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Sermons on El Apocalipsis 2:11:

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  • No Fear! Series

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on May 24, 2022

    People are often motivated primarily by fear or greed. But love is the best motivator.

    What motivates you? Cynical approach used in sales: Fear and greed. If we believe that we’re completely on our own in the world, then these two impulses serve as effective motivators. As followers of Christ know that there is a more powerful motivator: Love. At the same time, we can lose sight of more

  • The 7 Churches Of Revelation (Part 1) Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Jul 9, 2023

    Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation, and each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it. Although sometimes subtle, there is a very common theme to each letter: a church that allows the world to influence it is NOT being faithful to Jesus Christ.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 26, Revelation Part 3 The 7 Churches of Revelation (Part 1) Revelation 2:1-29 Introduction - Today we will begin our examination of the 7 churches of Revelation -- Each of these churches has a very specific letter given to it -- Although sometimes subtle, there is a more

  • Digging Deep And Leaning In Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Jul 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon is about how to live a vibrant and positive life in the face of Persecution using St. Polycarp and the Smyrna Church as models.

    Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11; John 15:18-20 Theme: Digging Deep and Leaning In This sermon is about how to live a vibrant and positive life in the face of Persecution using St. Polycarp and the Smyrna Church as models. INTRO: Grace and peace in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. more

  • "the Crown Of Life" Series

    Contributed by John Huyser on Jul 18, 2023

    This city’s unique relationship with Rome made Smyrna a primary target for persecution. Assuring them he knows what they are about to go through, Christ promises them (and us) the crown of life.

    To best understand the letter to Smyrna, we need to understand this city’s close relationship to Rome and the Empire. Compared to the others, Smyrna and Rome are the most closely aligned for good reason. Two hundred years before Christ, Rome was at war with Hannibal and the Carthaginians. That more

  • The Seven Churches Of Asia Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Aug 8, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Study #1: This introduction contains and quick overview of The Seven Churches of Asia, showing how they represent periods of time in the church age, culminating with the present day; thus showing that we are nearing the end.

    NOTE: This Bible study on the end times comes from the perspective of a pre-tribulation Rapture. Introduction Throughout history people have found Revelation to be a confusing book, and some have even said that it is completely useless. So, why in the world should we study Revelation? Turn more

  • The Rewards Of An Overcomer Part Ii Series

    Contributed by Mark Hall on Aug 21, 2023

    I give my full permission for this sermon to be used in its fullest for the glory of God. The Bible overflows with magnificent promises, and in the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ the ultimate promise keeper, reveals seven of the most awe-inspiring promises found anywhere in scripture.

    THE REWARDS OF AN OVERCOMER PART II Please open your Bible to Revelation 21:7 as we continue our series on the eternal rewards of heaven with today’s message, “The Rewards of an Overcomer Part II.” Revelation 21:7 He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My more

  • Smyrna: The Suffering Church Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on Jan 12, 2023

    The apostle John is asked by the resurrected and victorious Christ to write to the seven churches of Asia, a message that, although directed to specific churches, applies to the church universal.

    A. Revelation 1:8 (READ) 1. If you were about to be KILLED for your FAITH in Jesus, wouldn’t it be HEARTENING to know that the One you would DIE for had DIED for you and is ALIVE again? a. Getting a letter of encouragement from Jesus, the CRUCIFIED and RESURRECTED Christ, meant more

  • The Death Of Polycarp At Smyrna: How To Give Up Everything For Christ Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on Jan 29, 2023

    Many Christians would be killed for their faith in the first few hundred years of Christianity, many of whom lived in Smyrna. Most famous of all these martyrs was a man named Polycarp.

    Smyrna as you can see on the map was located on the Aegean sea and was considered the gateway into Europe from the middle east. Smyrna was known for it’s production of fine materials, in fact, Smyrna was known for production of frankincense and myrrh. Primarily for myrrh. And myrrh was a substance more

  • Revelation Study Series 3 - God's Mysterious Plan Fulfilled Series

    Contributed by Clayton Beck on Feb 17, 2023

    Jesus is alive! Jesus is coming back! Jesus wants you ready for His return!

    Revelation Study Series 3 - God's Mysterious Plan Fulfilled 10.17.21 Message… Revelation 2:8-11 8 “Write this letter to the angel of the church in Smyrna. This is the message from the one who is the First and the Last, who was dead but is now alive: 9 “I know about your suffering and your more

  • Mail Call: Smyrna Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Feb 24, 2023

    Looking at the 7 letters to the churches in Revelation and what Jesus wants us to learn.

    Mail Call: Smyrna Revelation 2:8-12 February 26, 2023 Have you ever felt life just isn’t fair? Now, I’m not talking about what we deem unjust or unfair and undeserved illnesses and sudden deaths. That’s an entirely different discussion and sermon. I’m talking about a time when you stood up for more

  • Strength In Times Of Trouble

    Contributed by Kelvin Mckisic on Sep 22, 2024

    This sermon encourages believers to persevere through trials, hold onto God's promises, and find strength in faith, using Revelation 2:8-11 as a guide.

    Welcome, cherished family of faith, to our gathering today. It's a joy to see each one of you here, gathered in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We are here, not by chance, but by divine appointment. Our lives, interwoven in the tapestry of God's grand design, have led us to more

  • Who Are The True Jews? (Revelation 2:8-11, Romans 2:28-29, Romans 10:1-13) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Dec 11, 2023

    Jesus encourages the church for its faithfulness in the face of persecution from the "ones calling themselves Jews, but aren't, but are a synagogue of Satan."

    There was a time in the U.S. (and Canada) when white people could put on blackface, and people thought it was amusing. You could pretend to be Denzel Washington, or Will Smith, and people would laugh. There was a time when you could wear traditional Native American clothing on Halloween, and more

  • Seven Churches Of Revelations Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Dec 15, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon.

    NOTE: New Light Faith Ministries and Barry Johnson Ministries, founded by Rodney V. Johnson and Barry O. Johnson, respectively, are partnering to offer Bible studies for Christians who are seeking to grow in their relationship with Jesus. This is a Bible study lesson, not a sermon. The Bible more

  • The Church Of Smyrna: Possessing The Wealth Of Heaven (Revelation 2:8-11)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 18, 2023

    Within the city of Smyrna, there existed a struggling Christian community undergoing intense and withering persecution. The Lord Jesus came to them with a word of comfort for their dark days. Even though they were poor, they were, in fact, rich beyond imagination.

    In our look at the seven churches of Asia Minor described in Revelation, Chapters 2 and 3, we come to the second church the Lord Jesus addresses in terms of testimony and steadfastness to the Gospel. This is the church in the city of Smyrna, which was located about 35 miles north of Ephesus. more

  • Smyrna And Pergmos Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Jan 26, 2024

    To the angel at the church in Smyrna write.....

    January 27, 2024 Today we will discuss churches 2 and 3 – Smyrna and Pergamos Smyrna (2:8-11 - shortest message) Smyrna (modern-day Izmir, Turkey) was a Greek city located about 35 miles northwest of Ephesus on a narrow isthmus on the Aegean coast. The City • Had a major seaport and was an more

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