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  • Running The Race: Living A Life Of Purpose Acts 20:24 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on May 27, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In Acts 20:24 the Apostle Paul shares his deep sense of mission and dedication.

    Running the Race: Living a Life of Purpose Acts 20:24 Introduction: Today, we will explore a powerful verse from the book of Acts that speaks to the purpose and passion with which we are called to live our lives. Our focus will be on Acts 20:24, where the Apostle Paul shares his deep sense of more

  • 8 Nature Of Man – Soul: Emotions – Aid Is Every Thought Captive To Christ (The Word) Series

    Contributed by Louis Posthauer on Jul 22, 2022

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the emotions are summarized as the destructive emotion of anger. Anger and other destructive emotional attitudes can keep us separated from God.

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the emotions are summarized as the destructive emotion of anger. Anger and other destructive emotional attitudes can keep us separated from God. The problem (from Session 7): Feelings are the conscious more

  • I'm Not As Bad As You Series

    Contributed by Drew Mills on Mar 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Defeating the deadly temptation to compare ourselves with others--getting our eyes back on Christ!

    Theme: 7 Deadly Temptations Series Purpose: Defeating the temptation to compare ourselves to others, Eyes on Christ Today we start a new series I am calling the 7 Deadly Temptations. o Have you heard of the 7 deadly sins? These are just about as bad—except that we can overcome them! We can more

  • Matthew 1:18-23 Series

    Contributed by Damien Spikereit on Dec 7, 2000
    based on 148 ratings

    The greatest gift given was the gift God gave when he sent Emmanuel.

    - I would assume, that almost everybody here has one of these set up in there home. If you haven’t yet, you probably will at some point soon. Some have real ones, others have fake ones. It all depends on your family tradition. The tradition of my brother-in-laws is to not only get a real tree, more

  • Jesus Has Power Over Sickness

    Contributed by William Baeta on Feb 7, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    “Jesus healed many who had various diseases.” (Mark 1:34)

    Introduction: Our theme for today’s sermon is Jesus has power over sickness. God created man in His own image and likeness and knows everything there is to know about him. The only person who can deal with what has gone wrong with His creation is the Creator. He is all powerful and capable of more

  • Huddled Behind Closed Doors

    Contributed by Howard Gunter on Apr 14, 2020
    based on 5 ratings

    Today, many are huddled behind closed doors, fearing the dreadful disease - Coronavirus.

    Message/Devotion April 19, 2020 John 20:19-31 Huddled Behind Closed Doors As I read today’s gospel message, it was abundantly clear to me that today masses of people are huddled behind closed doors due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Some are in a self-imposed lockdown. Some are in a lockdown more

  • The Testimony Of An Empty Tomb

    Contributed by John White on Apr 1, 2006
    based on 84 ratings

    An Easter message focused upon the veracity of the Easter story.

    THE TESTIMONY OF AN EMPTY TOMB Luke 24:1-12 Have you ever seen an old empty house in a deserted neighborhood? Perhaps the doors stand ajar, sagging on hinges, loosened by the ravages of weather and time. Have you noticed the vacant stare of glassless windows? If you paused to listen you more

  • Who Wants To Be #2? Series

    Contributed by Scott Carson on Apr 10, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    Everyone wants to be number one, even Jesus’ disciples. What is Jesus’ attitude toward this egotistical drive.

    Who wants to be #2? Matthew 18:1-4 Big Questions...Real Answers Sermon #03 “Second place is okay, if you like being first in a long line of losers.” June, 1974, then President, Richard M. Nixon’s administration was drowning in the wake of Watergate. In an attempt to more

  • 7 Nature Of Man – Soul:emotions - Hindrances : Anger, Fear, Sadness, Disgust, Contempt Series

    Contributed by Louis Posthauer on Jul 22, 2022

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the emotions are summarized as the destructive emotions listed above. Anger and other destructive emotional attitudes can keep us separated from God.

    Sin (and iniquity) is the disease all men experience. The symptoms of that disease in the emotions are summarized as the destructive emotions listed above. Anger and other destructive emotional attitudes can keep us separated from God. Definitions: Emotions are lower level responses(autonomic) more

  • The Unmerciful Servant Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on Feb 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Being forgiven means we become forgiving people

    Matthew 18.21-35 I know I often start each sermon with putting a passage in its context – but this morning it is vital that you understand the context of these verses if you are in any way to understand their importance for us as a church here at Holy Trinity. Chapter 18 of Matthew contains 7 more

  • Bones Of Hope

    Contributed by Mike Hullah on Dec 27, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    When everything seems past hope, God can resurrect our promises. Its takes faith, action and obedience. God can even bring a nation back to life.

    THE BONES OF HOPE TEXT: Ezek. 37:1-14 INTRO: One of the more frightening words in the English language is "HOPELESS"! History is replete with the examples of "hopeless" situations, however, in the hands of God those "hopeless" situations are merely opportunities for God to reveal Himself! God more

  • The 2nd Census (Numbers 26)

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Dec 2, 2024

    Numbering those who were allowed to enter the promised land can be seen as a metaphor for an eternal promised land. Will we be in that number? Let's look at Numbers 26.

    The generation that had rebelled against God had all passed away. It was time for a new generation to enter the promised land. What was their number? Does this metaphorically picture a chosen number who cross the Jordan into that eternal promised land? Let’s look at Numbers 26. What were Moses and more

  • Biblical Christianity: Transformation Theology Series

    Contributed by Dan Cale on Aug 22, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    This is the fourth of a 4 part series comparing the early church of Acts 1-5 to today. This message looks at the idea of transformation through being "born again".

    Biblical Christianity Pt 4 ¡V Transformation Theology John 3:1-21 Over the last three weeks we have been looking at the early church as described in the book of Acts. I won¡¦t take time to read those passages again but I encourage you to read them Acts 2-5. It¡¦s clear in these passages that more

  • Pass The Salt, Please!

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Oct 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Our influence in the world is not to be contained or limited to the wall of a Church and not being used to impact the world around us.

    Sermon Text: Matt 5:13 (Believers Are Salt and Light) "You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt should lose its taste, how can it be made salty? It’s no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled on by men. Plot Outline: This film contains not only some incredible surf more

  • Keeping The Dream Alive Series

    Contributed by Bob Briggs on Oct 23, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    there comes a place called the graveyard of the dream which has a deadly toll on far too many

    You have developed your dream, made it through the comfort zone, pushed the border bullies out of your way but wait, the land on the other side doesn’t quite look like much of a promise. Bruce Wilkinson, in his book The DreamGiver refers to this next stage of the dream as the wasteland—the more

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