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  • Crisis Managers

    Contributed by Samson Musyoki on Sep 22, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    How often are we caught unawares by circumstances out of our ignorance. Are we prepared for the Lord’s coming?

    CRISIS MANAGERS LUKE 12:39-40 “But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he could not have let his house be broken into. You must also be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.” A member in the church was more

  • Crisis Management

    Contributed by Bruce Howell on Aug 26, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    How to respond to crisis in one’s life biblically.

    Crisis Management 2 Chr 20:1-22 1 After this, the Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites came to make war on Jehoshaphat. 2 Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, "A vast army is coming against you from Edom, from the other side of the Sea. It is already in Hazazon Tamar" (that is, En more

  • Crisis Management

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Feb 25, 2014

    This chapter of David talks about 'crisis management!' It is not about attending seminars, reading books or formulas but it is about trusting Him fully. Are you listening?

    At all times! Psalm 62:8"Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us." This chapter of David talks about 'crisis management!' It is not about attending seminars, reading books or formulas but it is about trusting Him fully. Are you listening? Let more

  • Crisis Management Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on May 5, 2010
    based on 7 ratings

    What Joseph did was to take steps to save the nation. He took steps to bring everything in Egypt under the authority of the throne. You can see this played out in these verses.

    CRISIS MANAGEMENT Genesis 47:13-26 Introduction As I read the story of Joseph, I am convinced that he had his act together. He is a man who knows how to handle himself in all kinds of situations. For the last few weeks, we have been covering the details of Joseph’s relationship with his more

  • Chapters On Crisis Management

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Jul 18, 2002
    based on 55 ratings

    Discover the five stages in managing crisis from the example of Jesus at Gethesame

    There was a time when I didn’t do know how to search the Bible for answers and comfort. During those times of crisis, I allowed my emotions to control my perspectives and my decisions. I remember almost ten years ago praying for my Aunt, who entered the hospital. I had been a Christian for three more

  • Crisis Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Sep 6, 2012

    So Moses went to the people and told them what God had said but here’s the problem---the people were discouraged. By now they were irritated, impatient…they were made at Moses and when you’re mad at the preacher then you have trouble listening to the mes

    “Crisis Management” Exodus 5 & 6 When we look at the life of this man named Moses we find that the OT is filled with stories of his life. It would be easy I believe to preach a full year of sermons on his life but I feel sure it would be just me and Ross and my wife and I’m not more

  • Hope For The Underdog Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Even when we feel overwhelmed and like the underdog, we can have hope in God's faithfulness and power to bring victory in our lives.

    School, parents, friends, the pandemic - it can all feel like too much sometimes. And trying to grow in our faith and overcome our mistakes can be hard. But the cool thing is, we don't have to do it alone. The Bible is packed with stories of people who faced crazy odds and still came out on top. more

  • The Gift Of Wisdom Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Oct 3, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Understand the importance of wisdom in our lives, how to seek it from God, and how it can lead to prosperity and peace.

    Solomon was like the Einstein of his time, only second to Jesus. When he became king, he asked God for wisdom, and God was like, "Sure thing!" Solomon's wisdom brought a ton of good stuff to Israel. Let's imagine wisdom as this super cool, high-tech gadget. It's like the ultimate life-hack tool. It more

  • The Causes And Management Of Crisis In Marriage

    Contributed by Bishop Prof. Julius Soyinka on Jul 24, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    God has clearly defined the roles and responsibilities of the husband and the wife for a peaceful and happy co-habitation. However, neglect of one’s responsibility and failure to meet up with the required expectation often lead to one or more crisis in

    THE CAUSES AND MANAGEMENT OF CRISIS IN MARRIAGE Study Text: 1 Peter 3: 1-7: Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that if any do not obey the Word, they may also be won without the Word by the conduct of the wives, 1Pe 3:2 having witnessed your chaste more

  • "Fly High " - Acts Part 27 Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Feb 27, 2007

    The Apostle Paul teaches us in Acts chapter 2:27-44 – 11 steps to managing a crisis in life.

    Fly High – Acts Part 27 Opening Illustration: The Story of John Newton by Al Rogers (This article is reprinted from the July-August 1996 issue of “Away Here in Texas”.) “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound...” So begins one of the most beloved hymns of all times, a staple in the hymnals of many more

  • The Crisis

    Contributed by Scott Coltrain on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 54 ratings

    A Study of Jesus Christ’s victory over Satan upon the Cross.

    John 12:31-33 Our word "crisis" is actually a Greek word. The Greek word, spelled with a ’k’ rather than a ’c’, carries all the meanings or definitions that the term does today. Those being: (1) a situation that has reached a critical phase, (2) a crucial time or state of affairs in which a more

  • How To Understand The Times, And Leadership In Times Of Crisis

    Contributed by Patrick Usifo on May 17, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A leader is not born, and not made in times of crisis, but are revealed to the world when crisis struck. Today's crisis has revealed a lack of leadership in the church.

    In today's world, knowing what to do in times of crisis can give a nation or a person the needed advantage to overcome adverse situations. But a shortfall of not knowing what to do can spell more trouble, anxiety, and fear in the midst of uncertainty and a wanting leadership. And this true in more

  • Counseling During Human & Spiritual Crisis

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 19, 2001
    based on 18 ratings

    Counseling During Human & Spiritual Crisis

    Counseling During Human & Spiritual Crisis "To work out our problems we need to add love, subtract hate, multiply good, and divide between truth and error." Introduction - Imagine if you are faced with the loss of your family, home, and health all in the same week, what would you feel like? Add more

  • Anger Management

    Contributed by Nate Barbour on Feb 2, 2004
    based on 46 ratings

    Learn to tame your temper in this simple message about anger control.

    Anger Management How To Tame Your Temper 9/24/03 I. Introduction How many of ya’ll have ever been angry? What happened when you got angry? How did you respond to people around you? Did you say things you shouldn’t have or things you didn’t mean? A lady once came to Billy Sunday and tried to more

  • The Response To Crisis

    Contributed by Jon Mackinney on Oct 25, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    The disciples were faced with quite a dilemna. Leader gone, huge task, uncertainty filling their hearts. What should they do?

    Passage: Acts 1:12-26 Intro: Have you ever been excited and terrified at the same time? Walking along and see this… PP Roller coaster pictures. 1. we have a choice as to what is going to grip us; the fear or the anticipation 2. saw last week that Jesus’ disciples given a huge task. 3. they more

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