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Sermons on emotional strength:

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  • Hope For The Broken Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    When our sin is exposed, we can feel broken and ashamed. But Jesus offers forgiveness and a fresh start. We can find hope in Him.

    We've all messed up, right? We've all made choices that led to some kind of brokenness. Maybe it's a friendship that's gone sour, or you've messed up at school, or you're having a tough time at home. These moments can make us feel like we're in pieces, trying to put ourselves back together. There's more

  • Hope For The Underdog Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Even when we feel overwhelmed and like the underdog, we can have hope in God's faithfulness and power to bring victory in our lives.

    School, parents, friends, the pandemic - it can all feel like too much sometimes. And trying to grow in our faith and overcome our mistakes can be hard. But the cool thing is, we don't have to do it alone. The Bible is packed with stories of people who faced crazy odds and still came out on top. more

  • Jesus' Emotions

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Sep 4, 2010
    based on 6 ratings

    Our Lord's emotions help guide us in ours if we let Jesus be Lord of our hearts.

    Matthew 14 This chapter has three stories from the life and times of Jesus. The first is about how John the Baptist was killed. The second is about how Jesus fed the 5000 with five loaves and two fish. The third is about how Jesus walked on the water and about Peter’s attempt to do the more

  • Emotions

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Oct 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    We all have emotions as did Jesus, Mary and Martha.

    Text: Now Martha said to Jesus, “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died” (John 11:21). When that verse is isolated one gets the feeling that Martha is casting blame on Jesus because His absence brought about the death of her brother Lazarus. You can almost feel the emotion of more

  • Emotions

    Contributed by Rob Watts on Apr 17, 2023

    We're at the tomb, an empty tomb and we're at the end of our journey. Emotions are flying high.

    • John 20:1-10 Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, more

  • Solid Strength

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Jul 3, 2024

    When the Lord is our strength, we know it is solid. Learn today to trust in His strength to be like a rock. Allow that rock to be the strength of your heart. Allow the Lord to be your Solid Strength today. He always shows up and never disappoints.

    Solid Strength “My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 My own heart and its strength fail. We run into the end of ourselves. Part of that is because we are human. We are but dust. So, how is it that the Lord can put us in situations more

  • Going From Strength To Strength PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Mar 16, 2024
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon encourages believers to rely on God's strength in times of weariness and discouragement, emphasizing perseverance in our spiritual journey.

    Good morning, beloved family in Christ. I trust the Lord has been good to you this week, as He has been to me. I am delighted to share God's word with you today, and I trust that it will nourish your souls, strengthen your hearts, and embolden your spirits. We gather here, not by chance, but by more

  • Strength For The Weary

    Contributed by Rev. Samuel Arimoro on Mar 15, 2025

    God never intended for us to live in constant weariness. His strength is available to all who put their trust in Him. When you wait on the Lord, He renews your strength, making you soar above challenges like an eagle.

    STRENGTH FOR THE WEARY By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Isaiah 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Supporting Texts: Psalm 46:1, Matthew more

  • Joy Stealers – Philippians 3:1-6 Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Apr 2, 2022

    We learned about “joy stealers.” It’s a concept to which all of us can relate, since life is frequently full of circumstances that conspire to bring us down emotionally.

    You know, the biggest problem that parents report that their children have is not being able to handle disappointment well. How do I know that? Because I helped design what's called the Child Behavior Inventory. It's an inventory that measures nine different areas in a child's life that more

  • Real Strength

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 26, 2019

    Real strength! I am not talking about muscle power, gym power, street smart, energy drink power, sharp acumen, I am talking about ‘strength’ that you receive from going through sufferings, agony, sickness and emotional strain.

    Real strength 1 Chronicles 29:12 "Both riches and honor come from You, and You rule over all, and in Your hand is power and might; and it lies in Your hand to make great and to strengthen everyone.” If you want to stay away from stress, strain and pain then you are missing out on real more

  • Emotion Sickness

    Contributed by Tom Anglin on May 17, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    Emotional rollcoaster ride and fainting fits common to ministry.

    1 Kings 19:1 And Ahab told Jezebel all that Elijah had done, also how he had executed all the prophets with the sword.2 Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying,"So let the gods do to me, and more also, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this more

  • Sermon On Emotions

    Contributed by William Meakin on Aug 29, 2021

    Emotion is defined as a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood or relationships with others.

    Jeffrey Kent Eugenides, an American novelist and short-story writer once remarked: "Emotions, in my experience, aren't covered by single words. I don't believe in "sadness," "joy," or "regret." Maybe the best proof that the language is patriarchal is that more

  • The Emotional Life

    Contributed by Dave Workman on Apr 26, 2011

    So oftentimes, emotions function like the lights on our dashboard. When the engine light comes on, something needs to be paid attention to.

    Today I want to talk about our emotional life. Maybe this is an area for you that seems out-of-control for you. Or perhaps the opposite: you feel a bit dead, almost feeling-less. Recently Time magazine even ran an article about how to handle your emotions during tough economic times. I’m more

  • Emotions And The Bible

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Mar 24, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    The scripture is full of verses, where Jesus rebuked His Deciples for using their emotions.

    Emotions and The Bible. Luke 9:54-55 I am no stranger to pain and suffering. In 1999 I was pronounced dead of a massive heart attack. According to the hospital records I had no, pulse,no lung function, no brain activity for the period of 8 minutes. more

  • God And Emotions Series

    Contributed by Dennis Lawrence on Nov 16, 2003
    based on 17 ratings

    God created emotions and they are a wonderful tool to use in our worshipping of Him.

    God and Emotions Montreal/Cornwall October 4, 2003 God is emotional, often passionate, but rarely placid. This statement is quite contrary to the image that most have of God. Traditionally, God’s people have thought of God as stable, unchanging, grand, majestic, and attentive. All of these more