God does demand usefulness in our lives, Matthew 25:15. It should be an earnest desire to be used of God, 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

    God does demand usefulness in our lives, Matthew 25:15, 19, 24-26. it should be an earnest desire, a continual aching in her heart to be used of God, 1 Corinthians 9:19-27. what one thing are you allowing God to do through you? Let me say these things about being used of the Lord: no one ever more

  • Lent 3 C- The Dust Of The Tabernacle’s Floor

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Mar 19, 2022

    According to Numbers 5:17, even the dust of the Tabernacle’s floor possesses spiritual properties, it was mixed into holy water.

    God said, remove the sandals from your feet, you are standing on holy ground. The priests were barefoot in the Old Testament when doing the sacred rites in the Temple. At Catholic Masses in Thailand and Southern India, with great reverence, the people remove their shoes at the door. According to more

  • We Are Standing On Holy Ground

    Contributed by Timm Meyer on Nov 18, 2020

    Seeing the burning bush Moses realized he was standing on holy ground. Like Moses we are amazed at God's glory. We are also humbled by God's glory.

    WE ARE STANDING ON HOLY GROUND (Outline) February 23, 2020 - Transfiguration - EXODUS 3:1-6 INTRO: Our world is filled with the glory of the Lord. We see it day after day in nature. We recognize the glory of the Lord in the daily rising and setting of the sun. We see God’s glory day more

  • The Call You Did Not Expect Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Jul 9, 2021

    God calls those whom he can use and who are faithful even in areas where they feel weak.

    INTRODUCTION • Life can be full of irony. • When things happen in life, sometimes all we can do is scratch our heads. • Life is ironic, and God loves irony. • Here are a few funny examples of irony: “The most shoplifted book in America is The Bible.” • “According to researchers, duct tape should more

  • The Burning Bush PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 29, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore the story of Moses and the burning bush, emphasizing God's call, presence, and promise, and encouraging us to be open to God's plans, even when they seem impossible.

    Good morning, family! Today, we're diving into a special part of the Holy Scriptures, a story dear to our faith, filled with God's presence, calling, and promise. The story of Moses and the burning bush as told in Exodus 3:1-16. A.W. Tozer once said, "God is looking for people through whom He can more

  • Because God Will Lead You PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 27, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Even in our moments of confusion and fear, God is present, guiding us and asking for our trust, just as He did with Moses in the wilderness.

    Good morning, church family! You know, there are moments in our lives when we feel like we're in a wilderness. We're confused, lost, and maybe even a bit frightened. But that's often when God speaks to us most clearly, guiding us and asking for our trust. Today, we'll be diving into the story of more

  • The Transforming Fire Of God SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Exploring Exodus 3, we observe how an ordinary bush becomes a vessel for God's presence. It serves as God's dwelling place, His mouthpiece, and a site of purity and transformation. It ultimately stands as an everlasting witness to God's power and glory.

    Good morning and welcome in the name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Today, I want us to reflect on a simple yet powerful thought from the book of Exodus. It is this: Without God's fire, a bush is just a bush. In Exodus chapter three, we read about a regular thorn bush that caught Moses' attention more

  • No More Excuses: Embrace Your Calling SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The world may not see the fruits of our faith because we, like Moses, are hiding and making excuses instead of taking action. God often asks us to undertake challenging tasks. Will we trust Him? Do we respond with faith or excuses when God calls?

    Last week, we heard a powerful message about faith and works. The pastor challenged us with the question, "Where's your fruit, Church?" Today, we will delve deeper into this question by examining Moses' response to God's call in Exodus chapter 3. Are there things holding us back from being as more

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