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Sermons on drawing grace:

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  • Draw Near To God - Draw Near To Grace

    Contributed by Scott Bradford on Mar 16, 2007
    based on 9 ratings

    Thios sermon is about drawing near to the grace of God!

    In life “Do-overs” are not the norm… In “No Wonder They Call Him Savior.” Max Lucado writes: I. “Not many second chances exist in the world today.. Just ask the kid who didn’t make the little league team or the fellow who got the pink slip or the mother of three who dumped for a ‘pretty little more

  • "Seeking Grace" Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Sep 20, 2017

    God works in each life to draw us to Himself.

    Today, we're going to begin looking at the various aspects of God's Grace - Saving Grace; Sanctifying Grace; Sustaining Grace; Surpassing Grace; and Seeking Grace. Often, when we think of people coming to Christ, we speak of those who are "seekers." Indeed, many are looking for meaning, but they more

  • Boldly Draw Near To The Throne Of Grace

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Dec 22, 2013

    To show that GOD's Grace and Mercy is JESUS Himself and He's already inside of us that's how we can come boldly by our faith to His Throne.

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you have GOD's Grace and Mercy? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD's Grace and Mercy is JESUS Himself and He's already inside of us that's how we can come boldly by our faith to His Throne. IV. TEXT: Hebrews 4:16 (Amplified Bible) 4:16 Let us more

  • Drawing Near The Throne Of Grace (2003)

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Apr 23, 2021

    God's Word is living and active because it reveals who we really are to God in our hearts.

    DRAWING NEAR THE THRONE OF GRACE Text: Hebrews 4:12-16 "To better understand the human body, in 1994, researchers made available a new computer tool called "The Visible Man." The Visible Man consists of almost two thousand computer images. "To produce images, more

  • The Drawing

    Contributed by Sean Dees on Mar 1, 2022

    We need to be drawing near to God not buttering up to God just to "Get Something".

    From this passage we read that God desires a relationship an intimate relationship with His creations. I believe that we forget that we were created for the Lord and that He desires to have fellowship with us. We are the apple of God’s eye, His one true love. My heart has been so heavy toward my more

  • Unless The Father Draws Him

    Contributed by Stephen Belokur on Aug 9, 2017

    It is a sound Biblical principle that no on can come to the Jesus unless the Father draws him. How does the Father do that?

    Please open your Bibles to John 6:41-51 which we will read in a few minutes. I don’t know if you noticed or not but every song we sang in worship this morning was either about the blood of Jesus or referenced the blood of Jesus shed for us as a sacrifice of atonement; to pay the penalty for our more

  • Drawing Near To God

    Contributed by John Oscar on Sep 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    Exploring how Moses drew near to God when everyone else ran away

    Drawing Near To God CCCAG August 27th, 2017 Scripture- Exodus 20-18-21 Children and Santa Clause Which of us men here have had the experience of going Christmas shopping at a mall with your family? As a father of young girls, I found out very early that the only reason I am there is to deal with more

  • Drawing From A Deeper Well

    Contributed by Lyndon Marcotte on Jun 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We must open ourselves to God’s love and grace, fully, and let His light illuminate the dark corners of our lives and bring healing and grace to our wounded places and reconciliation to our broken relationships.

    “Drawing from a Deeper Well” – John 4:5-42 We began our Lenten journey with our Adam & Eve covered in fig leaves setting out from the Garden of Eden into the world of the unknown. Last week we saw Abraham answering the call to leave everything behind and set his heart toward the more

  • Grace PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 11, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores God's grace as an unearned, divine gift that draws sinners closer to Him and guides them towards redemption.

    Welcome, dear friends and spiritual family. I am thrilled and humbled to share this sacred time with you today. We gather here, not as strangers meeting in passing, but as a family united in our love and devotion to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Today, we turn our hearts and minds to a topic more

  • Draw Near PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Jan 26, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores the importance of humility in our relationship with God and others, and how it influences our attitudes, actions, and understanding of God's wisdom.

    Good morning, dear friends. Welcome to this sanctuary of solace, this haven of hope, this cathedral of Christ's love. It is here, in this sacred space, that we gather to seek wisdom, to find comfort, and to be reminded of the everlasting love of our Lord. We are here today to turn our hearts and more

  • The Drawings Of Love

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 2, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    This passage primarily refers to God’s ancient people, the Jews, the natural descendants of Abraham. He chose them, and separated them from the nations of the world.

    6/11/2008 THE DRAWINGS OF LOVE “The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved the with an everlasting love; therefore, with loving-kindness have I drawn thee.” — Jeremiah 31:3. This passage primarily refers to God’s ancient people, the Jews, the natural more

  • Draw Near

    Contributed by Chuck Brooks on Nov 23, 2020

    Today we are going to look at how God wants us to deal with our family squabbles...

    Some say it started with a dispute over the ownership of a hog. Others say the ill-fated love of Roseanne McCoy and Johnse Hatfield caused it. Whatever the reason, there was bad blood between the Hatfields of West Virginia and the McCoys of Kentucky---they were feuding. It is bad enough when more

  • Draw Near Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Busch on Dec 22, 2002
    based on 46 ratings

    Ephesians Series #5 So many people toil their lives in search of the worlds prosperity which draws them away from Christ, when the prosperity that we were designed to enjoy only comes from close proximity to Christ. Do you have the Peace of Christ?

    A Walk that is Worthy Part 5 Draw Near Text Eph 2:11-13 Note: Christmas Sunday Intro: This morning I would like to share few moments on a message entitled “Draw Near” It is the 5th in a series entitled “A Walk that is Worthy” in the book of Ephesians. How many enjoy a good laugh from time to more

  • Draw The Line PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Oct 16, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    To encourage believers to stand firm in their convictions, resist temptation, and trust in God's Word.

    Good morning, church family! Today, we're diving into a powerful message drawn straight from the first chapter of the book of Daniel. Our topic? Knowing where to draw the line on temptation, staying true to your convictions, and placing unwavering trust in God's Word. As one poet, Oliver Wendell more

  • Drawing In The Sand

    Contributed by Antonio Silveira on Dec 4, 2011
    based on 3 ratings

    When we say that someone crosses the line is because they have start behaving in a way that is not acceptable. If someone tells a vulgar joke in a place or occasion that is not appropriate you may say that that person crossed the line. Crossing the line i

    If you draw a line in the sand, you establish a limit beyond which things will be unacceptable. The idea is that you establish a line that shouldn't be crossed or there will be severe consequences. It is easy to cross that line since there is not a physical barrier that would keep you from crossing more