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  • The Mark Of Destruction’

    Contributed by Nelson Emeonu on Jul 14, 2014

    We are in the end time as prophesied in the Word of God.There is a mark of the Beast, warned about in the word of God. Someone’s doubt cannot take anything out of God’s word. It is recorded in many places of the Bible.

    THE MARK OF DESTRUCTION Beloved, You are welcome to the hour of the trumpeter. We really appreciate your interest in this end time message,which God is using to wake up the Church, and prepare the Saints for the return of The Lord, Jesus Christ. We sincerely thank you for your prayers and more

  • Romans 12:4-5 - Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on May 10, 2018

    In Romans 12:4-5 we saw that we are all interconnected members of the Body of Christ. In verses 6-8 we see that members of the body receive gifts in order to use them to meet the needs of others. Both the gifted and the receiver must be present for this.

    Please stand as we read or recite our memory Scripture for this quarter ... Romans 12:4-5 “Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” more

  • The Antichrist And False Prophet

    Contributed by Larry Wolfe on Jul 8, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    A thorough unfolding of the career of the Antichrist and False Prophet from Daniel and Revelation

    The Antichrist The most mentioned end times character in the Word of God, besides the Lord Jesus Christ, is the Antichrist. The book of Daniel records the great majority of the information given about this wicked and notorious enemy of God beginning with king Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon who is a more

  • Good News For Bad Times, Part 2 (Mark 13) Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Jul 21, 2020

    Dealing with the most important question from Mark 13: when Jesus comes, will you be ready?

    Good morning! Please turn in (or on) your Bibles. We are continuing with Part two of a message we began last week, called Good News for Bad Times. If you missed it last week, I would encourage you to go back and listen to it. But let me just recap where we’ve been so far. We talked about the more

  • Antichrists And The Antichrist Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jul 23, 2012

    Many people have set themselves up in direct opposition to Christ, but the most successful opponent is yet to come.

    Antichrists and THE Antichrist (topical) 1. We were all shocked to hear of the horrible massacre at a Colorado movie theater. 2. I don’t know if violence is growing, but it seems to be. If it things continue to deteriorate, society will probably surrender some of our freedoms for security. This more

  • Preparing For Bad Times Without Trusting In The World

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Nov 28, 2023

    Daniel sinks back into self-reflection, with symptoms reminiscent of what we today know as a “panic attack.” How does he escape?

    Saturday of the Last Week in the Year (Dec 2) 2023 I heard a radio commentator say recently that he can’t remember a time when he heard as many people talking about the “end times” as he hears today. This being the last week of our Church year, we are hearing “end time readings,” particularly from more

  • The Laodicean Church Age

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Mar 21, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Many believe that we live in the Laodicean Church age. This could be true.

    WHY DO MANY BELIEVE THIS COULD BE THAT CHURCH AGE? When you read Rev. 3:15-19, you can easily see why many think this is the age in which we live. For example, look at some of the things we see about this Laodicean church age. First, the Word of God reveals- (A) WHAT GOD THINKS ABOUT more

  • What In The World Is Going On?

    Contributed by Jon Daniels on Oct 16, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Based on Matthew 24:3-14 - Challenges hearers to consider how Christ-followers should prepare for the return of Christ.

    “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON?” Matthew 24:3-14 FBCF – 10/15/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – Title of sermon today: “What in the World Is Going On?” Maybe should say: “What Is Going on in the World?” Our family at our home Thu evening for son’s bday party. As we sat around table, began discussing more

  • Have A Happy Ending In Your Life . Pay Heed To These Warning Symbols

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jan 28, 2007
    based on 4 ratings


    HAVE A HAPPY ENDING IN YOUR LIFE . PAY HEED TO THESE WARNING SYMBOLS ************************************************************************************************** OUTLINE 1.LUCIFER 2.CAIN 3.KORAH 4.ISRAELITES 5.SAUL 6.GEHAZI 7.JUDAS INTRODUCTION The Lord wants us to have a happy ending more

  • Funeral Message

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Dec 17, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    Our earthly life will end. Eternal life will be never-ending.

    On Saturday, Michael spent most of the night praying for Margo when she was struggling. She couldn’t really talk but would mouth the words, “I love you” to him. Early in the morning, Michael reached for his Bible and the passage that came up on the screen was from 2 Corinthians 5:1-5. He read it more

  • Considering Consequences Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 27, 2012
    based on 14 ratings

    Every action has an "afterwards" to it & Proverbs is studded with reminders of this fact. Proverbs calls us to the premise that nothing should be completely judged by its initial enticing stages. The moral law of sin & its consequences are written on

    PROVERBS 14: 12 CONSIDERING CONSEQUENCES Consequences are things we rarely consider. But even the smaller issues of life like having an extra piece of chocolate cake has its consequences as well as its appeal (caloric-waistline consequences). It is difficult for most of us to consider the long more

  • The God Who Holds The Future

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Aug 4, 2024

    The future is in God's hands. God is watching over His elect. We are to stay vigilant and faithful to God.

    Matt 24:15-28 - The God Who Holds the Future One common fear we have is the fear of the future. We worry about what is to come. • We fear because we do not know what can happen and we are not in control. • The things we worry about may not even happen but the thought of it can rob us of joy and more

  • Peter! Wake Up!

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Aug 31, 2016
    based on 2 ratings

    In the 12th chapter of Acts we see the deliverance of Peter from the hand of Herod. It is an amazing deliverance. James is executed and Peter delivered. Both were ready to die. Shouldn't we be as well?

    Acts 12:1-19 (As people look up this Scripture briefly explain the first phrase in the first verse ...) The first verse says, “It was about this time …” The events leading up to Chapter 12 Stephen is martyred Great persecution breaks out Believers are scattered more

  • Raise Us To Thy Glorious Throne

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Apr 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    With the descriptive language of a wedding we see that Jesus is coming back one day to gather His Bride to be with Him in heaven. This gathering is called The Rapture. You will not find the word Rapture in your bibles but you will find it taught

    Raise us to thy Glorious Throne In todays announcements we shared about the funerals for Doris Sparks and Donald Simpson and Randy Andreson. We are accustom to accepting news about funerals as a part of life. For the Christian it is really just a part of our walk towards our eternal life. Today more

  • Signs In The Sky Series

    Contributed by Jon Miller on Mar 2, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    This is part of a series on the Second Coming , the titles are based on the book by John Macarthur titled "The Second Coming"

    Signs in the Sky Matthew 24:29-31 Past four weeks we have been looking from this passage at a sermon series titled the “second coming” We have looked at Why Christ Must Return, The doctrine of the soon return of Christ, Birth Pangs, and the great tribulation Today I want to look at more

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