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Sermons on Exodo 2:7:

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  • The Birth Of Moses

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Apr 3, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Three unnmed heroines in the service of God - and I wonder if they even realsied it!

    Exodus 2:1-10 Frisby on 15th March 2009 I don’t usually speak off cuff (and I have reconstructed my talk to put it on Sermoncentral) – but I feel that God wants me to do so this morning I want to say this morning clearly that we have a God who intervenes in this world, using ordinary more

  • The Boy With Two Moms.

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Jan 15, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Mother's Day - Moses had two moms with two different expirences. Men on the outside looking in to the relationship.

    The boy with two moms. Let me start off our time together with a simple illustration of a man’s perspective. This is a JOKE…I thought it was just a tiny bit funny…I also thought it was a uncomfortably true illustration of some extremely rare and perhaps even extinct more

  • The Desperate Faith Of A Mother Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Dec 18, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This portion of scripture shows how God's grace affects the hearts of people

    Intro: We began last time talking about the exodus as a continuation of Genesis. We see that the creation story did not end it just continued into its fulfilment in the redemption story. Last week we saw a lot of hands involved. God’s hands that placed Israel right where He wanted them. more

  • One

    Contributed by Wayne Du Toit on Dec 4, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    Teach the power of one life, using the life of moses as the example. Build an awareness that each of us has value and that we may need to actually do something to recognise our own value or to help others see their value.

    Listen to sermon : {Desire: Motivating Factors what is going to help people make a change, motivation/consequence} Look at the story from the characters perspectives, No matter where you are you are in life you have a past, you have a history that helps more

  • Jochebed! Who? Trusting God Exodus 2 V1-10

    Contributed by Roger Whipp on Dec 29, 2014

    Jochebed, Moses mother trusted God with the most important thing in her life. Are we prepared to do the same?

    I guess for most Police Officers, the most stressful part of the job is appearing at court. I shall never forget my first Crown Court appearance, and the first time I gave evidence at Court 1 at The Old Baily. Generally it’s not because you have done anything wrong, or as some might more

  • Exodus 2:1-10

    Contributed by Rev. Randy Barker on Jan 14, 2015

    EXODUS 2:1-10

    Due to the large amount of sermons and topics that appear on this site I feel it is necessary to post this disclaimer on all sermons posted. my sermon ideas and illustrations are often taken from many sources including those at, there could be instances where other more

  • Moses Series

    Contributed by Tim Smith on Feb 7, 2016

    Perhaps no person in history, outside of Jesus Christ, has made such a profound impact on the world as Moses. There are four lessons of life and faith we learn from Moses

    Moses Exodus 2:1-10 Both secular and religious sources document the Exodus of the Hebrew people from Egypt and the man who led them through the wilderness, Moses. Muslims revere him as a prophet, messenger and leader in Islam. In fact, Moses is mentioned more in the Quran than any other more

  • Exodus- " The Story Of God's Presence"Part 2" Trusting God In The Hardtimes Series

    Contributed by Randy Edwards on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Part 2 . Exodus the story of God's presence

    Exodus-“The story of God’s presence “ Part 2 “Trusting God in the hard times” Exodus 2:1-10 As we continue with our study of Exodus this morning I think before we can go forward We must Go back, for just a minuet Last week in our sermon We studied about more

  • The Choice Of Moses Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 1, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Moses Message 2 This shows how much Moses gave up to "suffer affliction" with God's people (Hebrews 11) and how God prepared him for the task of leading the chosen people from Egypt to Canaan in forty

    Moses 2 THE CHOICE OF MOSES Exodus 2:5-25 B. The Savior (2:5-25) 2. His Development Spiritually (2:7-9) 3. His Development Socially (2:10) 4. His Decision (2:11-14) 5. His Development Specially (2:15-25) In three different places God tells us that Moses, forty years old, at the peak of more

  • Power Of A Mother

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Oct 21, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Power of a mother's love and sacrifice

    A. MOSES: ONE OF THE GREATEST INFLUENCES IN THE BIBLE 1. He made a great positive choice, “He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter” (Heb. 11:24). 2. He made a great negative choice. “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to more

  • Jochebed: A Woman Of Determined Faith

    Contributed by Gary Holt on May 9, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a stand alone Mother's Day sermon. I used a lot of material from other sermons, (can't remember sources) so let me know if I owe you credit. I found "Jochebed" to under-served in the sermon section. I hope someone can benefit from this.

    Jochebed: A woman of Faithful Determination” Exodus 2:1-20 Mother’s Day 2016 HEY: OPEN: REAL MOTHER’S Real Mothers are special people. Real mothers would like to be able to eat a whole candy bar (all by themselves) and drink a Coke without any "floaters" in it. Real Mothers more

  • Mother's Day 2015

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on May 5, 2015
    based on 11 ratings

    A sermon for Mother's Day in which we honor mothers, as well as encourage them by looking at the mother of Moses and her example of faith

    Mother’s Day 2015 Text: Exodus 2:1 – 11 Before we get to our text this morning, I want to tell you little story since its Mother’s Day. It starts out one afternoon when a man came home from work. As he drove up and parked his truck in the driveway he noticed his 3 kids, ages more

  • The Heart Of A Mother

    Contributed by James Linders on May 9, 2015

    Jochebed was the mother of Moses. Because of her faith in God and her refusal to drown her son in the River Nile, he became the FIRST leader AND prophet of the Hebrews. His REMARKABLE achievements are ALL recorded in the Bible.and Talmud.

    Exodus 2:3 “But when she could no longer keep him hidden, she made a basket out of reeds and covered it with tar She put him in the basket and placed it in the tall grass along the edge on the River Nile.” Exodus 2:10 “And when he was old enough, she took him to the king’s more

  • A Tale Of Four Mothers

    Contributed by Fr Mund Cargill Thompson on Mar 21, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    How do we relate to Mothering Sunday when Corona Virus takes away the cute services with bunches of daffodils?

    ....................................... Hello and welcome and Happy Mothering Sunday. It’s a little bit different from normal Mothering Sunday’s - But…. We are reminded “God is good ALL THE TIME” - and if he is good “all the time” - that includes even now when things are very uncertain I’d like to more

  • God Works In Unexpected Ways (Moses)

    Contributed by Steve Pearman on Jun 21, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The story of Moses childhood reminds us that God works in very unexpected ways sometimes. It was true for the Hebrew people; it was true with Saul, it is true of us today.

    Discovering God through Moses 1 Exodus 2:1-21 Let’s start by getting the timing of this story and the chronology of it. Abraham – Isaac – Isaac – Jacob Jacob – Joseph Joseph gets to Egypt – His family lives there and grow!!! Anyone think the Old Testament is out of date? We live in a society more

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