Damien Spikereit
Contributing sermons since Jan 1, 2000
Newest Sermons
Join The Search
Contributed on Mar 27, 2003
A narrative sermon calling on Christians to join the search for the lost.
Title: More Like Jesus... In His Mission D.T.: There is not greater reward in life than to be a part of seeing someone come to Christ. Text: Luke 15:4-32 Move #1: Introduction - How many of you have watched the game show with Donnie Osmand, "The Pyramid Game." One person lists out a bunch ...read more
Is Jesus The Only Way?
Contributed on Aug 12, 2002
An apologetic response to pluralism that affirms Jesus as the only way to God.
- Following the attacks on September 11th, New York Mayor, Rudy Guilliani spoke before the United Nations. And in his speech he mentioned that on a typical weekend he will visit an Islamic mosque on Friday and a Christian Church on Sunday. Then he commented that both groups worship the same God, ...read more
Who Cares?
Contributed on Aug 9, 2002
We must care for the hurting the way Christ cares for us.
- Fred Craddock tells of an experience he once had at his home church in Oklahoma. He was scheduled to preach at a service and part of the service was the singing of a beautiful choir. After it service was over, Craddock went around back behind the stage and ran into an elderly woman who had ...read more
Hearing The Cross
Contributed on Mar 20, 2002
A look at the words spoken during the final week of Jesus’ life.
Move #1: Introduction - Every year, Ozark Christian College puts together an Easter program that’s filled with drama and music highlighting the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And for several years in a row, I was a part of the production. Not as a singer! But as one of the ...read more
Resolved To Know Nothing
Contributed on Jan 10, 2002
The first in a series from Corinthians challenging the congregation to have the resolve to know Christ and his ways.
- Have you ever been somewhere and you didn’t know anybody? Not one person. You were a total stranger, and everybody around you was totally strange to you. That’s happened to me a few times. Like my first day at Ozark Christian College. I had decided many months before that I was going to ...read more
Newest Sermon Series
More Like Jesus... In His Mission
Contributed on Mar 27, 2003
That’s A Good Question
Contributed on Aug 12, 2002
A Faith That Moves With Compassion
Contributed on Aug 9, 2002
A Faith That Moves... In Our Intimacy With God
Contributed on Jan 10, 2002
Come Home For Christmas
Contributed on Dec 2, 2001
Newest Sermon Illustrations
I Love The Commercial Where A Daddy Takes His ...
Contributed on Mar 2, 2001
- I love the commercial where a daddy takes his little girl to a public pool with the purpose of teaching her how to dive off the diving board. Maybe you’ve seen it, I think it is advertising Kodak or something. And so there they are, the day begins with them both having high hopes of a ...read more
You Have Probably Never Heard Of The Island Of ...
Contributed on Dec 7, 2000
- You have probably never heard of the island of Molokai. Well, it’s located in the state of Hawaii. And it has quite a history. You have to go way back to the late 1800’s to understand its significance. You see, back then, there was no cure for the highly contagious and deadly disease called ...read more
Did You Know That The First Modern-Day Lottery ...
Contributed on Nov 3, 2000
- Did you know that the first modern-day lottery was started in 1963 in the state of New Hampshire. And now there are 37 states who have lotteries, including Illinois. And in 1997, statewide lotteries suckered $16 Billion dollars from Americans. - Did you know that the state of ...read more
Marquis De Lafayette Was A French General And ...
Contributed on Nov 3, 2000
- Marquis de Lafayette was a French general and politician who helped George Washington in the American Revolution. After the war was over, he returned to France and resumed his life as a farmer of many estates. In 1783, the harvest was a terrible one, and there were many who suffered as a ...read more
The Story Is Told Of A Jet Fighter Pilot Who ...
Contributed on Nov 1, 2000
- The story is told of a jet fighter pilot who was on a mission during the Gulf War. As he was flying over the enemy territory, he was shot down from a ground to air weapon. He immediately ejected from his flaming plane. But, as he was descending to the ground below him, he noticed the ...read more