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  • Judah's Revival Under Josiah

    Contributed by Matthew Sickling on Jul 23, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    This sermon examines the life of King Josiah and the events that led him and the nation of Judah to experience a Spiritual Revival.

    Title: Judah’s Revival under Josiah Text: 2 Chronicles 34:1-7, 8, 14-21, 23-28 Date: 7/19/2009 Location: Sulphur Spring Baptist Church Introduction: During the month of July we have been having a series of Revival services on Wednesday nights. I hope you are enjoying these services as much more

  • Jeremiah And The Final Days Of Judah Series

    Contributed by Roshelle Brenneise on May 5, 2023

    Even as Jeremiah tried to prevent the destruction and misery their rebellion had brought, the people only hardened their hearts and stubbornly refused to listen.

    May 06, 2023 Jeremiah was born during the reign of Manasseh – Judah’s worst king. When Manasseh’s grandson, Josiah, came to the throne he attempted to undo everything Manasseh had done. He removed the idols from the land, but he couldn’t remove idol worship from the hearts of the people. more

  • David Anointed King Of Judah Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 25, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Second Samuel 2:1-32 shows us what happens when God establishes his kingdom.

    Scripture It has been said that “good things come to those who wait.” Well, whoever coined that saying was not thinking of toddlers! We recently visited our grandsons. Our almost three-year-old grandson wants what he wants now. He has little concept of waiting. David was just a teenager when he more

  • The Lion From The Tribe Of Judah

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Feb 19, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon is part of the Names of Jesus series. Today we're looking at the name "Lion from the tribe of Judah.

    The Names of Jesus “The Lion from the tribe of Judah” Introduction In C.S. Lewis’ book, “The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe,” the children are in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Beaver, and are for the first time learning about Aslan, the lion who represents Jesus in the story. In the movie we see more

  • The Lion Of Judah, Has Conquered

    Contributed by Jm Raja Lawrence on Oct 26, 2024

    Throughout history, many have sought to rule the world, but only Jesus—the Lion of Judah and Lamb of God—has triumphed. In Revelation 5, His victory unveils God’s perfect plan for redemption and ultimate reign.

    The Lion of Judah, Has Conquered Revelation 5:15 Introduction The book of Revelation pulls back the curtain on spiritual realities, revealing Christ’s ultimate victory over sin, death, and all evil. In Revelation 5, we encounter a moment of tension and anticipation. God holds a sealed scroll more

  • Judah's Lament Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Mar 15, 2024

    Judah's Lament

    Psalm 79 Judah's Lament 1. Judah's Plight - The Slight - 1 O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps. Defamation - 1 O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; Desecration - thy holy more

  • The Man Of God From Judah PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 16, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon emphasizes the importance of discerning God's voice, obeying His directives, and standing firm in faith amidst the world's competing voices.

    Good morning, beloved family of God. I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude as I stand before you today, not because of who we are, but because of who our God is. We are gathered here, not by chance, but by divine appointment, under the banner of God's love and grace. Today, we turn more

  • The Sons Of God And The Daughters Of Men

    Contributed by Thomas Baird on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 36 ratings

    Dealing with the controversial passage in Geneses chapter 6 referring to the Sons of God and Daughters of men

    The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men 1/30/04 Introduction… Tonight’s message is going to be a little different… It is probably going to be like a mix between a Wednesday night Bible study and a Sunday night message.. This evening we are going to visit a very controversial passage of more

  • The Sons Of God And The Daughters Of Men Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Nov 18, 2000
    based on 199 ratings

    Who are the sons of God and why did their marriage to the daughters of men produce violence and unrestrained sin in the world? Jesus used this as a reference to the sign of His second coming, so how do we apply this today?

    The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men Genesis 6:1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, 2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. 3 more

  • The Sons Of God And The Daughters Of Men

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Aug 2, 2008
    based on 5 ratings


    The Sons of God and the Daughters of Men *****Genesis 6:1-8 Genesis 6:1 1And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which more

  • The Canaanite Woman's Daughter Healed

    Contributed by Revd. Martin Dale on Mar 11, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    The faith of the Canaanite woman moved Jesus with compassion to meet her need - even though she wasn’t within his primary goal at that time

    Mt 15:21-28 The Canaanite Woman Have you ever wondered why St Matthew included this story about Jesus in his Gospel? As you know the first century Jews used to refer to non- Jews as Gentile dogs. And it used to grate me when Jesus said to the Canaanite woman "It is not right to take the more

  • The Sons Of God And The Daughters Of Men Series

    Contributed by Ken Mckinley on Oct 18, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    The 13th sermon in our series on the Book of Genesis. In this particular sermon we cover the controversial topic of "The Son's of God" - where they ancient kings, were they of the line of Seth, or were they angelic beings?

    Genesis (Pt. 13) (The Sons of God & Daughters of Men) Text: Genesis 6:1-8 By: Ken McKinley (Read Text) Now we are actually going to spend two Sunday’s on this passage of Scripture, because there’s just so much here that we need to see. This morning we’re going to focus on that more

  • Rebekah-A Dedicated Daughter Series

    Contributed by Glenn Pease on Mar 10, 2021

    She was called to be a wife and mother, and that is a worthy calling. Today daughters are called to be just about everything that sons are called to be. We need to encourage them to follow their dreams and be committed to do all that they do for the glory of God.

    Bach never wrote an opera, but the closest thing to it was his Coffee Cantata. He became quit an expert on coffee because in his day coffee drinking was the popular vice much like drugs have become in our day. There were laws against it and spies roamed the city sniffing the air to catch people more

  • Demons And Daughters (Mark 5) Series

    Contributed by James Jackson on Apr 17, 2020

    Three people who couldn't be more different-- a man with a demon, a woman with a disease, and a leader with a daughter--all find common ground at the feet of Jesus.

    Demons and Daughters Mark 5 Good morning! Please turn in your Bibles back to Mark 5. We jumped ahead in the story for Palm Sunday and Easter, but now we are going to pick up where we left off in Mark 5. And honestly, as I’ve been working with this passage this week, what has emerged is a much more more

  • Sons And Daughters Of God, Ii Series

    Contributed by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid on Jun 24, 2019

    Greetings in the Holy Name of GOD, My brothers and sisters, clearly understand me, you are not only the proverbial daughters who remain under the care of human fathers for their entire life and the proverbial sons who become wise when they listen to their father tell them the right way.

    Sons And Daughters Of God, II by Dr. Gale A. Ragan-Reid “And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” (II Corinthians 6:18, King James Version) Greetings in the Holy Name of GOD, My brothers and more

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