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  • 06 - James 3:1-12 Series

    Contributed by Michael Collins on Aug 26, 2021

    This is the 6th of 11 Studies in the Book of James and it talks about the importance of controlling the way we use our tongues, and the ill-effects of being careless with the use of our tongues. Special caution is suggested to those who are teachers of God's word.

    James 3:1-2 My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment. 2 For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. After talking about the importance of possessing a more

  • A Tree Planted By The Waters

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Feb 5, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    The two states of being, the two ways of life: confronting our own hearts.

    A TREE PLANTED BY THE WATERS. Jeremiah 17:5-10. The prophet Jeremiah’s response to the political and international situation of his day was, “Thus says the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:5). And what does the LORD say? He says, in effect, that there are two states of being, and two ways of life: and more

  • Disguised Fraud

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Jan 18, 2024

    Fraud in politics and business is common. How should we as Christians behave in such a dishonest world?

    How are political and business leaders frequently described in the Bible? Political Frauds Evil national leaders are pictured in the Bible as predatory wild animals, political frauds. For instance, Daniel had a vision of four successive empires, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greco-Macedonia and Rome, and more

  • Satan's Scam Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Oct 14, 2021

    Watch out for Satan's shrewd ways, and reject his lies. God’s Word IS true. God IS generous and good. Please, Believe it!

    Several years ago, a middle school in Oregon faced a unique problem. A number of girls began to use lipstick and put it on in the bathroom. After they put on their lipstick, they pressed their lips to the mirrors leaving dozens of little lip prints. Finally, the principal decided something had to more

  • The Curse Of Ill-Gotten And Dishonesty Gain Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Nov 30, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this sermon, we will explore the biblical teaching on the curse of ill-gotten gain and the consequences of earning money through cheating and dishonesty.

    The Bible warns that wealth obtained through dishonest, scamming,cheating, and deceitful means will ultimately lead to ruin and destruction. In this sermon, we will explore the biblical teaching on the curse of ill-gotten gain and the consequences of earning money through cheating and more

  • Putting Away Gossip & Slander Series

    Contributed by Rickey Bennett on Aug 18, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    May the Lord help us to resist and put away gossip and slander and other sins of the tongue in the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    INTRODUCTION Please turn in your Bibles to Colossians chapter 3:8. Last week we explored verses 1-11 which address the issue of putting to death or putting away sin from our lives. We do this not in an attempt to make ourselves right with God, for God’s acceptance comes only through faith. We do it more

  • Kindness Or Being A Kinder And Gentler Christian

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Sep 17, 2008

    Being Kind is needed today

    Fruit of the Spirit is Kindness or being a Kinder and Gentler Christian Col. 3:12 Since God chose you to be the holy people whom he loves; you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. As a child of God this verse says one must clothe yourself more

  • Betrayal And Desertion Series

    Contributed by D Marion Clark on Dec 25, 2012

    Jesus has come to give his life as a ransom for many (10:45). Man needs to be saved from himself, from his deceitful heart, his bent to do evil.

    Introduction What is worse – to be told that you will fail or to watch your failure played out just as it was told? And what is more difficult for the condemned prisoner – waiting for the hours to tick by or the moment of execution finally arriving? Not very good choices either way, more

  • Hoarder Or Steward? Series

    Contributed by Boomer Phillips on Mar 26, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This parable illustrates the deceitfulness of guarded wealth. It is a stewardship parable, in the fact that it addresses the issue of our use of resources, both monetary and spiritual. The lesson we will learn is “use it, or lose it.”

    This morning’s message is entitled “Hoarder or Steward?” O. S. Hawkins, who is with GuideStone Financial Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention, asks, “At the end of your life will you be considered a hoarder or a steward?”(1) We’re going to look at a parable this morning; one which is more

  • Abimelech Appraised Of Gaal’s Move Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 25, 2020

    This rebellious speech by Gaal was reported to Abimelech by the town-prefect Zebul, who sent messengers to him, either through deceit or secrecy or both, not allowing anyone to know that he sent them.

    Chapter 42 Abimelech Appraised of Gaal’s Move [Judges 9.30-9.33] Scripture: Judges 9:30-33 (KJV) 30 And when Zebul the ruler of the city heard the words of Gaal the son of Ebed, his anger was kindled. 31 And he sent messengers unto Abimelech privily, saying, Behold, Gaal the son of Ebed more

  • Cycle Breaker, Table Maker Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Jan 31, 2023

    Joseph, the last major character to be introduced in Genesis, was part of a family with a long history of dysfunction, deceitfulness, rejection and resentment. Maybe you are, too. How did Joseph break the cycle?

    Good morning! Today we are going to have our last sermon in this series from Genesis. You can go ahead and turn to Genesis 37, but know that we are going to be covering all the way to the end of the book this morning. If you are caught up with our Bible reading plan, we finished Genesis today! more

  • How Do You Respond During Times Of Trouble?

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Jun 17, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    He comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and encouragement) with which we

    How Do You Respond During Times of Trouble? (2 Corinthians 1:4) "He comforts (consoles and encourages) us in every trouble (calamity and affliction), so that we may be able to comfort (console and encourage) those who are in any kind of trouble or distress, with the comfort (consolation and more

  • Zephaniah Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Sep 5, 2021

    The God of the Universe dances and sings over His people

    September 04, 2021 Zephaniah’s prophetic ministry took place during the reign of Josiah, the last king to bring revival (641-609) in Judah. There is quite a bit of bad news in Zephaniah – more than 2/3 of the book is filled with woes and warnings – The Day of the Lord is coming! First to more

  • Gifted (Part Seven) Series

    Contributed by Derrick Tuper on Jul 3, 2018

    In Rom. 12 we looked at the seven motivational gifts. Now, we'll focus on 1st Cor. 12 with the manifestation gifts. Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, discernment of spirits, tongues/interpretation of tongues. Today we'll look at the first three

    GIFTED (part seven) In Rom. 12 we looked at the seven motivational gifts. Now, we'll be focusing on 1st Cor. 12 where we find the seven manifestation gifts. Wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, discernment of spirits, tongues/interpretation of tongues. Today we'll look at the first three more

  • They're Only Words Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Jun 30, 2019
    based on 5 ratings

    James tells us that "no one can tame the tongue." So, what do we do about it? How can we recognize when we've misused our tongue and spoken curses that bring shame to Christ?

    OPEN: Words have meaning. (We showed a video clip by that explained the impact of curse words on our families using paint balls fired at a family watching TV to visualize the sharp increase of swear words in our “entertainment” mediums) (You can find the video we used at more

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