Scott Carson
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Who Wants To Be #2?
Contributed on Apr 10, 2001
Everyone wants to be number one, even Jesus’ disciples. What is Jesus’ attitude toward this egotistical drive.
Who wants to be #2? Matthew 18:1-4 Big Questions...Real Answers Sermon #03 “Second place is okay, if you like being first in a long line of losers.” June, 1974, then President, Richard M. Nixon’s administration was drowning in the wake of Watergate. In an attempt to ...read more
Are You My Wife?
Contributed on Apr 8, 2001
A message on marital relationships in heaven in response to the Saducees question to Jesus.
Are you my wife? Luke 20:27-40 Big Questions...Real Answers Sermon #02 Many of us as youngsters had Dr. Seuss read to us. This morning let me take a few moments and read a portion of one of his books, perhaps you’ll even recognize it: “A mother bird sat on her egg. The egg jumped. ‘Oh, ...read more
Between Two Worlds: Our Civil & Spiritual Responsibilities
Contributed on Mar 29, 2001
A study of Jesus’ answers to the Jewish leaders on whether it was right to pay taxes to Caesar.
Between Two Worlds: Our Civil & Spiritual Responsibilities Luke 20:20-26 Some wise wag said, “While there are just two certainties in life: death and taxes, at least death doesn’t get worse every time Congress is in session!” A man on vacation was strolling along outside his hotel in ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
Big Questions...real Answers
Contributed on Mar 29, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
Second Place Is Okay, If You Like Being ...
Contributed on Apr 10, 2001
“Second place is okay, if you like being first in a ...read more
Let Me Suggest You Consider The Difference ...
Contributed on Apr 10, 2001
Let me suggest you consider the difference between dogs and cats. The master pets a dog, and the dog wags its tail and thinks, “He must be a god.” But the master pets his cat, and the cat purrs, shuts its eyes and thinks to itself, “I must be a god.” Though Jesus in ...read more
Spurgeon Said "The Demon Of Pride Was Born ...
Contributed on Apr 10, 2001
Spurgeon said “The demon of pride was born with us; and it will not die one hour before us. It is so woven into the very warp and woof of our nature, that, till we are wrapped ...read more
A Minister Was Speaking To A Sunday School Class ...
Contributed on Apr 8, 2001
A minister was speaking to a Sunday school class about the things money can’t buy. “It can’t buy laughter and it can’t buy love” he told them. Driving his point home he said, “What would you do if I offered you $1000 not to love your mother and father?” Stunned silence ...read more
Michael Billester Once Gave A Bible To A Humble ...
Contributed on Apr 8, 2001
Michael Billester once gave a Bible to a humble villager in eastern Poland. Returning a few years later, he learned that 200 people had become believers through the use of that one Bible. When this group of believers gathered to hear him preach, he suggested that before he spoke he would like each ...read more