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  • Dying Declarations!!!

    Contributed by Suresh Manoharan on Jan 3, 2012

    While “aspire to inspire before you expire” is a catchy, insightful one-liner, when it comes to the lives of numerous heroes’ of faith, it is how they expired with motivational words seemingly on their dying lips, which leaves an indelible impression in u

    Dying declarations “Nemo moriturus praesumitur mentire”! Now is this Latin maxim, all “Greek and Latin” to my congregation? I can “justifiably” empathize with those not in touch with the “World of Justice” more

  • The Declaration Of The Crucifixtion Series

    Contributed by Ric Veal on Jun 19, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Following Christ in His last days on earth.

    The Declaration Of The Crucifixion Matthew 27:45-53 I. The Assessment of sin (27:45) supernatural darkness A. The Daytime (27:45a) from noon to 3pm; Luke 23:44 . The crucifixion began @ 9a.m. (3rd hour) Mark 15:25 B. The Darkness (27:45b) extent; over more

  • A Declaration Of Independence

    Contributed by Allan Kircher on Jul 2, 2011

    We are free-but so many times we don't live that way. We live as imprisoned, enslaved people. A Christian is a free man/sometimes he needlessly places himself under bondage to a system.

    "A Declaration of Independence?" John 8:34-36 Allan H. Kircher July 3, 2011 We rejoice at this time every year because in this country we are blessed with freedom • Freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, to bear arms, of the press- • we are free to do whatever we want in the more

  • Believe And Declare

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 18, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: What you think, you say. A horse is caught by it's mouth. Are you? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that our mouth and heart must be owned by the LORD. IV. TEXT: Romans 10:10 (New Living Translat

    I. EXORDIUM: What you think, you say. A horse is caught by it's mouth. Are you? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To prove that our mouth and heart must be owned by the LORD. IV. TEXT: Romans 10:10 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) For it is by believing in your heart more

  • Declared With Power

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Mar 18, 2013

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you victorious over death? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD the SON is victorious in us, so we all need to rejoice and thank Him who overcomes. IV. TEXT: Romans 1:4 (New Living Transl

    I. EXORDIUM: Are you victorious over death? II. AUDIENCE PROFILE: Believers III. OBJECTIVES: To show that GOD the SON is victorious in us, so we all need to rejoice and thank Him who overcomes. IV. TEXT: Romans 1:4 (New Living Translation, Second Edition) and he was shown to be the Son of more

  • Foundational Declarations

    Contributed by Terry Laughlin on Jul 3, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God's elect are to be prepared to give a testimony on how we believe God has raised up this nation, how He has blessed this country and how He will deal with us, depending on the choices we make.

    Title: Foundational Declarations Truths from the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. Introduction, I want to share with you a truth that I read several years ago back - I do not remember who wrote it, but it holds a truth that should not be ignored, "If we do not know the foundation on more

  • A Cosmic Declaration

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Oct 24, 2013
    based on 8 ratings

    The individual decisions of Psalm 1, brought up a notch to the corporate level in Psalm 2.

    A COSMIC DECLARATION. Psalm 2. At some point in history, Psalms 1 and 2 were lumped together as one single Psalm. This gives us a hint concerning the unity of the Book of Psalms. In fact, if we step back from disputes concerning human authorship, we will find the whole Bible to be the coherent more

  • Declaration Of Dependence Series

    Contributed by Larry Turner on Jul 1, 2012

    We may think we have independence but in reality we are very much dependent. We have no rights but one.

    This week we will celebrate Independence Day, a celebration of The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded more

  • A Declaration And A Rebuke Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Mar 31, 2021

    Jesus has been active for over two years, and His disciples have been there to witness His teaching and miracles. He asks them a question that we all need to answer: "Who do men say that I am?". Your answer determines your eternal destiny.

    So far in reading about the life and ministry of the Lord Jesus, we see that He has been active for two years or more, preaching the Word, teaching the people, performing miracles of healing, deliverance from demons, feeding crowds, stilling storms, and showing His mastery over the elements by more

  • Declared Righteous

    Contributed by Roger Hasselquist on Aug 16, 2021

    God's Word teaches that through what Jesus did for us on the cross, He will not give us what we deserve – that’s mercy. In addition, God is willing to give us exactly what we don’t deserve – that is called grace.

    Alba 8-15-2021 Declared Righteous Romans 3:27-31 We come together today sharing the grief we have as a church family. This is a time of deep sadness for us all. There are no words to fully express what we feel. The shock. The tragic loss. The questions – “Why?” The Bible calls death the last more

  • A Voice Of Declaration Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Jan 10, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The good news is to be heralded not only by the prophet but by all God’s people. It is God’s word for all peoples, in all the earth, in every generation.

    ISAIAH 40: 9-11. [ADVENT I SERIES PART IV] A VOICE OF DECLARATION [Acts 1:6-8] The preparer of the way already has been called to bring the life changing message that the glory of the Lord will be revealed on earth. When Immanuel comes He will indwell those who receive Him in order to give more

  • Bold Declarations Series

    Contributed by Jason Jones on Jun 10, 2024

    Two truths about Paul’s prayer request of the most important action of the Christian life.

    Background to passage: The final words of the full armor of God passage, which flows from the be being filled with the Spirit instructions. We have noted the defensive and offensive aspects of these various pieces of armor as well as the foundation of prayer. From that foundation he asks that they more

  • A Declaration Of Freedom Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Jul 1, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    As we think about the 4th of July and what it means for the United States, let's also think about the true meaning of freedom we experience through Christ. We'll draw parallels between the Declaration of Independence and our spiritual liberation, focusing on the quest for freedom from sin, the price Jesus paid for our freedom, and our responsibility to live righteously.

    Hey guys, Happy 4th of July weekend! You know, as we get ready to enjoy some BBQ, fireworks, and maybe even a day off from summer jobs or chores, let's take a moment to think about what this holiday is really about. It's not just about hot dogs and sparklers, right? It's about freedom. But today, I more

  • A Declaration Of Freedom Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Jul 1, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    As we think about the 4th of July and what it means for the United States, let's also think about the true meaning of freedom we experience through Christ. We'll draw parallels between the Declaration of Independence and our spiritual liberation, focusing on the quest for freedom from sin, the price Jesus paid for our freedom, and our responsibility to live righteously.

    Hey guys, Happy 4th of July weekend! You know, as we get ready to enjoy some BBQ, fireworks, and maybe even a day off from summer jobs or chores, let's take a moment to think about what this holiday is really about. It's not just about hot dogs and sparklers, right? It's about freedom. But today, I more

  • Decay Or Declare Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Nov 15, 2024
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the 3rd Sermon in the Series from the Book of Judges, "Spiritual Decay".

    Series: Spiritual Decay [#3] DECAY OR DECLARE? Judges 2:20-5:31 Introduction: Because of failures from past generations, Israel found themselves in a bad situation. The people were living in times of spiritual decay, but God had not forgotten them although this new generation didn’t know who more

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