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  • Helping Others Find Freedom

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 20, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Helping Others Find Freedom

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Helping Others Find Freedom 10:1-2, 17-24 I am convinced that the greatest tool of Satan in the western, industrialized world is the covert nature of his work. Satan works within the commonly accepted worldview of any culture. So in the western world where we more

  • Helping Others Find Freedom

    Contributed by David Taylor on Feb 27, 2014

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Helping Others Find Freedom

    Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus: Helping Others Find Freedom Luke 10:1-2, 17-24 I am convinced that the greatest tool of Satan in the western, industrialized world is the covert nature of his work. Satan works within the commonly accepted worldview of any culture. So in the western world more

  • Strongholds Must Come Down

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Apr 2, 2011
    based on 2 ratings

    You have been given authority over the enemy.

    # #April 3, 2011 Morning Worship Text: Luke 10:17-24 Subject: Spiritual Warfare Title: Strongholds Must Come Down I want to begin this morning by asking a question. Is spiritual warfare real? And if you believe that it is real, then how significant do you think that it is in your life? I more

  • A Time For Healing Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Oct 21, 2012

    Presents Jesus the healer.

    Introduction Jesus’ ministry has started with powerful action. No sooner does he start to teach than he has his first encounter with an evil spirit, i.e. a demon. With a mere rebuke Jesus casts the demon out of his victim shrieking in agony. As Mark will show in this passage, that was more

  • A Higher Power

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Jan 30, 2012
    based on 50 ratings

    Is there a real, personal Satan and a kingdom of evil against which we are in spiritual combat?

    Today we are looking at a rather remarkable story of Jesus as he leaves Nazareth and goes to Capernaum. As is his habit, he goes to the synagogue to teach. Again the people are amazed. But Luke tells us that the reason the people are amazed at Capernaum is not because of his gracious words, but more

  • The Stronger Man Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Feb 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    As humans we have been taken prisoner by a strong opponent who wants nothing but to destroy us. We see this captivity and torture revealed graphically as Jesus takes on not one but thousands of demons at once. It is a powerful picture of how our ultimate

    Just prior to Chapter 5 Jesus calmed the wind and seas and the disciples said “Who then is this?” As the disciples approach land they find out in spades. In a way, all of chapter 5 involves people imprisoned and the ultimate action hero who comes to set them free. In verses 1 through 20 more

  • The Danger Of An Unstable Father Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Feb 24, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    1) An Unstable Father is Too Permissive (Genesis 6:1), 2) An Unstable Father Loses Control (Genesis 6:2), 3) An Unstable Father Tests God’s Patience (Genesis 6:3), and 4) An Unstable Father Reaps What he Sows (Genesis 6:4)

    As human society develops, as civilization becomes more and more advanced, as people enjoy the blessing of families and children and all that goes with it, life is punctuated finally by death and it’s a series of obituaries brought about by sin. From the Fall into Genesis chapter 6, is development more

  • Coming Off The Mountain Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Feb 4, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    If we want to share in the glory above, we must follow Him into sufferings below. The glory on the mountain helps us deal with the garbage in the valley.

    Coming Off the Mountain Mark 9:14-29 February 4-5, 2017 Rev. Brian Bill Beth and I are coming off a mountaintop experience as we just returned from a week in Virginia to see Jamie and Lydia, our son-in-law and daughter, who just happen to be the parents of our grandson Philip, or as he’s more more

  • Did God Create The Devil Series

    Contributed by Pastor Cosmos on Jan 6, 2011
    based on 6 ratings

    This Bible study answers questions about where the devil came from, who is he, and many other facts about the devil that many do not know

    Most people in the world are being deceived by an evil genius bent on destroying their lives - a brilliant mastermind called the devil, or Satan. But this dark prince is much more than what you might think... many say he’s just a devious mythical figure, but the Bible says he’s very real, and he’s more

  • Work Of The Enemy Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Tom Feola on Mar 21, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Satan has many ways to come against people, and his number 1 way is deception.

    The works of the enemy. Well the father of lies has showed us different ways that he deceives the world. He uses { lies, wrong craving, rebellion, hate, destruction, lust, sin, lost of free will, control, drunkenness, famine, evolution, big bang, no purpose for your existence, abortion, his true more

  • Arrival Of Enemy Upon The Body

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Jan 24, 2016

    To show that the body of unbelievers here are for only decoration on earth with no purpose, and can easily be possessed by the enemy who is looking for rest and substitutes a human body for their rest instead of GOD's Presence because they are no longer a

    I. EXORDIUM: Do you agree with unbelievers? No. I cannot be yoked together with unbelievers. 2 Corinthians 6:14-16 (Amplified Bible) Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers [do not make mismated alliances with them or come under a different yoke with them, inconsistent with your faith]. For more

  • Satanic Machineries Series

    Contributed by Okuchukwu Chukwuka on Apr 1, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This teaching reveals the new age trick of the devil against the church and it's growth. The Devil has been conquered and out rightly subdued.

    BIBLE VERSE: MATHEW 13:25, HAGGAI 2:22 holy, holy, holy is the Lord, the one who was, is and is to come. As I write under the influence of the Holy ghost, it is my heart desire that this teaching will fulfill purpose and a actualize vision that is aimed at bring the truth at the forefront more

  • The Advancing Church

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Aug 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Church has been given the authority to bind all demonic spirits that keeps the people in bondage of any kind, and those that prevent people from seeing the gospel light towards their salvation

    THE ADVANCING CHURCH Study Text: Matthew 16: 13 – 19 Introduction: - Jesus questioned His disciples concerning His identity: a. He asked who others thought He was b. He then asked who they thought He was c. Peter responded: "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." d. more

  • The Power Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jun 5, 2017

    Do we really know how to pray?

    Open your Bibles to Mark 9… page Take a look again at v17-18…… Let’s read now what Jesus did and the reason why the disciples could not heal the boy. Read along with me Mark 9:25-32… v25-27: Jesus commanded the evil spirit to come out of the boy and then He healed the boy! v28-29: The more

  • Join The Resistance! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on May 1, 2017

    Many of us have not served in the U.S. military; we have never been trained for combat. But, as believers in Jesus, we are at war and need to brush up on our skills.

    Join the Resistance! (topical) 1. When a society becomes “post Christian,” all sorts of religious evil fill the void left behind. Even atheism is a religious position, for it assumes what cannot be proven. 2. Whether it is Islam, the Eastern Religion, New Age — and all sorts of occultism. 3. more

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