Sermon Series
  • 1. Celebrate With The Prophets

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2023

    Based on Malachi 5:2 - Challenges hearers to consider the implications of Jesus' birth in Bethlehem.

    “CELEBRATE WITH THE PROPHETS” Micah 5:2 FBCF – 12/2/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – A lot of people have a lot of reasons to celebrate these days: - Just celebrated T’giving - TCA Rebels won state football championship for 6th time. - OM fans celebrating their Egg Bowl victory. - Tate Reeves supporters more

  • 2. Celebrate With Joseph & Mary

    Contributed on Dec 11, 2023

    Based on Matthew 1:18-25 - Challenges hearers to consider the ramifications of Joseph & Mary's obedience to the Lord & how that applies to our lives.

    “CELEBRATE WITH JOSEPH & MARY” Matthew 1:18-25 FBCF – 12/10/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – 2012 movie –“A Christmas Miracle.” And there certainly are many things connected to the Christmas story that are miraculous. That’s why we are spending this month in this series entitled, “Come Celebrate more

  • 3. Celebrate With The Shepherds & Angels

    Contributed on Dec 18, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    Based on Luke 2:8-20 - Encourages hearers to focus on the magnificence of seeing Jesus as Christmas.

    “CELEBRATE WITH THE SHEPHERDS & ANGELS” Luke 2:8-20 FBCF – 12/17/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – We’re getting pretty good at this “Come Celebrate Jesus!” thing around here! - Last Sunday night – “His Name Shall Be Praised” – Adult choir – children’s choir – packed house here in sanctuary – more

  • 4. Celebrate With The Church~

    Contributed on Dec 25, 2023

    Based on Acts 2:42-47 - Challenges the hearers to realize what Jesus' advent means for the Church.

    “CELEBRATE WITH THE CHURCH” Acts 2:42-47 FBCF – 12/24/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – Churches get a lot of airtime this time of year. - Christmas cantatas – “Carols by Candlelight” at FBCJ - Kids’ programs w/ shepherds & angels & Mary & Joseph - Live nativity scenes - Christmas Eve services more

  • 5. Come, Lord Jesus!

    Contributed on Jan 2, 2024

    Based on Revelation 22:20-21 - Challenges hearers to consider how to live their lives in light of the imminent return of Christ.

    “COME, LORD JESUS!” Revelation 22:20-21 FBCF – 12/31/23 Jon Daniels INTRO – God has always had a plan. - Plan for Creation - Plan to deal w/ Satan’s accusations - Plan for the liberation of His chosen people - Plan for our consolation when we are hurting - Plan for preparation of Jesus’ coming more