
Summary: It is a sound Biblical principle that no on can come to the Jesus unless the Father draws him. How does the Father do that?

Please open your Bibles to John 6:41-51 which we will read in a few minutes.

I don’t know if you noticed or not but every song we sang in worship this morning was either about the blood of Jesus or referenced the blood of Jesus shed for us as a sacrifice of atonement; to pay the penalty for our sins.

In the New Testament the blood of Jesus and the sacrificial death of Jesus are used interchangeably as they are part of the same event; the most important event in the salvation history of the world.

With that in mind let’s go ahead and read: John 6:41-51

Why did the Father send Jesus to earth?

To put into effect the plan of salvation that was from the beginning.

The Father wants to save us, right? And yet,

In John 6:44, 65 NIV Jesus repeats:

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them …”

“No one can come to Me unless the Father has enabled him …”

Based on these Scriptures and others, many serious and sincere Biblical scholars have come to the conclusion that the Lord selects some people for salvation and while He selects others for eternity in hell, He never gives them the opportunity to find salvation.

I have sincere, Bible believing, born again friends who believe and preach this doctrine.

They are not heretics; they are brothers and sisters in Christ.

They still believe that the Bible is God’s inerrant word and that He is the Author.

They believe in the Holy Trinity.

They believe in original sin and personal sin which separates us from God.

They believe that salvation is found through grace and faith in Christ alone.

They believe in the return of Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead and final judgment.

They believe that every person who has ever lived has an eternal soul and will spend eternity either in Heaven with the Lord or in Hell with the devil and his angels.

They are brothers and sisters in Christ.

But in a brief overview of a few of their beliefs they differ from us.

Predestination: God has chosen some for salvation and has chosen others for eternal destruction away from the Lord.

Limited Atonement: The sacrifice on the cross of Calvary was only for those who are chosen for salvation. That the forgiveness found in the blood of Jesus is only for those chosen by God for salvation.

Eternal Security: After a person is chosen for salvation they cannot deny Christ and forsake their salvation.

If you listen to preachers on the radio or TV they will mostly be from one of two camps; they will be reformed Calvinists as just described.

Other than those you will most likely see health, wealth and happiness preachers.

If you find a preacher who tells you that the Lord never wants you to be sick or that true obedience always results in financial riches or that the Lord wants you to be happy all the time you need to change your channel or just turn the thing off.

So, what is the main difference between those who believe that God chooses some and not others, and, those who believe that God calls everyone and each person responds to the call of God or refuses to do so?

The main difference, put very simply, is the view of God.

Those who believe that God chooses some and not others have the belief that God is holds absolute sovereignty over every molecule in the universe and over every decision that is made by anyone on any subject.

Charles Spurgeon says, “I believe that every particle of dust that dances in the sunbeam does not move an atom more or less than God wishes.”

So when Charles Spurgeon sees these verses …

John 6:44, 65 NIV

“No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws them …”

“No one can come to Me unless the Father has enabled him …”

… he sees God choosing some and choosing not to choose others.

Sometimes I have wished for God’s absolute sovereignty over everything without Him giving us any choice.

Do you know how easy that would be?

That would free us from all responsibility!

Those who were going to be saved would be saved and those who were not would not!

Any testimonies, any preaching, any praying would be pointless so why do it?

That would be easy but the hopelessness of the lost would be tragic; God would be choosing those made in His own image for everlasting punishment by a God who did not die for them.

Let me be clear, that is NOT what we believe and we believe that to be a distorted view of the salvation plan of God.

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