Sermon Series
  • 1. Getting Straight To The Point

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2010

    This message is the first in a series through the gospel of Mark. It highlights the nature of John’s ministry and the importance of Holt Spirit baptism.

    Every gospel writer has his angle. Matthew wants us to see Jesus as the King of the Jews; Luke wants us to see Him as Son of Man and John as Son of God. Mark, the subject of our Sunday evening services for the next few months wants us to see Him as the Servant of the Lord, as the Messiah, the more

  • 2. The Baptism Of Jesus

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2010
    based on 2 ratings

    The second sermon in a series on Mark. This message focuses upon the reasons for Christ’s baptism and the Triune nature of it. It stresses the unique nature of Jesus to His Father, and shows how we too may have the Father’s pleasure.

    Over the years, although I have kept no count, I dare say I have baptised dozens of people, people of all ages and with all kinds of backgrounds in rivers, lakes and sea, as well as swimming pools and baptismal tanks. Most baptisms I have completely forgotten the details of, but a few stick more

  • 3. The Temptation Of Christ

    Contributed on Jan 13, 2010

    A consideration of the Temptation of Christ showing Him as the never failing Last Adam who conquered Satan, and secured victory for all who believe. The 3rd in a series on Mark's Gospel

    The Temptation of Jesus Aim: To show the necessity of the baptism of the Spirit, and how it is greater than water baptism administered by John. Text: Mark 1:12-13 Introduction: Writing to the Corinthians Paul said, “There is no temptation taken you but such as is common to more

  • 4. Christ's Ministers And Their Message

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2010

    This message looks at the need of believers to become fishers of men. It considers some of the traits of good fishermen and the differing aspects of Christian evangelism.

    Christ's Ministry and It’s Message Aim: To show the call of the disciples, the nature of their commission and responsibilities of their calling Text: Mark 1:14-20. Introduction: I remember reading several years ago about a man who went into the ministry, and who was a rather hopeless more

  • 5. Jesus: The Greatest Preacher

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message shows how Jesus doctrine and deeds amazed those who heard Him. Emphasis is given to His primacy, power and passion in preaching.

    Studies in the Gospel of Mark The Greatest Preacher Aim: To show that Jesus was a preacher with passion, and power. Text: Mark 1:21-28 Introduction: With all the preparations in place the Lord Jesus now throws Himself into His mission. John has pointed to Him as the Lamb of God, the more

  • 6. Jesus: Inside And Out

    Contributed on Feb 4, 2010

    This sermon show the Lord at work both in private and in public and highlights Him as a Man of integrity who cares and can be trusted.

    Jesus: Inside and Out Text: Mark 1:29-35 Introduction: Last Sunday we considered the work of the Lord in the synagogue at Capernaum. You will recall that as he was preaching His message was disrupted by the cries of a demoniac, and the result of this confrontation was the rebuke of the devil more

  • 7. In The Prayer Closet With Jesus

    Contributed on Feb 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message highlights the importance of prayer and a daily quiet time with the Lord.

    In The Prayer Closet With Jesus Text: Mark 1:35-39 Introduction: Is it just me, or is life getting busier? You know they said with the advent of the computer that people would have less and less to do, and that we would have much more free time than previous generations. Clearly that isn’t more

  • 8. The Cleansing Of A Leper

    Contributed on Feb 18, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message details the healing of the leper, showing how Christ touches the untouchable, but also how uncurbed zeal may prove detrimental to the purposes of God.

    The Cleansing of a Leper Text: Mark 1:40-45 Introduction: By the time we come to verse 40 of this chapter we find the Lord turning aside from Capernaum to reach out with the gospel into the towns round about. Verse 39 tells us that, “He preached in their synagogues throughout all more

  • 9. There's Still Room For One

    Contributed on Feb 24, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon shows that Christ has the authority to forgive sins, and highlights the importance of brining men and women to Jesus.

    There’s Still Room For One Aim: To show the authority and willingness of Christ to forgive sins. Text: Mark 2:1-12. Introduction: This is not a sermon for the claustrophobic, for it speaks of a room so tightly packed with people that one could not move. Have you ever been in a room more

  • 10. A Supper For Sinners

    Contributed on Mar 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    To show the Lord's love for sinners.

    A Supper for Sinners Text: Mark 2:13-17. Introduction: Have you ever been to some social function, perhaps a wedding reception or anniversary meal or something of that nature where all the guests don’t quite click? Many years ago I was officiating alongside another Pastor at a wedding more

  • 11. All Things New

    Contributed on Apr 14, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermons shows that the coming of Christ brought a new spiritual order, that Christianity is not Judaism “patched up”.

    All Things New Aim: To show that the coming of Christ brought a new spiritual order, that Christianity is not Judaism “patched up”. Text: Mark 2:18-22 Introduction: You don’t see many people with elbow patches these days, have you noticed that? When I was a lad it was quite common to see more

  • 12. The Sabbath Day Controversy

    Contributed on Apr 29, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermons aims to clarify the Christian’s relationship to the Sabbath Day.

    The Sabbath Day Controversy Text: Mark 2:23-28 Introduction: The last time we met we considered the criticism of the Pharisees and the disciples of John surrounding the issue if fasting. Now comes another criticism, this time surrounding the issue of the Sabbath Day. For many believers this more

  • 13. Passing The Baton

    Contributed on May 19, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon deals with the importance of training called men to continue the ministry of the gospel from generation to generation, and the need to respond positively when Jesus calls.

    Passing the Baton Aim: To show the importance of training called men to continue the ministry of the gospel from generation to generation. Text: Mark 3:7-19 Introduction: It has been some time since I was last at Alton Towers or any theme park, come to that. Like most people the older I more

  • 14. Friends, Foes And Family

    Contributed on May 26, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon addresses the sources of opposition to the work of God.

    Friends, Foes & Family Text: Mark 3:20-35 Introduction: Writing to the Corinthians the apostle Paul once commented, “For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are many adversaries.” Isn’t that the truth? Last Sunday we saw how Jesus ministry was increasing more

  • 15. The Parable Of The Soils

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This message discusses the different kinds of heart upon which the message of the gospel falls.

    Studies in the Gospel of Mark The Parable of the Soils Aim: To sow four different responses to the truth of the Gospel. Text: Mark 4:1-20. Introduction: We often refer to this passage as the Parable of the Sower, but In many ways it is more about the soils than the sower; perhaps we more

  • 16. It's Better To Light A Candle Than Curse The Darkness

    Contributed on Jun 9, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    To show how that as men respond to light of God's Word more light is given, but as they withdraw the light is retracted

    Studies in the Gospel of Mark It's Better To Light A Candle Than Curse The Darkness Text: Mark 4:21-25 Introduction: A young boy went with his parents touring around Europe one summer. Part of their tour included visits to the great old cathedrals of the past. As he visited cathedral after more

  • 17. Stilling The Storm

    Contributed on Jul 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message parallels the stilling of the storm with the calming of life's crises.

    Stilling The Storm Text: Mark 4: 35-41 Introduction: As we open the pages of our Bible to Mark 4 we find that Jesus continued teaching by means of parables. We have considered the parable of the sower, and the parable of the candle. Later he taight about the seed and also of the mustard seed, more

  • 18. The Demoniac Of Gadara

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    This sermon shows how Christ completely delivers those who come to Him

    The Demoniac of Gadara Text: mark 5:1-20Introduction: We turn in our Bibles now to the fifth chapter of Mark’s gospel, and what a chapter it is. Few chapters so comprehensively contain the record of Christ’s power to save. In this chapeter Jesus faces the three great enemies of man, more

  • 19. The Raising Of Jairus’ Daughter

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2010
    based on 15 ratings

    To show how the Lord met the needs of a child and her parents.

    The Raising of Jairus’ Daughter Text: Mark 5:21-43 Introduction: This section of Mark’s Gospel is filled with impossible cases. It has been called the Home Of The Hopeless. There are four impossible, hopeless situations recounted in Mark 4:35-5:43. There is the Troubled Sea, the Tormented more

  • 20. There Is No Place Like Home.

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    This message speaks of how the familiarity, pride & unbelief of Nazareth placed limitations upon the work of God, and can do the same with us.

    There’s No Place Like Home! Text: Mark 6:1-6 Introduction: Up to now in our studies of Mark we have largely witnessed the growth of Jesus’ popularity. Everywhere He went crowds thronged, people wanted to be near Him, to hear Him, see Him even to touch Him, but now as we open to more

  • 21. The Death Of John

    Contributed on Aug 18, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon illustrates that though a messenger may die, his message, if it is Scriptural lives on and continues to make an impact.

    The Death of John Text: Mark 6:14-29 Introduction: We opened Mark 6 with the Lord Jesus returning to Nazareth where His mission was met with rejection. We are told that turning from that town He, “went round about the villages, teaching.” You have heard it said that one man’s rubbish is more