Sermon Series
  • 1. Ephesus

    Contributed on Aug 6, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    Light the fire again.

    Letter to the Church in Ephesus Introduction: I would like us to look at the letters written to the Seven Churches in Asia as a series. We are a new Fellowship and it is good for us to watch for the pitfalls that other churches fell into. It is also good for us to consider what the Lord more

  • 2. Pergamum

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    It was a church with a bad environment. Its virtues were perseverence in an evil environment but it is reproved for its tolerance of wrong doctrine and heretics.

    The Letter to the Church at Pergamum Rev. 2: 12-17 Introduction: We started to look at the letters written to the Seven Churches in Asia as a series. Let us just refresh our memory on the seven churches. BACKGROUND 1) Ephesus Rev. 2:1-7 It was an orthodox church, with good works, more

  • 3. Sardis

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 19 ratings

    An early wake up call. A church with nothing to commend it

    The Letter to the Church at SARDIS Divided into three sections 1. Introduction of the Writer 2. Reprimand of the Church 3. Encouragement to the Faithful. Historical Background. City in Asia, modern day Turkey. Near to Thyatira. Capital of the ancient kingdom of Lydia. Early more

  • 4. Smyrna

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2001
    based on 30 ratings

    Encouragement to persevere

    Brinton 09-03-03 Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11 1. Introduction: We started last month to look at the letters written to the Seven Churches in Asia as a series. The book of Revelation was written by the apostle John whilst he was banished to the island of Patmos in traditionally more

  • 5. Thyatira

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    Be on your guard against false teachers

    This evening we are going to take a look at the fourth letter in the Book of Revelation to the Seven Churches in Asia, that to the church of Thyatira Read: Revelation 2:18-29 Background A large town Akhisar stands on the site of Thyatira. Thyatira was a city in the Roman province of Asia, more

  • 6. Philadelphia

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2001
    based on 26 ratings

    The sermon reviews the positive things that Jesus had to say about the church - their trust in God, their witness and their love and endurance

    The letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) This is the sixth letter to the seven churches in Asia that we find in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. It is written to the Church at Philadelphia. It is one of the two Churches (the other being the letter to the Church in Smyrna) for more

  • 7. The Church Of Ephesus

    Contributed on May 8, 2020

    Work for the Church does not please Jesus unless we maintain our original motivation

    Letter to the Church in Ephesus Introduction: I rarely dip into the Book of Revelation to preach because it is so difficult to understand and needs a lot of background to get a full picture of what John is saying. But today I sensed the Lord telling me that I should change my strategy and take more

  • 8. The Church In Smyrna

    Contributed on May 15, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Church of Smyrna was commended for its loyalty to Christ even though it cost many their lives. Would we be willing to give up our lives if Christ called us to do so - to be loyal to Him

    The Church at Smyrna. Rev 2:8-11 Last Sunday we looked at the first of the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse (also known as the Seven Churches of the Book of Revelation) - the Church of Ephesus. Let me just recap for those of you who weren’t with us last week The book of Revelation was written more

  • 9. The Church At Pergamum

    Contributed on May 22, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    The Message to the Church of Pergamum is :"There is no comprise. Either Jesus is Lord or Caesar is Lord" The Choice is yours

    The Church at Pergamum We have been looking as a series at the Seven churches of the Apocalypse in the Book of Revelation To recap: The Book of Revelation was written in AD 95 or 96 probably by the Apostle John when banished to the Island of Patmos. The seven churches of Revelation are 1.) more

  • 10. The Fourth Church Of The Apocalypse Thyatira

    Contributed on Jun 2, 2020

    The Church at Thyatira had much to commend it but had one fatal flaw, it allowed Jezebel and her teaching to flourish

    The Fourth Church of the Apocalypse - The Church at Thyatira Introduction We have been looking at the Churches of the Apocalypse during lockdown However, as it was Pentecost last week, we ducked out of our series to look at Acts 2 as an exception We are now back on course and looking at the more

  • 11. The 5th Church Of The Apocalypse -The Church In Sardis

    Contributed on Jun 11, 2020

    The Church in Sardis had become lethargic and lost its way. Jesus calls us to be alert

    The Fifth Church of the Apocalypse - The Church at Sardis Introduction We have been looking at the Churches of the Apocalypse during lockdown Last week we looked at the fourth Church of the apocalypse - the Church of Thyatira. Today we are looking today at the fifth Church of the Apocalypse - more

  • 12. The Sixth Church Of The Apocalypse - The Church Of Philadelphia

    Contributed on Jun 19, 2020

    This is one of the two churches that Christ has no reproof for - other other being Smyrna. And it together with Smyrna are the only cities that still have a Christian church. The key is their perserverance. The catchword is " Be strong and faithful"

    The letter to the Church in Philadelphia (Revelation 3:7-13) This is the sixth letter to the seven churches in Asia that we find in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. It is written to the Church at Philadelphia. It is one of the two Churches (the other being the letter to the Church in Smyrna) for more

  • 13. The 7th Letter - To The Church In Laodicea

    Contributed on Jun 25, 2020

    The Church in Laodicea is called Lukewarm by Christ . However he offers a wonderful

    The letter to the Church in Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) This is the seventh and final letter written to the seven churches of the Apocalypse that we find in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. It is written to the Church at Laodicea. This is the one church that Jesus has not one good word more