Sermon Series
  • 1. Declaration Of Dependence

    Contributed on Jul 1, 2012

    We may think we have independence but in reality we are very much dependent. We have no rights but one.

    This week we will celebrate Independence Day, a celebration of The Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded more

  • 2. A Rich And Satisfying Life

    Contributed on Jul 7, 2012

    Jesus said his purpose was to give us "a rich and satisfying life." But sometimes it seems our life is a lot less than satisfying. Did we miss something in what He said?

    Last week we talked about our dependence on God as He is the One with our future in his hands. We made a Declaration of Dependence on him that read; “We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created equal in sin, that through grace, they have been endowed by more

  • 3. Liberty In Jesus

    Contributed on Jul 15, 2012

    Jesus said " So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free." This sermon teaches on 9 freedoms that we have in Christ.

    This month I have been talking about our rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. I have also made the comment that we are not truly independent but very much dependent on God, our potter. Today I want to discuss “liberty”. We will begin by looking at the more

  • 4. Pursuit Of True Happiness

    Contributed on Jul 22, 2012

    The world offers us fame, wealth, beauty, wisdom, and power to make us happy. But true happiness can only be found in one place.

    Today we conclude our freedom messages. We’ve discussed our life in Christ and our freedom in Christ. Today I want to teach about our pursuit of happiness. What makes you happy? In a recent survey the most common themes of happiness were fame, wealth, beauty, wisdom, and power. Those more