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  • King Saul Dies In Battle With The Philistines Series

    Contributed by Justin Steckbauer on May 27, 2023

    He keeps saying, "Who am I to harm the Lord's anointed?" But finally, it comes to its final point here. It says that the Philistines, this enemy nation, right near Israel, they are attacking Israel. There's there's a huge battle going on. And many were slaughtered.

    Have you ever had a loved one in your family pass away? Can anyone relate? I think we've all probably had someone pass. And for some of us, it was someone we loved dearly. That's so incredibly hard. Then again maybe we don't have a good relationship with our parents or with our moms. more

  • David And Saul

    Contributed by Dale Miller on Sep 26, 2012


    HFL MAY 1, 2011 2 SAMUEL 1;1-5 1After the death of Saul, David returned from defeating the Amalekites and stayed in Ziklag two days. 2On the third day a man arrived from Saul’s camp, with his clothes torn and with dust on his head. When he came to David, he fell to the ground to pay him more

  • Saul And David Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on Sep 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    David will not harm "The Lord’s Anointed." This actually speaks to how we treat one another in Church.

    1 Samuel 24 ’I will not lay my hand on my lord, because he is the LORD’s anointed.’ The story up to now… In the beginning of 1 Samuel, Israel cry out to Samuel to give them a king so that they can be like all the other nations – God gives them Saul – who looks great, and is great, for a while. more

  • David And Saul Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on Nov 18, 2022

    In this story we see the unmistakable contrast between Saul's choices and David's choices.

    November 19, 2022 After David defeated Goliath, Saul did not allow David to return home – because David did not swear loyalty to him. Even so, there’s no doubt that Saul felt some gratitude toward David. After all, David was Saul’s favorite musician and he had taken care of the “Goliath more

  • David In Saul’s Camp

    Contributed by John Gaston on Sep 8, 2022

    We see another magical moment when David walks with God and ventures into the impossible. God gave David Saul’s spear-scepter and the king's source of anointing. This was a prevision of what David was later to gain as King.

    DAVID IN SAUL’S CAMP 1 Sam. 26:2-25 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. I was thrown out of the break room of my Walmart yesterday. They asked me what I was doing there. I told them, “I’m on a break.” 2. They said, “But you don’t work here!” I said, “I just finished using the self-checkout, so clearly more

  • David Mourns Abner Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Feb 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 3:22-39 shows us attributes that belong to God's king.

    Scripture After the death of King Saul (1:1), David was anointed as king over the tribe of Judah in the city of Hebron (2:4). Saul’s surviving son, Ish-bosheth, was set up as a puppet king over “all Israel” in the north by Abner, Saul’s military general who had survived the battle against the more

  • David Mourns For Absalom Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Oct 30, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Second Samuel 18:1-19:8 shows us a father's inordinate sorrow for a rebellious son.

    Scripture King David’s third son, Absalom, had staged a rebellion against him. David and his loyal supporters fled Jerusalem. The Lord provided Hushai to thwart the counsel of Ahithophel so that David was able to escape over the Jordan River and get to the city of Mahanaim. Absalom gathered more

  • Forgiveness Saul And David Series

    Contributed by Brad Dyrness on Mar 21, 2002
    based on 57 ratings

    A look at the issue of forgiving others through the example of David and King Saul. David had every right to kill Saul, instead he trusted God to deal fairly with him.

    Forgiveness - David and Saul By Brad Dyrness The story of kings David and Saul is a case study in forgiveness. Few places in the Bible, with the exception of God’s forgiveness to us through Jesus Christ, do we find such a living example. The story starts out with Saul – chosen by God to fulfill more

  • Saul Compared To David Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on May 18, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Learn from choices taken by Saul and David.

    We continue our worship of our Creator God by hearing and learning from His own words for us. Open your Bibles to 1 Samuel 18…. David had just defeated the Giant Goliath and the Philistine army. The King of Israel at that time was Saul who called David to his service. There is a lot said in more

  • David Pursued By Saul Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Sep 5, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    First Samuel 23:15-29 shows us how God providentially cares for believers.

    Scripture In our study of the life of David, we are now following David as a fugitive on the run from King Saul. Initially, David’s faith in the Lord was superseded by his fear of Saul. But then David came to realize that God was sovereignly watching over him. As a result, David’s trust in the more

  • David's Lament Over Saul Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Oct 20, 2003
    based on 88 ratings

    David is a King after God’s own heart, because he looks to God for success in all he does. David’s success will come from his devotion to and his reliance on the Lord, shown so clearly in his response to the death of Saul.

    We return today to the story of Saul and David. If you remember, Saul was anointed King of Israel by popular acclaim, though at God’s direction. He was a man of stature, taller than all his peers, an apt warrior king. Just the sort of man Israel needed to oppose the Philistines. Except that he was more

  • Saul With A Spear And David With A Harp

    Contributed by Ock Park on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 40 ratings

    Sample Sermon from the book, "Is God Alive in Your Heart?" by Pastor Ock Soo Park of the Good News Mission.

    Sample Sermon from the book, "Is God Alive in Your Heart?" by Pastor Ock Soo Park of the Good News Mission. David was a shepherd. Leading his father's flock of sheep to the pastures or waters, he would play a music with his harp, thanking the Lord. While praising the Lord with a harp under the more

  • Compared To David, Saul Was A Saint??

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 1, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    Why was David acceptable to God when Saul wasn’t

    David is anointed King In a small country village in Sicily, there were two brothers, Luigi and Guiseppe renown members of the local Mafia. They were mean, bad and very rich. No one had a good word to say about them. Indeed, everyone seemed to have a story about how they had either been more

  • Saul, Samuel And A Shepherd Boy

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Jun 27, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Saul was rejected by the Lord as King, and replaced by of all people........a shepherd boy !

    Saul, Samuel And A Shepherd Boy 1 Samuel 15:17-35, 16:4-13 Three points........ I. Saul Was Losing ! a. Lost his convictions. b. Lost his chance. c. Lost his crown. II. Samuel Was Lamenting ! a. He annointed Saul. b. He advised Saul. but in the end c. He abandoned Saul. (no more

  • After Christmas Mourning

    Contributed by Jefferson Williams on Feb 9, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    An expostion of David’s time of discourgement in the cave of Adullam from Psalm 142.

    After Christmas Mourning…Psalm 142 Pastor Jeff Williams 12-26-04 After Christmas Mounring…. Yesterday started earlier than I would have liked. Our two wide-eyed dreamers got up before sunrise to see what was under the tree. Maxine and I stumbled out of bed and tried to corral Josh and Austin more

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